Mother as Magic Tutor.

" You both brothers would make a great tag for a future swordmaster and a future great magician." said father.

"Haha haha we will be the best tag in the world," said Ekansh laughingly.

On the way back to the mansion I ask my father " father who will be my tutor for my magic class"

" Ekansh I have 2 options for you to choose, 1st option level 7 Violet magician ( Great magician) and the 2nd option level 6 Indigo magician. Which will you choose". father asked me.

" Father it's obviously I will choose the 1st option is there a need to consider the 2nd option," asked Ekansh.

" Well the problem with the 1st option is that she may teach you but it will not be regular one day she may teach you and the next day she may not teach you and she will be not a strict teacher with good order and discipline, she may pamper you so much that you might not be able to train with her, on the other hand, the 2nd teacher will be regular, strict with good order and discipline," said father.

" Father who might be the 1st tutor you are speaking of." Asked Ekansh.

"Well, I am talking about your mother she is the 1st tutor in the option the 7th leveled Violet magician ( Great magician)." Said, father.

" And who is the 2nd tutor?" Asked Ekansh.

" The guild leader of Magic guild of Aurora branch, he is named as Michael Cooper," said father.

" So you just don't want me to Learn from mother that is why you are giving excuses like a mother will not teach me regularly or she won't be strict and all," said Ekansh.

" There is the reason, think Ekansh what will people say that I James von Goldie is not able to afford a tutor for my son that is why he is learning from his mother," said father.

" What crappy reason are you giving, that your prestige will be sullen by me learning from mother. The prestige should be maintained over Wealth, Power, and Elegance and not over Education. " Said Ekansh.

" Father there is a saying in a faraway country that * Mother is the first guru ( teacher ) of the children * which means the first teacher in the child's life is their mother. Mothers are the foundation from which these tiny saplings flourish and develop into a tree. Mothers are the first teacher who teaches values and morals to their children. And what crappy excuses are you giving so that I won't learn from mother? I will learn from my mother and any other crappy excuses won't work on me now." Said Ekansh.

" Well there was another reason I was going to tell you but now you are saying that you won't listen to it and you are firm that you will learn from your mom then I won't tell you, but from me, I will only tell you good luck in your training." Said, father.

Why do I feel like that I have been trapped in a scheme of father, for what reason does he was giving those crappy excuses. Well, whatever from now on I will learn about magic from my mother and ninjutsu, taijutsu, etc from Tobirama sensei, I may even try to combine both mana and chakra and see what happens.

We reach the mansion and father says " from tomorrow onwards you will have your magic classes with your mother be prepared, now go and rest for today."

" But father I wanna tell everyone that I am qualified to become the magician," said Ekansh.

" There is no need to do it I will tell everyone in your stead, now go on and rest from now on you won't have much time to rest." said father.

" ok father since you are saying this much I will go and for today," said Ekansh.

I go towards my room to rest.

" Am I a good father or bad father for trapping my son in the jaws of a vicious monster" murmured James under his breath.

" What vicious monster this and that are you mumbling" asked Julie James.

" Nothing I was just thinking that vicious monsters' activities have increased in the forests in our region," said James.

" Oh, for that just send some Knights and adventures to cull down the monster population," said Julie.

" Ha, I will do that. There is good news, Ekansh is qualified to become a magician and you would be astonished to know his potential," said James.

" What number did he get on the indicator." Asked Julie.

" 98 ". said, James.

" Are you kidding me in my whole lifetime I have never heard or seen anyone getting that high number, even in the whole history the highest number anyone had got does not cross the number 92," said Julie.

"Does anyone else knows about it other than the three of us? ( Ekansh, James, Julie)" Asked Julie.

" No only three of us know it," said James.

" Ok, so don't tell anyone you know that the nail which sticks out is hammered down," said Julie.

" I know I will not make Ekansh experience the same thing which you had to experience," said James placing his hands on the shoulder of his wife.