

Somewhere in the underworld, in a dimly lit room of a mansion sat a human like figure in a meditative state, his features were exactly like Nicholas


Suddenly Nichola's mouth turn deathly pale as he puke dark red blood on the floor.

"Cough Cough....arghh" Blood came out of Nicholas mouth blood vessels pops out all over his body

"Dammm it.... look like the clone, I have send to capture Bakeneko is no more, ...mhmmm let me see who was it who dare to killed my clone,I will fucking kill that bastered" Nicholas sat down with a twisted expression on his face as he close his eyes in order to read the memories of his fallen clone and see who was the bastered who dare to kill his clone

one must know that creating a clone with a power level of Duke is no easy task, Nicholas has invested quiet a bit of his soul essence to form that clone, but now with the death of his clone he himself has also sustained quiet a bit of internal damage to his soul, which might take years to recover.

Specially in a time like this where he was planning a very big move against the First general.


After the disappearance of demon king ten thousand years ago, and with them being sealed here and with no way out. Dracula has been the sole Ruler of this land, His words are laws and no one is allowed to break them otherwise the punishment they will face will be unimaginable.

He reign over all with his absolute power and fear that he has installed in the heart of everyone.


There are still some Demons who are totally against Him and want nothing more than to take his position, Nicholas included

Make no mistake about one thing here, as these Demons are no saints, its not like they want to end his reign of fear so that everyone can live free from his terror, No no no.

These are the Demons who thinks that no one is more suitable than them to rule the whole Demon race after Demon king, and just want to claim the throne for themself.


Everybody wants power and control those beneath them.

it's all the hunger of power and authority.


"Interesting very interesting, never thought I will see another human child with that smell, 'THE SMELL OF DEMON KING' himself" Nicholas put his right hand under his chin while smiling slightly even forgetting about his lost clone as he got himself a treasure " At that time Dracula has let that kid go even knowing that he was the only clue we have about our king after ten thousand years, but instead he forbid anyone to go after that boy and just let him get away after crippling him, I still wonder why he did that, mhm..... I think I should visit him and tell him about this .... I might be able to get some clue from his reaction to this news"

after that Nicholas closes his eyes as he mentally command one of his clone to visit Dracula.

as why he did not go with his original body.hehe he was not a fool to visit that lunatic with this injury.


As the name may suggests Underworld to be a dark and creepy place but it isn't The Underworld we know as is just a large piece of Land of this very world sealed entirely separated from this world through a very powerful seal.

According to records Yamamoto the famous hero of this planet place this seal on this piece of Land by the power he gain by the sacrifice of hundreds of S-rank Warriors and their very essence even there soul.

And now at the centre of this land stood a magnificent Palace in black, at least a kilometre of area around this magnificent Palace is surrounded by Black clouds

'Cherr cherr'

sound of thunders could be heard from time to times from these clouds as lightning can be seen in flashing through them presenting a very eerie scene

a figure could be seen flying through these very cloud towards the palace as the figure reaches the palace it landed near the giant gate of palace, which look like to be made from some very precious material

of course this figure was Nicholas,his clone to be precise.

A black small bat could be seen hanging downward from the gate with his Wings wrapped around it's body.

Nicholas look towards the bat and said

"Flabby, tell Dracula that I have come to pay him a visit"

"y..a...w...n" Flabby stretchs his wings and yawn, lazily open one of it's eye and looked at Nicholas

" Nicholas are you out of your mind come here as a clone to visit His Highness Dracula is not appropriate at all, you have to be in your original body to pay him a visit that's a kind of respect he deserve by coming here in the form of clone you have greatly disrespected His Highness which is punishable by ...death" after saying that the Bat's eyes shone with scarlet luster as this luster was soon going to enflug Nicholas

But before anything can happen Nicholas spoke calmly " it's something about demon king"

The scarlet luster stop inches away from his body as a ethereal voice echo out

" let him come"

As soon as the voice sounded out Flabby deactivate his ability as the scarlet luster soon faded what remain in its place was....nothing

yes exactly nothing not even the air was left, the area was wholely covered in blackness as if every thing that existed in that place was devoured by some terrifying power.

seconds later calmness return as the blackness disappear and air started to flow through that place again


The gate slowly started to open while producing a very eerie voice

" consider this your lucky day, go ahead" Flabby said while wrapping his wings around his body ready to go back in his sweat dreams


Nicholas mouth twitched a little as he walks towards the palace as no one was allowed to fly in this territory after crossing the gate as a form of respect to the current ruler of this land

