Ear bar?

-Gideon POV-

Just as the the outdoor setting has been arranged and everyone had seemly gotten over their near, what I would assume quick and painful death of being obliterated out of existence by weaponised sunlight, everyone moves to the hastily set up tables and chairs that are placed in the old gardens….

And by old I mean they were destroyed by the wind pressure from bellossoms little nuclear tantrum, now the gardens are just a gathering of freshly stripped bushes on a neat concrete tiled ground with patchy manicured grass….normally it would take awhile to fix all that up but it should be back to normal but the end of the day…..pokemon fuckery has its benefits after all…..

And now we have all settled down again it's time to resume out talk before we were interrupted by the before mentioned reasons " so have we all recovered from our traumatic near death experience?" Everyone still a little shell shocked just nod absent minded while looking in my direction…

Pops seems to have gotten his bearings back fairly quickly, as had Rick, Ronny (noble freezon head of security) and salva ( orphan who became a pro Gideon zealot)

Cynthia and Anna are still out of it as if on auto pilot but Cynthia took a seat next to me while Anna just stood behind her looking shell shocked at this whole thing

But we have kind of got distracted from our main subject for the whole point of the meeting so without much fanfare I just get straight back into it " so…..as I was trying to say before all of that….pops…..Richard and Kyle are both part of the sche-"

With a distinct pop behind me I'm interrupted again...and as I turn around I see metagross being his usual hulking self but with a big ol scowl and next to him is Rhyperior looking like he's about to explode in anger…

And just as I'm about to call out to him…..I see his face go from angry to apoplectic as he noticed the entrance hall has been melted and still smoking and without any hesitation he roars in fury..

Which pretty much blows away the emergency outdoor setting we've set up for our relocated meeting…..along with almost everyone else expect Cynthia, Anna and I just from the roars shockwave alone…

A translucent barrier protects us 3 from the shockwave, it seemed to be set up by houndoom standing to my side….bellossom is to my left and Cynthia is…..Cynthia had fainted again….while Anna has…..also fainted by standing up with her eyes open….

Just as the roar dies down I'm about to try and call out to my bipedal rock rhino to calm him down but before I could, almost instantly a rock the size of a bus forms out of nothing and launches at the house at breakneck speeds and…..


The bus sized stone edge was launched at the mansion and took 1/4 of it as it didn't actually stop after making contact…..it continued straight through, luckily at an upward angle as it disappeared into the sky after dispersing the clouds the we're trying to form again...heh…..wouldn't wanna be anywhere near where that terrestrial meteor lands….

As Rhyperior was about to charge into the ruins I shout "OI!!" And he stops to look my way with a horribly angry visage that's becomes one of genuine relief as he spots me ..


He looks at me and the at the house…..and at me again…..he cringes as he seems to realise he may have overreacted a smidge…

"Buddy...WHAT THE FUCK!!" I tried to keep my cool…..only to lose it after my first word after looking at my now destroyed capital mansion…..fuck me dead....I loved that place…..it's where I kept my stuff…..and…

"OH SHIT!!, my staff!!, bel go check the mansion for anyone alive quick!!"

She seemed to understand the urgency as she blurs off at a speed I can't even see into the buildings ruins to search for any wounded…. I would would like to say survivors but...looking at 1/4 of my mansion that evaporated from that mere pass through attack, if anyone was in that area I don't think there are going to be any survivors….

As I'm starting to dread the consequences of this little stuff up Logan appears behind me not a hair out of place….which I found kinda weird after a shockwave like that and not having protection until I look down and see his Persian looking like it would keel over at any moment from exhaustion….I guess that explains it…

" my lord I believe the staff to be unharmed in this little….. incident…. A majority of the staff had half days off while the remaining would all be in the east wing preparing for the builders who were bound to show up soon…..luckily Rhyperior took out his wrath upon the west wing …so if someone was up in the upper floors of the west wing they would have been grossly out of place and thus deserved whatever fate befell them for their disobedience…."

