The Enemy is My Brother

"Actually, I am not a person from this small stronghold. Instead, I am a member of a big family, a member of the Devin stronghold." Sylvia stated.

Jack: "…"

Jack's mind immediately went blank after hearing what Sylvia had said. He had not actually expected that figure was someone from a big background like that.

But of course, what had caught his attention the most was the fact that, Sylvia stated that she actually came from the Devin Stronghold. And, for some reason, the system had actually decided that this Devin Stronghold was the one that he was supposed to conquer.

Could it be a coincidence or could it be that the system was playing a prank on him? After all, when it gave the details about Denali, it clearly stated that Denali had been trained by a mysterious organization, before she was sent over to him.