
So I'm heading down to noble freezon to with my middle sized turtle bug to pick up some grooming and pampering supplies…..I know I could have people fetch this stuff easy enough, but I decided to spend a little time cheering up my guy after the mental stress of not being able to be near his favourite thing in the world…..a group of snorlax ripe for the petting…

Just a little one on one time to help him through this troubled time, he's "walking" next to me in his own little world thinking about everything he's going to do to those snout-less blubber a non dirty way of course….i think…..can shuckle breed with snorlax?

Eventually we make it up to the entrance gates of noble freezon and see a small line formed of people trying to get in and not succeeding, so I walk straight up to the head "bouncer" holding down the front gate "I'm just dropping by to pick up some stuff from the market for my big guy here, how's things going around here?"

The head bouncer seemed to be in a good mood as he replied quite cheerily " things are going very well my lord….and I just wanted to thank you again for giving me this position, I can say without any hesitation that this is the best job in the world…..and I'm just so thankful you trusted me with such a task, please right this way my lord, noble freezon awaits its owners return with glee!" he seemed pretty genuine…..I've seen him around before but I can't remember his name...

Well doesn't matter….I always have a way out of it when I can't remember peoples names…just call them buddy or chief….it's not really appropriate slang for the Middle Ages or anything so people don't understand it but again it doesn't matter…..I really need a personal assistant to remember peoples names or something, I have so many people working for me and I remember like….. 8 of the potentially hundreds of names I should know….

So I'm let through the red rope at the noble entrance to noble freezon…we have a commoner entrance near the main city gates that regular folk come in and out of….and the nobles have too much pride to use that entrance so they always try to get through this one….

The commoner entrance is pretty normal, almost exactly like the noble one but with less theatrics like red rope dividers and what not…..but has plenty of guards to keep out the riffraff and to escort the "esteemed" nobles to the proper entrance should they forget their pride and try the commoner entrance ..

And as I'm walking down the pale brick road with shuckle who's head is on a constant swivel keeping an eye out for any and all snorlax related necessities I take a moment to really appreciate what I've done here.

The place is truely picturesque…. The place is tidy, there are trees lining the street at intervals that are trimmed to look aesthetically pleasing …..oh there's a weepinbell in that tree….nice...

The buildings while not wholly uniform, create a charming image of an ideal market road….well for me at least….the lighter coloured brick buildings with the occasional darker one to break up the monotony of the coppertone buildings with uniform trees for that bit of nature splashed in with civilisation…

The streets and gutters all kept spick and spam…..(or clean for those who don't understand certain lingos)we have people who's job it is to take care of that sort of thing on constant patrol….kind of like a mixture of gardeners and street sweepers, they also own most of the weepinbell around the city…..their job also includes root management for the trees around the city… always bothered me when I saw that roots ripped up the sidewalk or roads where I lived….not gonna let that happen, and it makes it way easier with Pokémon able to help with that as well..

We have plenty of grimer and muk under noble freezon to keep the sewers clean as well….all tamed of course, can't have literal sewer monsters running around unchecked…. We don't even have to worry about sewer runoff into the rivers, it's basically the grimer lines food, so any sort of gross stuff that flows into the gutters and sewage becomes a delicacy for our little buddies who thrive on the grossness…. So no real pollution there so that's great…we do have to monitor their births pretty carefully though…..don't want a wild grimer outbreak so the people who have their mons looking after the sewer keep on eye on that as well…

Shop windows still aren't really implemented anywhere else other than here, mostly due to price and back order….only nobles really have glass windows of any kind besides the people at little town, and the noble customer pay out the nose for anything glass related with the insane mark ups Rick put on them for nobles….when I have my territory and put some effort into production I'll bring the price down eventually, but it won't be for awhile..

But the shop windows look fantastic with lacquered wooden frames set into the brick building fronts for the stores displaying what ever wares their shop sells, I showed Rick a few example displays in shop windows awhile ago as a general example and he just saw it and really took it to the next level….the displays in the particular window I was looking at were a bakery owned by ineeta gold..

Everything on display really looked good, and I always had a sweet tooth so I pulled in for a quick pit stop to this little bakery to fuel up for our little mission, as I pull in the front door that sets off a little jingle as the entrance bell alerted the current customers and store clerks someone else has entered the building.

My entrance was met with some gasps and people bowing…. All eyes on me…..great….but that didn't stop shuckle from speeding over to the glass counters with what can only be described as a desperate shamble as he sticks his face to the glass with comical seriousness scanning for his soon to be treat.

Pokémon can eat human food just fine, like cake or what ever...while it's not great for them health wise its more than fine in small amounts as a can feed a mightyena chocolate and he would be just fine…..not that I've found chocolate yet….and while most of the Pokémon prefer savoury snacks, shuckle and surprisingly Rhyperior enjoy sweet things.

