Alexa Sinnoh

-Alexa Sinnoh pov-

As I sit in the royal carriage next to my husband and across from my father In law with the new royal purple grade Pokémon togepi….which the Sinnoh kingdom hasn't had in over a hundred years…..I can't help but think...That meeting did not go at all how I was expecting it to….. he's very close to what I've been told about him... but somehow so very far?

My oldest son Magnus has been telling me all about how he's a tyrant and a bully who has no respect for the crown and nobility and how he constantly attacks nobles unprovoked just to entertain himself like some sadistic maniac..

Even though I love all my children I can't help but think of the irony of him calling someone sadistic after what he was caught doing to commoner women in the dungeons...he tells us it was a passing phase and it's over now…..but only time will tell….

And while I attend noble tea party's I'm told he's a brute and a savage who lead the young and innocent daughters of nobles into his bed chambers and tortures them for his sick amusement…'s so bad that the girls can't walk properly for days and have to be carried out of his manor, it's even to the point that the girls affected seemed having nightmares about him as people hear them calling his name at night when all alone....and he must have some sort of blackmail material on them as they seem almost desperate to go back to him…..Many nobles are up in arms about it…..

I've even heard that there is a group of nobles getting together to figure out a way to deal with him as he's a "commoner" and shouldn't act the way he does....but I've also heard that hasn't been working out too well for them….

As I know a few people who have lost their family homes and much of their wealth after trying to assail the boy with various means…

The only positive things I've heard about him come from my 2nd youngest son Leo and my husband and his father…..who have mostly good things to say about him…..I had thought they might have been fooled by his silver tongue.

As I watch the small egg like Pokémon resting in my lap and how I first met this little angel my anger spikes again...he was going to strike this innocent baby for such a petty reason….. if this is how he treats his Pokémon, they won't stay loyal very long…..

I start remembering how everything went…

It was such a horrible first impression of the boy….. completely naked about to strike a baby fairy type Pokémon having it held up against a wall….I couldn't think of a way to make a worse first impression…..though….one thing caught my eye….. and I don't know how big the "average" size for a man is as I've only ever seen my husbands….but I don't see how it could fit inside any my husbands just small? I'll have to ask the ladies about it....

And after he left to bathe and get dressed to meet us we were escorted to what was called a "lounge room"…..which I will admit… was very tasteful…. Colours that blended well with everything and tie together just right with the room, even the furniture was so far above royal standard it's embarrassing… of true masters of their craft...To be honest the whole manor was out of my expectations….my husband told me it was a "work of art" but I just thought he was exaggerating, the whole place just oozed majesty….. I'll have to contact the person who designed and decorated the place, the royal palace could use some sprucing up…

And after we arrived at the "lounge room" my husband and father in law started ordering for foods I've never heard of….they raved about the food of this place to the point they don't want to eat at the royal palace anymore, but I can't see how food here could possibly be any better than the royal chefs make…..

But that opinion didn't last too long…..the smells wafting from the kitchen turned my mind into could something smell so appetising? And it didn't take to long for "snacks" to be brought out… all looked strange but the smell was driving me crazy and I knew I needed to taste it…..and when I did…..well, my body betrayed me immediately as I made noises no lady should ever make in public…..I was assaulted by the pleasures of the mouth in ways I didn't know existed….

And I tried everything on the table…..and everything I tried was better than the last… how could food like that possibly exist and RULERS of the kingdom not know about it!?

And it wasn't long before I realised I didn't come out of this orgy of culinary wonders unscathed….my husband did warn me to bring extra underpants….I didn't take his warning….and mine were in a small crises after the food hit me…..but the maids seemed to have foreseen this problem and with a smile and a gesture led me to a room where they had replacements available….but these new underpants were nothing like the ones I usually wear….the were small and only covered the bottom and crotch….nothing like the frilly waste high underpants that stretch down to my lower thigh that is the norm…..but these much more comfortable than another other I've tried, it's almost a crime…

She even told me they had "sexy" ones that enhance the female form and really got a man's blood pumping...I'll have to look into this….