Oh thank the lord for small miracles!…..the last part was kind of dark though…. I get caught up in my relief as people who were actually hit by the roar shockwave start making their way back over to me in a stumbling mess…

All their hair looks like they went through a hurricane, some blood drips from their noses and ears and they look around dazed and a little frightful….ok….a lot frightful...not that I can blame them, this whole thing has turned into a clusterfuck from the moment it started… being placed in multiple near death situations and fearing for your life while attending what was supposed to be semi straight forward meeting turned into…..what ever this is now….

Thank lama Jesus for me having the foresight of making sure gyarados isn't going to show up….he's very trigger happy on the hyper beams and I can guess he won't be aiming high like Rhyperior….he's more of a maximum casualties kinda fish….

Ok before we try and start this again let's take stock of whats happening….oh the staff are coming out…..and they look terrified….makes sense I guess…

Oh Logan is going up to them?…..I guess he's sorting out the whole thing and the way the conversation looks it looks like everyone is accounted for…..this whole thing has been a disaster…

My house has been destroyed which is pretty shit, but at least I got my main pad in little town and the capital is only a teleport away so it's not a huge inconvenience… oh and everyone ok I guess, which is probably a good thing..

Well mostly ok…. Pops may have have developed a minor PTSD from this whole experience by looking like he just went through a war…. but no skin off my nose really a little trauma builds character as they say, so that's a good thing…..as long as it isn't me with the trauma….

Bellossom is amongst the shell shocked staff who have came out of the mans- ruins of the mansion and she seems to be helping out some people with grassy terrain to soothe who she can…..she's such an angel….

Everyone spend another 10 minutes getting settled down and trying to overcome the 3rd terrifying thing that happened to them today as the tables and chairs that weren't broken were set up again…

"Alright guys and gals…..what a days we've had huh? Nothing like a little adrenaline and trauma to get a meeting started aye? So let's start off with some easy subjects and move onto what we were act-"


Everyone flinches



I shout to whatever mon was listening without even looking at the pop of the teleport behind me….only to hear a massive *CRASH* and a "ZUUUUUU!!!"

And I look back to see Rhyperior holding onto metagross keeping him pinned down while I see azumarill squealing as bellossom is on the back of her head, little feet planted at the base of her neck pulling her ears back behind her…..

"Alright alright!!, settle down!!"

As I half shout bellossom jumps off azumarills back and let's go of her ears while azumarill just pulls her ears toward and rubs them as she glares hatefully at bellossom.

Metagross and Rhyperior just stop their wrestling match and straighten up without really giving much thought to anything else and just turn to me as to hear what I'm about to say…

"Alright first...metagross…..what the fuck have you been telling everyone?, I only asked you to pick everyone up…..and everyone kept showing up expecting to be dropped into a battlefield…which resulted in that…."

I point to the ruins of my once beautiful capital home, which was basically rubble now…

He at-least had the decency to look a little ashamed at maybe having blown this whole thing out of proportion….which he seemed to have very much done in the heat of the moment…..but meh….not like I'm not going to forgive him…

And I noticed after azumarill was done glaring at bellossom for the…..ear bar?…whatever you call holding long ears behind their back like that...she looked at me with immediate concern like I was hurt or something…..what the hell has metagross been telling them…..

"Azumarill I'm fine…. I don't know what metagross said but I'm guess it was blown way out of proportion, so chill out for a bit yeah?….. I'm just going to have a little chat with the people present about what to do….I'll fill you all in after alright?"

She just nods her head….

" and metagross….stick around for a bit….do not and I'll repeat, DO NOT, get gyarados unless i specifically ask you to grab him yeah?"

He seemed to cool down a little and gives me an affirmative grunt….

So again everyone settled down in our makeshift outdoors meeting room, the loose staff we're just spread around the property doing minor checks while I had the majority of them ported back to little town….no one was keen to go inside the curse ruins at the moment…..but they went back to get bob and the boys ready to relocate here for rebuilding and other miscellaneous tasks I guess…. I wouldn't know I didn't pay attention, Logan did all that…

"Well….here we are…..let's just get this over with, it's been a shit day and I wanna go get baked and have a shower….so pops…. Richard and ky-"


Something just blasted through the west wing of the mansion…..



I'm back, I'll try and do 1 chap a week but if I can get 1500 stones I'll bring it up to 2 chapters the next week….

If you are enjoying the story don't forget to leave a review it really helps motivate me to keep it going