Moving day

It's been 3 days since houndour was born, been a quiet 3 days, only taking houndour out for a walk to the building site every day, and training for the Karp. my fishy bud has been pretty chilled about the whole thing, he was super excited when I introduced him to houndour after he found out he was one of the eggs in the chest he brought.

houndour is as cute as a button at the moment, he barely learned to walk, like a new puppy with those forceful overstretched awkward steps. but, even being barely a few days old he's basically cognizant, one of the first emotions he shows is pride...and what a proud little pup he is too, when we go for a walk he wouldn't let me carry him thinking he could do it himself but I didn't want to take all day so we compromised... and I carried him...he's just as adorable pouting let me tell you…..

Puppy dog eyes are rough when you are bonded with said puppy dog, it's heartbreaking, but ask a few tummy scratches he was right as rain.

He's no different than a slightly more intelligent dog....with superpowers, but anyways from what I know, pretty much all dark types are nasty little shits, like if a pack of them would move from their current home, they would salt the earth as a fuck you to whoever came next, spiteful is like a  prominent dark type trait

but I don't see that anywhere in my new canine companion, he's sweet as can be, trying to run around like a normal dog only to stumble around due to being so small, especially in the grass.  houndor likes belly scratches and all the normal dog stuff, I might be biased with the whole thing but, yeah, a real sweetheart. me that is, I ran into Richard the second day after his birth, the little ball of fur was just dozing off in my arms until he sensed Richard... and even being as small as he was, he simply didn't give a fuck, tried to leap awkwardly out of my arms to maul him with his nonexistent fangs and claws, and when that failed he tried to burn him to death with the cutest little ember you would ever see, flames barely stronger than a lighter… it was adorable

The little dick heads have it in their head, probably from their mothers, that I'm trying to ruin their lives, both tried subtle little verbal jabs at me, but it didn't go how they expected….. I don't do verbal jabs. I got for haymakers….

Richard and Kyle: "Well you seem to have fathers attention now, you filthy little commoner, let's see how long that lasts until our mothers are back in his good graces and we finally are able to toss the filth of this family"

I look him straight in the eye

Gideon "You need to go and apologize to every tree for the oxygen you waste little Cunts...why don't you two-bit, limp-wristed, soft cocks, run back to your mommys and ask what those words mean"

yes, they were children, but so was i... I couldn't tell you how many screaming and spoiled kids in grocery stores I wished I could smack upside the head I had run into before I died... but it was enough... and now I can!

Well, they didn't learn their lesson after that and tried the "silent glare" approach, so I switched tactics to the packet sand approach…

Kyle and Richard " AHHHH MY EYEEEEESSS!!!!"

Well after those little disturbances the demon queens decided to act themselves and send one of their uppity personal servants

Uppity personal servant "Lady Jennet and lady jade have summoned you, and they warn turning them down would be ....unwise…."

Ominous pause at the end and everything, well I did the obvious thing and hock a massive loogie in his face and walked off with a "consider me warned"

Holy fuck I just can't help myself, Magikarp buddy we gotta get you training again, I'm still cashing cheques left and right, and have no way to back it up…..

And that night at dinner with the family I told pops everything that happened in front of everyone, exactly as it happened, pocket sand and all, he was obviously unamused about how I handled the situation, but even more unamused at how my brothers and their mothers have been behaving…..

It was hilarious watching their faces, nobles are all about subtlety, cloak and dagger shit, and me? just get it out in the open, life's easier that way.

They tried to lie, but their credibility isn't worth shit at the moment and the Wonder twins couldn't keep a straight story, so looks like the old man is gonna have to have another chat with them...I didn't forget to remind him that if anything happens to me it's probably their doing, I know he would know but I like to see their faces change expression….

Well, anyway, it's moving day!!, super excited to get some modern comfort back, had a bed made properly from Pokémon silks and mareep wools, and before you ask mareep wool is insanely soft like a cloud, and a mattress made of it is even better

All the furniture is already moved in, my brand spanking new high ceiling, 2 story Victorian style polished brick home…. with working taps, a copper water heater for showers and baths, the water heating system is basically just a big copper vat with firestones in it, firestones are real hot, who knew?

The water is gravity fed from a sizeable artificial mountain some of the builders' rock Pokémon built, pretty neat, very secure, and a shit load of water, which would be an issue normally but.....Pokémon, you can drink water types water just fine, it's made from energy, not from their bodies, basically, it's pure spring water.. one of the servants has a quagsire that can keep it topped up, so works out great…

The firestone-powered hot water systems were Crazy expensive by the way, I was going to use a different method but my father insisted on this one, couldn't tell you why, maybe more money spent = less guilt?

Don't know, don't care, they are only low quality but will last at least 20 years, so that's neat, I have toilets with hand pump bidets, I was going to use the gravity-fed water pipes but I didn't know exactly how much pressure it would generate and honestly didn't want to put the effort into finding out, didn't want to be sodomized by pressurized water after a shit, or sodomized ever really, some people like it and that's cool but it's not my thing...but different strokes for different blokes as they say.

My bedroom is massive with dyed purple Mareep wool shag carpets, a beautiful 6-meter stone terrace, plants, and flowers along the side, classy as fuck, and all the bedrooms were swanky, plenty of fireplaces in the mansion because I couldn't make an auto heating system yet…..but one day, all in all it's a solid place, plenty of room, for the crew to run around, and goons to learn.

The sewage system was tricky but we redirected it down to a cave 4 Kilometres away and put a couple of grimer in there, they love the filth, waste, and darkness, so everyone's happy.

And I had Magikarp check out the little lake, no threats in there for him so he doesn't have to chill in his ball anymore, I didn't leave him at the pond at home because Jade kept her Pokémon there and I didn't trust the bitch

It's about 4 ish days till my crab comes out, so can't wait for that, my goons and some servants are moving in, pops made sure they were his people, not family people, I'm pretty happy about that, so we're basically all moved in now, loving the place, right next to the sea, and a lake, this world has a SHIT load of lakes, fresh water is not an issue here, I can almost hear nestle jerking off to that…..

Well….time to get settled in and comfortable…..and after that, a quick visit to the herb shop and see what little treasures I can find… i'll need to "invent" glass soonish, this house has a lot of windows and no glass, only wooden shutters, gotta change that….ruins the majestic vibe..

As I lay in bed and think about my up coming days and I can't help but smile

" not to shabby a start if you ask me"