[Day 1, month ????, Year ????]
After the wheel of fortune stopped spinning and it landed on fallout I was excited as fuck!
And then all went black. I woke in a building that looks like it's about to fall down on me and a killer headache on that as well, fucking awesome reincarnation-
{Starting multi-dimensional summoning system}
Alright, so that's already happening. Let's continue talking in my head, I looked around and saw an opening in the wall of the house? building? Whatever, I walked to the hole and checked the outside out for any dangers.
Apart from the house, I noticed a compound, a pretty big forest, and a river right next to it, I'll definitely be able to get some water as well later on for any official settlers that I can recruit.
Now that I 'scouted' the area out, I could go to the compound and check it out, who knows where I am, everything is bigger than in-game so I hope wherever I am was a good spot for me to set up my first outpost.
I recognized it as the wicked shipping fleet lockup, which means I'm near Abernathy farm, I'm not sure if it's already up and running but I can go and check it out, I think it was originally founded in 2287, I don't know in what year I am right now so my knowledge on game-related lore isn't going to work fully.
Whilst thinking over the current options I have, my system has finished initializing.
{Welcome host to the MDSS, you have one unread message from the Reincarnation department}
[Open message?]
I smiled with glee and went ahead and clicked on [Y], I started reading the message the AOR left me.
"Right Mr. Bell, right now you're in the month of October of the year 2270, you have 17 years before the fallout 4 canon starts. Right now, you will be receiving a {Starter kit} with a few essentials that you can use to survive, it will be in your inventory. This will be the last time you will hear from me, after this message we won't contact you anymore until you have died. Have a nice day,
From Angel of reincarnation, Robertson
PS: that is really my name"
That was…. A *nice* message, I think?
I don't know really. Anyways let's open my {status}.
The moment I said status a transparent green screen opened up with all my current stats.
Name: Lorin Bell
Age: 21
Race: Human
Level: 1
XP: 0/10
HP (Health Points): 100/100
MP (Magic points): 200/200
END (Endurance): 10
STR (Strength): 7
DEX (Dexterity): 6
INT (Intelligence): 8
LCK (Luck): 15
/Inventory 0001/1000 (Doesn't take the weight, only slots) (END*100):
Starter pack\
Building prefabs\
(AN: I won't be using the full status sheet every time only when I need to change some stuff out)
So it's a pretty basic system, my stats look pretty nice, my inventory has a nice addition to show how much I can carry basically so that's pretty good. The summoning system works on something, but I don't know what yet. Guess we'll see in the starter pack.
[Open starter pack?]
I pressed [Y] and received a few nice items including a currency,
{You have received the following items, Pip-Boy 3000 MK.IV (Fallout), Military fatigues (Fallout), 5.11 Tacvest (Fallout Mod), Pmex backpack (DayZ mod), Sturdy combat armor chest piece, Sturdy combat armor right and left leg, Sturdy combat armor right and left arm, combat armor helmet, 5 M1911 mags, M1911 Silencer, Tactical M1911 (The division), 10 regular item tokens, 5 regular Weapon tokens, 5 regular technology tokens, 5 regular building prefab tokens.}
Holy shit that's good, let's see equip the clothing and armor, the vest, and the holster. Grab the pistol and attach the silencer and there is a mag already in it.
So, I have 6 mags of .45 ACP, nice. I'm not going to equip the backpack considering I still have the inventory so might as well go for those summoning tokens.
I thought about opening 'summon' and then saw what I can currently summon
Items: Regular / Uncommon / Rare
Technology: Regular / Uncommon / Rare
Vehicles: Regular / Uncommon / Rare
Building prefabs: Regular/ Uncommon / Rare\
So I can go up to Rare, for now, I guess that's fine considering weapons are basically use it, hope it doesn't jam, blow up or throw it away and hope they'll take a surrender, Yeh noooo thanks.
Don't want to end up getting enslaved by raiders.
Going to want to get the Synth tech, would love to start my faction by destroying those raiders and 'gunners', freaking wannabe army.
gunners are basically glorified raiders that make money doing mercenary missions. Raiders are just that, raiders and slavers. Basically, Caesar's legion little brother.
Anyways let's get to summoning, let's start with the regular items first,
[You have successfully summoned:
500x pre-war money, 20x Road flares (Red), 50x Concrete shipments, 20x beds, 5x map of post-war America, 5x maps of pre-war America, 5000x Caps, 5x Nuka-cola cherry, 10x Nuka-cola Cranberry, 50x squirrel on a stick]
That's a lot of nice summons, the pre-war money can be re-used when my faction is up and running. Those road flares I can use if I don't have any light source when I'm inside that warehouse, but there should be a generator if I remember correctly.
The concrete shipments will be nice if I can get some construction droids from Star Wars or some robots from command and conquer. The Nuka-cola can be sold for some quick caps and to drink if I get thirsty, now those squirrels I think are going to be really delicious with how they look like in my inventory I think they are Hehe, I started drooling.
Might as well continue with it Let's get the technology tokens out of the way now as well,
[You have successfully summoned:
5x Division SHD watch, 2x SHD server, 10x ID-75 Heavy construction Droid (Star Wars), 2x Large solar panels, Medium-sized Droid charging station]
Woohoo! Nice, that's some nice stuff right there, I can use the SHD watches to keep an eye on the vitals of my forces or even use it to brute force terminals from rob-co or vault-tec. I should probably take vault-111 and remake it into a military staging bunker or something. We'll see when we get there.