When I asked the maid she said they were designed by their lord and told me they were for comfort and everyday use, and everyone who served young lord storm used them….even the servants wore better clothes than me???, uuuggghh my royal pride was hit hard with that…..and I asked where to procure some more, she told me they don't "sell" them but assured me that their lord would be more than happy to have some sent to me....that works I suppose…

So I made my way back to the "lounge room" in my new criminally comfortable "underwear" as the maid called it and got straight back into sampling the foods offered…..why was it so good!? I couldn't even keep a ladies manners as I stuffed my face with little care for etiquette…..I feel my royal pride slipping away…..

And when I tasted the strawberry milkshake they brought for me…..I almost needed to excuse myself again...

But soon enough the boy and his guests arrived to the "snacking table" took some food and started eating with everyone and it descended into a companionable silence as we all finished the food on the table..

And my impression of him was better at that point but not great still so I decided to pressure him with my gazes to let him know how I felt about him….especially with this angel on my lap….

He told us about how he couldn't handle his togepi and how he would "trade" it for a few crown favours, and as much as I adored this little bundle of sunshine I couldn't let that happen….until he revealed it was purple grade talent….we would have instantly agreed, but we had to make it look like we had to make a hard choice so we were escorted to another room...and the calm continence on me and my husband failed as we almost jumped for joy… favours were a dangerous thing to give out, but a guaranteed guardian ranked Pokémon for the kingdom? It was a no brainer, we all agreed to it and made our way back out fast in case he changed his mind…..

My husband and father in law almost passed out when he told them his "big fish buddy" was purple grade as well…..I've heard rumours he had a strong gyarados, which is impressive but I never thought it would be that impressive outside actually taming one of those beasts…

The main then conversation started out with talking about this "noble freezon" he created in the slums and how nobles aren't aloud in there, which is not sitting well with the nobles…..and I don't blame them…

And the conversations took a heavy turn fast as he conveyed to us the borderline treasonable things he said and he will be doing if the nobles really wanted to "fuck with his shit"

He even took a jab at me for my icy glares and more or less told me to keep my opinions to myself as he didn't care to hear them…..I'm the queen…..who does he think he is?

He wouldn't compromise on his new area, so Maximus steered the conversation to the next topic... his potential new territory…normally royalty wouldn't bother much with all this but my family seemed very invested in this boys future…

And as he pointed to his preferred territory I could see why….I didn't believe for a second he could actually claim dead man's land...but if by some miracle he did? Well it would be a storm of trouble for pretty much everyone….

And during the conversation I could tell my husband was thinking about how much this might damage the Sinnoh Kingdom if the boy wasn't truely loyal to the kingdom….. again hard to see him actually pulling that off but I see the need for caution…

And he gave us his opinion…..which were rather crude and unfiltered but sometimes that's the best way to communicate as he told us his stance on "turn coats" and why he wanted this particular territory….to keep his gyarados happy? Well I would like t think so. I would hate for a future guardian ranked gyarados to have a problem with the Sinnoh Kingdom…especially after seeing how he treated this poor defenceless baby…..

There was only small talk after that to try and lighten the mood a little…

I'm brought out of my trip down memory lane as my husband asks a simple but deep question….

Maximus " so what do you think?"

My father in law looked serious as he hand index knuckle and thumb pressed against his chin in thought for a few minutes as we waited for his answer..

Kane " what do I think??....I think the kid is more powerful than any noble in the kingdom and that includes the royal family….I think he has made more enemies than he could poke a stick at due to his brash and braisen attitude of not "licking their assholes" as he calls it and lives the way he wants to...I think he is loyal only to his Pokémon with affection only for his own people but would never betray the Sinnoh Kingdom because it's most not worth it and he doesn't have the greed to do so…..I think he will be able to pull off this impossible mission he has set his sights on to acquire the most sought after territory in 2 kingdoms and make it look easy while doing it....I think the nobles who are going to target him are going to find out the hard way that their "titles" aren't worth much when someone doesn't care to hear them...I think he is probably the most intelligent man I've ever met but lacks ambition to use it for anything other than a good life with his Pokémon...I think when he gets his hands on that territory it's going to cause a war and he will be at the centre of it wether he likes it or not, and I'm sure he will rise to the occasion and crush any opposition under foot....and I think we should support him with all we have….not just because I like the boy, but because he is and will continue be a force of nature if truely provoked….and we should ride the current to have the Sinnoh kingdom prosper like never before..."

