Qaleat Eayima

The trip out of the Gravis Chamber was quick and uneventful.

Amira used the stone slab mechanisms of the pillar to create a bridge of light that took them to the entrance.

After all, the door to the chamber stood over 100 feet (30 meters) above the sea's surface, a distance impossible to reach from the water.

After leaving the chamber, Draco found his Savior Robes folded on a table next to the door and changed into them. He also collected his MP7 which was safely resting below his robes.

Amira also changed into her robes, with a glowering Sada standing between them and preventing Draco from peeking.

After this was done, Draco and Sada followed Amira down the long hallways of her residence.

As they walked through Amira's sprawling residence, Draco's mind continued to go over the information he had just recently learned.

King Zain had unknowingly given him a wealth of knowledge. In fact, he had made an important discovery.

Namely, the Umbra! Those serpentine creatures lurking in the depths of the Gravis Chamber were much more significant than he first thought.

Draco shuddered when he thought back to the Umbra's hideous features.

He would never be able to forget the many heads that spiraled around their bodies like scales, and their dozens of arms that grasped out at nothingness.

If King Zain's words were true, then that meant that each of those faces or arms belonged to a different powered being.

Draco thought back to his time in the rejuvenating waters, he wondered if that immense presence he had previously felt belonged to an Umbra containing the blood of an ancient Progenitor.

He shook his head, dispelling the notion, 'There's no way right? Progenitor blood is something to be coveted, there's no way the Khalid Dynasty would just leave it down there in Amira's basement to rot. Right?'

As they walked through the mansion, Draco also noticed that the place was strangely devoid of any Ḥāmin guards.

After a few minutes of walking the trio eventually reached the entrance of the residence, which was guarded by a lone Ḥāmin guard.

Without waiting for a queue, the Ḥāmin opened the mansion's massive, ornate door.

Intense wind blew into the residence through the doorway, and everyone's robes fluttered behind them.

Once Draco could see into the courtyard he knew where all of the Ḥāmin guards had gone, for arranged in two neat rows along either side of the courtyard stood twenty white robed Ḥāmin.

These Ḥāmin stood unflinching as billowing winds smashed against them, blowing their robes in every different direction.

Looking up, Draco discovered the cause of these heavy winds.

It was a sight that he couldn't believe at first, and he had to rub his eyes to make sure his time stuck in the Gravis Chamber didn't cause him to start hallucinating.

However, what he was seeing had to be real!

Flying above Amira's courtyard, over two hundred meters above them, was a massive flying airship.

The size of this ship was something unfathomable to Draco, for all he could see was that it blocked out the very sun.

Although it was still far above them, the winds caused by its descent were strong enough to feel like a storm was brewing.

Upon closer inspection Draco was able to make out more details. As the ship descended, Draco saw that it looked like a gargantuan aircraft carrier, except that it was many times larger!

Although Draco didn't know this, the ship was more than 2000 feet (600 meters) long, and could efficiently store several smaller aircraft.

The massive vessel was suspended by two propulsion engines on either side, for a total of four massive engines that worked together to move this impressive construct.

The floating aircraft carrier was made entirely out of a jade-white metallic alloy, and had dozens of gun batteries along its carapace. The ridiculous number of guns on the bottom half of the ship made it almost resemble some type of porcupine.

However, the sheer power emanated by the thing made it impossible for someone to feel anything but awe when looking upon it.

Seeing Draco's dumbstruck look, Sada smirked under her robes.

"That is the Qaleat Eayima, roughly translating to 'Flying Fortress' in English." she said with a smug expression, as if this giant aircraft carrier belonged to her.

She continued, "It was constructed by the First Prince himself, and it is said to be the only mythical-grade artifact capable of exiting and re-entering the atmosphere."

Draco was surprised, "The atmosphere? Does that mean this thing can go into space?"

Sada nodded her head sagely, "Correct. The Qaleat Eayima spends most of its time stationed around the Moon, far away from the range of laser and missile defense systems. If King Zain is taking Amira aboard the ship, then that's likely where it will be."

The surprises never ended, and Draco was feeling stupefied. "So, Amira is going to the f*cking moon. Meanwhile, we'll be with the silent monks in their depressing tower." he grumbled.

