Start of the test.

Pov of King

The King could see that was in a grave condition, he was ~ how can an army crossover his nation borders and he is not informed.

And to that, the fact crossed Army is not a well organised human Army but it is the Army of pigs surrounding him in his royal capital, it is a disgrace to his country and its Army.

What would the other nations think that he was surrounded by pigs Army in his capital city? ~

The King orders his men to protect himself and make way for retreat and notify the Army at borders to send reinforcement.

Pov of King end.

At this time a clone of Ekansh comes out leading the Army of hogs with him and introduced himself as a part of an organisation named " Animal Farm ".

He tells the King that the animals in the " Animal Farm" are rebelling against the King of the nation, so, please kindly die and give your country to the pigs to handle.

Pov of King

Hearing this king was so much enraged that he could smash and kill anything in his sight.

Now even pigs want to rule their country.

How daring of the pigs and that man I am going to roast the pigs alive and butcher that man.

The king orders his men to capture the clone of Ekansh.

Pov of King end.

Ekansh clone placed war drums in front of him, he was going to play the war drum so the hogs become more aggressive and attack the King and his army of 5,000 men.

The clone started playing the war drum and ordered the 50,000 hogs to go separate the King and his army from each other.

The hogs ran wildly in a frenzy towards the king's Army. Seeing 50,000 hogs coming towards them the king's Army came forward to confront the hogs and protect the king.

But in front hogs rush the 5,000 men were not capable to withstand it, they were separated from their king.

As each man had to fight around 10 hogs by himself and the strength of each hog was around low genin level to high genin level and in some cases, hogs have an attribute to them.

Now the King was standing alone as he was separated from his army, his army was fighting on one side Royal capital.

All the exploding tags placed around the palace were exploded now making that king was alone in rumbles and hogs all around him.

Clone ordered the hogs through the drumbeat to go attack the King 10,000 at a time, the 1st batch of hogs that went to attack was annihilated, it took around 3 hours to kill all the 10,000 hogs.

Around this time 50,000 hogs were used to separate the King were also decimated but there was good news that the King's Army of 5,000 also perished with 50,000 hogs.

The hogs achieved a pyrrhic victory. By killing all the soldiers with their deaths, now in the capital ruins only King, the clone and the 2,40,000 hogs were present.

In these 3 hours gap, the original Ekansh was moving the unconscious people of the capital outside of the city through the tunnel of the church.

He had helpers for this task, the helpers were the slum people of the capital, before the plan execution Ekansh had made a deal with the slum people to help him move all the unconscious people out of the Royal capital in the first phase of the invasion.

So he could not harm the innocent people, the slum people were offered money to do this task.

Ekansh had wrung dry the coffers of the capital Noble by making them shoulder the cost of raising 3,20,000 wrath hogs and transporting people out of the capital with the help of slum people.

When all the people were transported out of the capital the original Ekansh arrived at the place where the fighting between the new batch of 10,000 hogs was fighting the King.

He signalled the clone to continue attacking the King to drain his mana and stamina so when he is tired they will attack him in one sweep.

Another three and a half hours passed the 10,000 hogs all we were dead. The King was fine, he was not at all short on his breath but his killing speed was slowed down, his concentration was slightly lowered as the king ~ that all the hogs were weakling ~.

So the first part completed lowering the concentration of the King so he can make mistakes.

The next batch of 10,000 hogs was sent to the King but in this batch, some hogs were mutated and had the attribute of poison.

Their poison was not strong but it could stack one on another and would spread all over their bodies.

King took another 4 hours to kill this batch of hogs, he was having some tension because it took him around 10 - 11 hours to kill the 30,000 hogs and there are still 2,10,000 hogs present.

As the king was killing this batch of hogs the poison was spreading all around him. At first, he didn't notice it but after some dizziness, he came to know the poison in the air.