Big momma

Me and everyone else turn around to see shuckle starstruck.....mouth hanging open and of eyes could produce stars, his are close as they get.

Shuckle slowly makes his way over to the snorlax envoy with the same expression as he started with and we all just kind of watch and as he started to get closer I was about to stop him....this isn't some anime world, and even with his defences those snorlax would crush him without a doubt, but as I was about to stop him metagross held me back….

The snorlax are just about as stunned as we are but they didn't seem to averse to shuckle approaching, I'm not sure if it's because he is too weak or they just aren't getting bad vibes from my little turtle bug….well bigger turtle bug now, he's grown to 4'5 without his legs….so a 4'5 foot shell….heavy little bugger too….

He warbled his starstruck little self over to the first snorlax who just looks at him with curiosity and shuckle suddenly latches onto its leg and starts to climb him….. man I can almost physically the feel joy radiating off him…

And again the snorlax just watched it with curiosity and eventually he makes it up onto the snorlax's shoulder and shuckle seemed to duck his head and one of his legs back into his shell...oh he's back out…..and he's brought…..berry's?…..and his teddy bear brush?

And starts feeding the snorlax berry's while brushing his head and letting out silent squee's as he looks at me with a "can you believe how lucky I am!?" Look….. yeah this conversation has taken a weird start, probably not bad though as the snorlax looks to be enjoying it…

Well i guess that's gong to be his spot while we talk this out…..anyway…..I look to metagross and he just nods, I was asking if we're good to start…turns out we are… not seeing the guardian ranked snorlax though, can't tell if that's a good or bad thing…

I had metagross let me know if they were male or female,he responded with 2 mental

Images of me and 2 of Cynthia… 2 male 2 female?, possibly 2 couples….

"So ladies and gentlemen…. I'm here to chat to you guys about possibly taking over your territory...and my buddy metagross here said you might be willing to have a talk about it, but I'm not seeing the big cheese…..your boss, just wondering if it's a good or a bad thing he isn't here?"

A bit of mumbling their own names toward metagross….and I'm starting to get a picture…ok…. Turns out the "big cheese" is a "she" and is very old and has been kinda injured for the last little while… a "little while" being 160 years, after a dust up with a passing Pokémon….ok images of the mon coming through the link that a fucking Lugia!? So it had a throw down with a legendary and got injured!? And for 160 years at that….Jesus…..

Metagross is sending me images of the fight between the two the snorlax had...fuck me... well that explains magikarp cove at least…..apparently it was just where the battle ended and it used to be a lot more land that extended out toward the sea...but it's just gone after their little scuffle…. That's like dozens of kilometres of land just gone from existence….. pokemon are insanely powerful, if regular battles for guardian level mons was a thing this world would be fucked…

I snap out of the fear that seemed to be building in myself and look back at the girls who look scared of the snorlax, they would have passed out if they saw that fight though….so I turn back to my hosts

"Listen guys, as I said I need this land and I'm willing to fork over what ever you want for it…..I'm sure your boss would have mentioned something she wants, name it and I'll see if I can get it done…" I try and be as polite as I can while not sounding to subservient, pokemon don't like unfounded arrogance , but they hate cowardice just as much…..gotta find the middle ground…

Metagross seemed to have a bit of a discussion with em, and suddenly I find some more images popping up in my head...piles of Pokémon food….ok fair enough…..but there's like a shit tone of images of it… fuck load of food? Maybe I can work that on my favour….

Next is the image of a MASSIVE snorlax laying in a big cave looking pretty uncomfortable and with scars all over it's body…..I'm guessing that's big momma…..and next to it are images of her standing and smiling…..they want me to heal big momma? Hmmm alright I'm sure i could make something to help out….

It's hard to focus though…..shuckle is making cooing sounds while brushing snorlax's fur….he's ruining the Serious atmosphere…..especially because the one being groomed is having conversations with metagross in between eating the berry's shuckle is force feeding him….it would be funny if I wasnt trying to negotiate with a champion level family of snorlax and a guardian for our future….

"Alright, metagross has gotten your point across but I'll have to see "the boss" to see if I can heal her first, so could we take this to your place to hammer out some details?"

The snorlax just relaxedly nodded and all 4 seemed to pull a u turn and start saunter off…..I guess we follow? So I gesture for the girls to tag along as we follow our big hosts thunderous stomping back to a gigantic cave in the side of a mountain…

They just keep walking inside with little fanfare and we just follow, I notice there is a lot of natural light in the cave and I can't help but wonder about it if it just became like this naturally or the snorlax did it? So we just kept going until we start hearing some ruff housing down further into the cave….. and as we pull around a corner we see what looks like chibi snorlax wrestling around which turned out to be muchlax…..there's like 13 of them and there's a few regular snorlax that were a little smaller than the champions who met us….6 in total…All of them king rank….and all sitting in pairs….

But we mosey on past them….again without much fanfare, they gave us a curious glance but that was it….no hostility, just curiosity and we walk down the gigantic tunnel for another 5 minutes until it comes out to a massive opening...where what looks like a small mountain of fur laying there on its back…..standing it would be about 18-20 feet tall and almost as wide...but one thing I noticed was its laboured breathing….it's struggling….

And when it seemed to notice us it started to lift itself off the ground and it made the whole cave start to tremor… heavy would that thing be?….and as it got it it let out a slow "snorrrrlaaaaaaxxxx" but it sounded more like stone ground against stone it was so deep, but eventually she was sitting up and that's when I noticed the problem…..