While shuckle is doing his own thing I hear people murmuring about me... nobles are normally feared by the common folk but I'm more of a rock star to the common man, with me building the noble freezon and not murdering every non noble who glances my way, but it's exhausting trying to have a conversation with people though.

I just walk past them as everyone seemed to clear out the line for me…..well more like shuckle almost bowled everyone over to get to the counters so the way was clear and I wasn't above using my status to cut in line, because fuck waiting in lines…

As I made my way to the counter I see the clerk who is a mid 20s chick with blonde hair and black eyes…slim….ish build, probably wouldn't be easy to maintain a slim figure here for normal people….I know I would be sampling the hell out of everything when the boss turned around…

The little blonde seemed a bit of a mix of starstruck and nervous to speak but eventually she does with only a few stutters "m-my lord, welcome to cake n b-bake it's an honour to meet the esteemed owner of the noble freezon and to have him in our humble bakery, how may I help you…"

What a name….sounds like something I would name it…..weird…well it's fine… let's have a looksy at what little treats we can grab….

I only spent about 30 seconds choosing what I wanted while shuckle was showing the other male clerk the things he wanted, the little glutton ended up with like 4 caramel tarts and a small vanilla eclair….me on the other hand went big and got myself a family sized caramel meringue pie….and the sign said it was recommended for a family or 5-6 people….yeah right…..I don't follow those feelings hurting guidelines….ima eat the whole thing in 1 sitting...thank space lama Jesus I can't get fat…

And as I went to pay I noticed shuckles whole face was covered in cream…..he'd already eaten everything and is looking at me for some more…." Nope you ate yours and we have stuff to do… getting your supplies?…..I'll have some of the chefs whip you up some later so just chill buddy.." he was giving me puppy dog eyes at the start which faded into despair and then into determination…..determination into delight, which finally ended in acceptance…..what a roller coaster of emotions for a single sentence….and all I can see are his eyes….everything else is cream….was there even that much cream on the stuff he got?

I went to pay for the stuff I got and gave a quick glance behind me…people still seem a little starstruck so I thought I'd do something for em while I'm here….I throw 5 gold on the counter "use that to pay for everyone's stuff and anyone who comes in…" which was met with a brief silence into cheers….5 gold to earn some goodwill….easy done

So to the sound of a nearly manic crowd I left the cake n bake to continue our little shopping spree after I cleaned up my turtles face… we continued down the sidewalk as both me and shuckle were admiring the surroundings….the roads nearly full of moving carts attached to various mons, people moving around to probably do their shopping, I also see a few Persian on the roofs of the buildings watching the crowds with laziness…the hustle and bustle of a regular day of the newly built town inside the capital was almost overwhelming…..but heartening…

We spent the next 10 minutes just making our way down town, walking fast , faces passed and I'm store bound…..Just as I felt a piano about to hit some hard notes I noticed Rick in the crowd and was making his way over to me….and it looks like he wants to talk and he eventually makes it to me..

" my lord we have received some information that pertains to your safety, I wonder if it would be convenient to move to a quieter location to discuss the details"….. he sounded pretty serious…..but….

"Nah fuck that, me and shuckle are having a day out so walk and talk Rick....I have someone watching my back so..…..we got quite a few shops to visit…"

I know it was arrogant or what ever especially with me only have gengar with me at the moment…..but I just had a feeling it was fine…azumarill is only down the road too in the noble freezon park keeping things peaceful….I'll send her a little tug through the connection to pop over just in case though…

And over the next few hours as we went store to store buying everything shuckle could possibly need to take care of a family of snorlax, most of it will be delivered to the house due to me not wanting lug that shit around, but shuckle has cheered up so it's been a successful trip

Rick let me know of what the little twat scions were up too.....I mean if my mons were really only king stage mons it might be a solid plan…..but honestly….even with their full force they couldn't even face one of my mons…..the lack of information is going to fuck them in ass…

For normal people you can't really tell the stage of Pokémon from a distance….to get an accurate reading you would have to go to the dog cult pricks to get a measurement, which after said measurement it's supposed to be a secret but who the fuck would trust that…..but my mons have never had a reading so people are just feeling out my mons level due to even the cult not actually knowing their level of power….so it's not going to end well for them…

So we end our little conspiracy meeting that was held in various Pokémon care stores across noble freezon….Rick is going to bring some people over to my place a little later to iron out style details of how to deal with this shit properly….so after we leave the store and hand Rick a traumatised meowth that shuckle found along the way to practice his grooming skills we head back to the mansion to get things ready….