Hearing this, Sada gave Draco a sharp pinch, "Do not presume to know the King's intentions. King Zain himself ordered us to stay within the Ḥāmin Tower, you should be honored to follow one of his eminence's direct orders." she said in an ice-cold tone.

Draco, however, wasn't having it, "He hardly even noticed we existed! I wouldn't be surprised if the King just thinks that we're a burden." he said, shaking his head.

Just when Sada was about to snap on Draco, Amira's pearly voice could be heard ahead of them.

"Cease the bickering you two! Look, my ferry has nearly arrived. Do you really want me to leave with you two being like this?" she asked, genuinely upset.

Draco couldn't see Amira's expression because of the black robes now covering her face, but the look in her eyes was enough to make him relent.

"Okay, okay." he said, raising his hands in defeat.

"Hmph." went Sada, crossing her arms.

The three of them watched a smaller, boxy hovercraft descend from the Qaleat Eayima above them.

This hovercraft only had two smaller engines, but nonetheless was impressive in size.

The landing craft was larger than most helicopters, and as it touched down in the middle of the courtyard it put the size of the Qaleat Eayima into perspective for Draco.

As the three of them walked towards the landing craft, Amira turned to look back at Draco and Sada.

"Listen, you two. Can you both please behave while I'm gone? I'm going to send Samir with you to the Ḥāmin tower, so do try not to cause a commotion." she said.

Amira sighed and looked back towards the landing craft that was now opening its bay doors, evidently ready for her arrival.

She continued, "I will also inform Samir to place Draco into Foundling training, since I don't know for how long I'll be away."

Draco was confused by Amira's words, but Sada's angry voice could be heard by his side.

"Foundling training? Him?! Princess, don't you know what that would mean? You would be violating millennia of tradition." Sada remarked, clearly upset.

Amira simply snorted, making a rather un-princess like sound, "F*ck tradition, it's not like it's even a rule or anything." she said, continuing to walk towards the landing craft.

"I'm a princess of the Khalid Dynasty, which Ḥāmin within my own palace would dare disobey my orders?" she said in a haughty tone.

By now they had all reached the landing craft, and Amira was preparing to climb into it when she heard Draco's voice behind her.

"Amira, wait!" he said, and when he saw her turn he continued, "Be safe up there, alright? Who knows what kind of aliens are on the moon." he said, only half-joking.

Amira nodded her head, a faint smile hidden beneath her black robes.

"I should be the one telling you that, you don't even know what trials are ahead of you." she said, chuckling ominously.

Sada suddenly stepped forward and embraced Amira,

"Princess, I shall await your return." Sada said, tears in her eyes.

"There, there." Amira whispered, rubbing Sara's back in comfort.

Amira hugged Sada for a long while, before pulling away when she realized that Sada wasn't going to let go anytime soon.

"I must be going now. Sada, please take care of Draco for me." she pleaded.

Sada reluctantly nodded her head, "As you command, Princess."

Hearing this, Amira was satisfied. She then turned and climbed into the landing craft, with the shuttle's doors closing after her.

Without preamble the landing craft swiftly left, leaving Draco and Sada standing alone in the center of the large courtyard.

After the landing craft disappeared from view, the Qaleat Eayima began to ascend as well.

New winds began to buffet the courtyard, and the aircraft carriers' twin engines on either side each converged into one large engine.

These two new engines began to glow with a blinding, golden light. The sheer power of them sent Draco back a few steps, his robes whipping about around him.

The engines gave the appearance that two miniature stars were behind the aircraft carrier.

A second later a sonic boom sounded off in the air. With this, the Qaleat Eayima disappeared from sight, too fast for the naked eye to follow.

Now that the sun was no longer being blocked out, light spilled back into the courtyard.

In the middle of the courtyard Draco's ears were left ringing, and when he turned around he jumped in surprise.

This was because behind Draco and Sada stood a single white robed figure.

Draco relaxed when he saw the figures' eyes, for they were eyes he would never forget!

It was none other than Samir! The Ḥāmin that beat Draco senseless for days straight, a process that left Draco with an inhuman pain tolerance.

While Draco's mind flashed over the traumatizing events he went through in the Immortality Chamber, a white SUV pulled into the courtyard in front of them.

Samir held out an arm, gesturing towards the car.

Draco snapped himself out of his reverie, getting into the car and sliding down to his seat.

As Sada climbed in after him, he wondered if he should be excited or afraid for the events that were to come.