The broken heart.
I had a walk
To catch up to fitness
But it looked like a curse
One that has failed to go
Holding to my hand firm
As though a little baby
Holding firm to its mother.
Say the walk seemed fine at first
For this was my usual route
One I always took during the day
Yet today looked awkward
For before me were two pieces
Marked by the rose color
For they lay side by side
Facing each other
And sorrow was their company.
I was like, who is this brave
It's I they said in unison
As though competing
I will join you guys
For you look pitiful.
You hold a pure mind
Can you put me in your body
For am this lonely in the world
Say, I already hold a heart
How do two hearts live in one body
Don't worry, just do it
For I will sit there
And remain incognito.
Seeing the pity stand you are
I will put you in my body then.
Like am having a disorder
My heartbeats are now double
My blood pressure is also double
And what is that feeling
One that is coming from you
Its the lovesick feeling
Don't say your heart is love blank
But my heart was broken
Broken by this huge feeling
One to never heal in life
But will ounce dry
To leave a scar behind.
Like I really can't hold you, please
My blood feels much for the body
My mind aches with such memory
For my feet have lost support
As I look dizzy and druzy
Wait he comes again
I also hold a mind
I remember it was also lost
Then who is this that broke you
I also can't tell
Help me find the mind
And we shall get to know her.