That speech left me left jaw hanging and mind blank? Is he really all that special? He just gave away a purple grade Pokémon so how smart could he be?

I turn to my husband who has a serious look on his face and just nods in agreement...they must be seeing something I don't…..he just seemed like some lucky upstart who gave away a resource that could turn his family into the most powerful in the kingdom eventually…..and I think father in law gives him to much credit…..the most powerful force in the kingdom? Hardly….but I'll stay quiet for now…..

So we arrive at the palace eventually and are met by the royal guards as my husband and his father get back to his office to work, but not before having off togepi to a trusted guard and told him to set up a room to test him tonight….I'm rather drained so I think I'm going to take a bath and then maybe find maybe take a nap….


-Gideon pov-

As I stand completely naked with my right leg up on a bolder with my right elbow on that knee and left hand on my waste, cock n balls just gently swaying in the breeze...enjoying the view of my capital mansions property gardens…'s pretty nice here….even though I don't really like the capital, my place is a good place to be…..

After the heavy convo with the royals I left out back to smoke a couple blunts and relax awhile and see what I wanted to do after that, I got a pretty big day tomorrow….gotta go pick up my new mons from little town who have been staying there the last 2 days just to have a little break away from the bullshit of the capital... I miss em already…. The only reason magemite and togepi were with me was magemite is a nervous wreck when I'm not around and togepi was an asshole I never left alone with my new mons….not an issue anymore though…..

As I turn my head to look under the shade of a large tree I see 2 gorgeous little minx's snoozing under the tree with pillows completely naked with holes a gapen…..

They had a mini meltdown after the shit that was said to the royals and came out after me to let me know exactly what they thought about my way of dealing with the situation…..long story short, my balls are air drying and they are both naked under a large tree covered in cum and honey…Logan really goes above and beyond sometimes…..can he read minds?, as we were getting started a jar of combee honey just mysteriously appeared…..both creepy and useful that fella…..

A maid come over with a blanket to cover the girls... all my staff are used to this…..I'm a bit of a deviant and they don't have a problem with it...honestly I think they might be a bit deviant as well…..I've walked in on maids fucking other staff multiple times, and I don't really care…..hell, I encourage it as long as it's not in my room…..and they don't abandon the baby if it comes to that ...those are more or less my 2 rules when it comes to servants sex lives…..oh that and open a fucking window when they're done….. don't need my mansion smelling like a fish market….

I suddenly hear a rustle from the tree the girls are under and I see a weepinbell, they're out solution to bugs, and also release a sweet scent so it's 2 birds one stone...we have quiet a few weepinbell around little town and even noble freezon in the trees just taking care of bugs and smelling the place up….a gentle pokemon that's super chill , don't make much noise and are just happy with some sun and bugs...I will never let them evolve into those eldritch horrors they call victreebell….. those things are nightmare walking…..and the noises they make are horrible violent screams... no plant should have that many teeth… fuck that I, don't want them anywhere near me…..

I've decided to head to noble freezon to walk around and have a bit of a peek at how the place is shaping up...

After a quick shower I'm out the door and on my way…'s a half hour walk even power walking with my large frame…..but I eventually come close and as I do I hear some commotion….

Well let's see what's going on...


If you're enjoying the story so far let me know in the comments, I appreciate feed back

And if you have a minute and enjoy the story leave a review, helps keep me motivated and creative….

I'm also messing around with a other novel of anyone is interested in it

Tavern " it's time to settle down

It's just starting but if you like OP slice of life with some drama and minor action with a little randomness you might like it…