Her right side chest to belly was almost caved in…..she's probably missing organs….how had she survived so long….

She just looks at me and the gang and I can feel the heavy pressure…..I'm fine around champion class due to living with them every day, but this?....I can tell she's pretty friendly and it's still kinda hard to breath…and I'm a fucking aura god!!…..I turn around to see Cynthia and Anna have passed out…..fair enough….

" hey Rhyperior can you take the girls back to the area before with the other snorlax and watch over em buddy? Big momma here seems a bit to much for em….."

Rhyperior just nods and gently picks up the girls and starts moving back toward the entrance….I'm fairly certain they will be safe there….I was getting good vibes from those snorlax and munchlax, a chill bunch….

So big momma just stares and waits for me to start this coversation…..for fuck sake shuckle...he's just let out another loud Squee as he hops off his old grooming target and onto a new victim…..please don't react badly to this...or we might be fucked...why is he so fast when it comes to anything snorlax related…..he's already on her head brushing her ears….

She seemed to reach up to shuckle and....use her gigantic claw to stretch his wormy head…. Shuckle is just in heaven right now…..I think if I left without a snorlax he wouldn't be coming with me….

"Sorry about him big momma, he's just a fanatic for anything snorlax, and you being the biggest, cuddliest snorlax he's ever seen he just kinda jumped you….."

She just gave out vibes of it being ok…and thought it pretty funny…..she even seemed to be enjoying the treatment….

" well I suppose we better get to business…..I'm just going to straight with you and lay all my cards on the table here...I want you and your 4 kids here to join my Pokémon and give me this territory...but here's what I can offer…..unlimited food for you and all your family…..I think you know the type, the stuff metagross has been bringing…"

She was against my offer at the start about her and her kids becoming my mons from the negative vibes I was getting but the food almost broke her immediately as she started drooling…..

Normally I wouldn't just throw everything out on the table like this and try and keep some up my sleeve, but if they are going to be my mons, they will get everything I can give…..

"On top of that I can provide the resources to get your 4 kids here to eventually reach guardian rank like yourself, it won't take long at all really to bunch them up to purple…."

That seemed to spark a lot of interest in her…..her talent was a solid purple….obviously…..with her being guardian ranked and all, but I noticed her kids were only blue….so no guardian rank for them until they find something to give them a big push ..

" and finally I'm fairly confident I can heal you back up to full health….so you can actually move around and don't have to sit in the cave all day…. So what do you reckon big girl?"

I was hit with overwhelming positive vibes from both her and her kids…. Instant approval it seemed….nice…..and normally you would want to make sure to find someway that the other party wouldn't screw you in a deal…..but pokemon don't really lie, so it's a safe bet….

I don't know exactly what could heal a guardian ranked Pokémon who had obviously lost internal organs….but i haven't used any of my 3 item creations this week so…..I think of something that would heal big momma and suddenly I hear a thud like splat on the ground and my skin starts to sting…..

I look down and see a fist sized glowing green jelly like substance just wriggling there after the impact on the ground, but that wasn't the strange thing….no…..what was strange flowers and grass and shit start growing around the cave…..I look to the champion snorlax couples who seemed to have their eyes hanging out of their skull mouths agape…and big momma ain't much better…

My mons have seen this so many times it's just a Tuesday for them….normally…..but even they seemed a little stunned...good fucking lord my skin feels like I'm being pricked with needles what the fuck is going on....

I small barrier seemed to flow around me as the stinging subsided and some vibes came my way from my trusty crab bot bodyguard….energy….too much?….hurt….."it's giving off so much energy it's hurting me?"

He just send affirmation….but sends a picture of Cynthia and then the energy jelly and then a dead body..." it would have killed the girls if they were this close to it?" And again he affirms...lucky they passed out then I guess…..dodged a bullet there….

"Alrighty big girl, I think this jelly stuff should help out so eat up aye??, metagross help her out….."

The jelly just starts to float over to big momma….wait it's not like a cream is it? You eat jelly right? I don't even know what it is…..all I know is that it stings like a bitch when I'm near it and it would be a great gardening tool…. I hope it's not like some sort of legendary Pokémon healing jizz...that would be fucking gross….

So big momma just let the jiz- healing goo into her mouth and swallows….ehhhh….I can see it moving down her belly… she swallowed a flash light….but the green glow starts to spread out looking like veins as it slowly encompasses her body and we start to hear some pretty gnarly sounds


They all sounded terrible to the ear, sending shivers down my spine… and big momma seemed to be groaning….very neutral groaning though, she didn't sound in pain…..*CRACK SNAP POP* uuuughhh why does it sound so wet…..

The champion snorlax fam are just watching big momma in wonder as she seems to get on her feet...she seems to be getting a little taller...and her fur is getting brighter…..fucking shuckle has not even been paying attention he's still in his own world humming while brushing her cheeks with his brush…..he has no idea what's going on…..

So about 5 minutes it took for the sounds to calm down and big momma's body to settle as well…..she seemed to stretch and take a deep breath...looks like she's about to….. metagross erected a barrier around me as fast as he could.


The entire cave almost caved in on itself… was just her voice….and I could tell she held back massively…..

She turns to look at me with a feverish gaze and suddenly I feel something…..forcing it's way into my body...uggghhh I can't stop it….is that?…..suddenly i have a bond with big momma…..was I just bond raped? Well thoughts for later I guess....I look around and my mons seem fine, no rattled at all….but…. I suddenly remember…..oh shit the girls!!..