The Construction droids are going to come in handy when I get those building prefabs. I don't think I'd be able to build anything without messing half of it up.
Let's summon the building prefabs and leave the weapon tokens for some time in the future.
[You have successfully summoned, Prefab ground base (clone wars edition), Large Storage bunker, Large Vehicle garage, Prefab Apartment building, Prefab Hospital]
Nice, let us check out the ground base and see what's in this bad boy.
[Prefabricated Ground Base
Origin: Star wars, clone wars era
Rank: Regular
Troop buff: 5% On rest (resting in this area has an increase on morale after 5 hours of rest)
Storage amount: 500 tons
Medical equipment: 5x Bacta tank (Regular), 2x 2-1b surgical droid (Regular
Vehicle storage: 2x Barc Speeder (Broken), 1x LAAT Transport (Broken)
Item Storage: 50x DC-15A(Regular), 50x sets of clone trooper armor Phase 2 (regular), 500x Military rations
Description: The prefabricated ground base was used as a staging ground for ground assaults on Confederacy worlds. This was later adopted by The Empire, Imperial Remnants, First Order and The New Republic.]
That's, very nice, it's a pretty good start I'd suppose. Might as well go and check out the warehouse for anything I can use and summon those droids.
When I got to the gate for the fleet lockup I found it locked lucky me I got a gun on me.
*Ping*, The lock fell off, it tends to happen when you shoot something like a lock. Anyways entering the area, I see it hasn't really been used too much, looted yes, used no.
I don't see any of the ghouls you'd see when you enter the area so I guess they haven't migrated here yet or wherever they came from.
I saw a few of the left-over trucks and they all had tags on them which I quickly read,
[Wicked Fleet Nr.5 eighteen-wheeler truck
Origin: Fallout
Rank: Regular (Broken)
Storage: 5 tons
Description: A pre-war Commercial truck from the fallout universe, this truck was widely used by trucking companies to transport goods between cities and shops. This truck is over 200 years old but can still be used if repaired.]
Nice! I can still repair these awesome trucks, would be a good thing to transport people or goods with maybe changing out the wheels for tracks or the hover tech from Star Wars? I'm getting ahead of myself let's continue.
Now I can definitely tell I'm in a different version or at least a modified version of the fallout universe, instead of having Two buildings, being the warehouse and shop it has 5, consisting of 3 warehouses, 1 truck garage and I think the shop which actually looks more like a house.
I went ahead and started walking to the house, the door was unlocked so I opened it up silently and looked around, No-one near the entrance. I headed into the main area and spotted some sleeping gear but no one in it or near it, it looked quite old as well, so I don't think anyone really lived here for quite a number of years.
*crunch* I look down and see I stepped on a skeleton, right I don't think anyone lived in here after the bombs dropped. Might as well see if there is anything I can use whilst I'm here.
After the house was looted I got a few interesting items that could help out with the security that might be on in the truck garage and in the warehouse.
[Items received from looting the house, 5x trucker cover-all, 2x trucker hat, 1x pre-war porn magazine, 50x pre-war money, security clearance code, Cargo manifest, 1x truck repair manual {Skill}, 1x Car repair manual {Skill}, 1x coding manual {Skill}, 5x Hard-hats (Yellow), 5x Pairs of combat gloves (Black),5 truck keys (Regular)]
Definitely, a nice find if I do say so myself, well a part of the porn magazine. Well, who knows maybe it's worth something? I laughed about that
I went ahead and used those skills and opened my skills tab
Rifle proficiency Lv.10
You can work with rifles and repair them, Far from mastery but you're getting there.
Pistol proficiency Lv.15
You can work with pistols and repair them, You're more accurate than a stormtrooper.
Truck mechanic Lv.1
You can work and repair trucks, driving might be an issue.
Car mechanic Lv. 1
You can work and repair cars, driving might be an issue.
Coder Lv.1
You can code Tetris.]\
Right, don't mention it.
I closed the skills tab and went over to the first warehouse, It looked clean for the most part some bullet holes and shattered glass from who knows when, I checked if the door was open and it wasn't.
I walked around the side of the building and spotted a side door that was open, lucky me I guess.
When I opened the door the first thing I noticed was the putrid smell, most likely a ghoul or ghouls. Guess not everyone left the building when the bombs dropped, I opened the door a bit more and saw the ghoul lying down on the ground obviously trying to look dead.
I aimed the pistol at the thing's head and shot, I hit it straight in the head. Now it doesn't need to look dead, it can stay dead.
[Killed lv.3 Feral Ghoul, you have received:
21xp, 1 regular item token, 10 caps]
Some nice loot and an item token, I should save it up for later. Do a Mass summoning for items, who knows what I get.
Let us continue clearing out the buildings I guess.
== Time skip 4 hours later ==
So finishing up looting the buildings took a lot longer than I expected it to take. The loot I got was amazing, to say the least.
It was definitely worth looting this place, although a few close encounters with feral ghouls was to be expected I prevailed over my enemy and won the day! *Smug pose*
[Killed x19 lv.3 Feral Ghouls, you have received:
319xp, 10x Regular item tokens, 2x uncommon item tokens, 4200 caps]
[Killed x11 lv.4 Feral Ghouls, you have received:
396xp, 3x uncommon item tokens, 2x uncommon weapon tokens, 1x rare vehicle token, 2800 caps]
[You have leveled up x3! Please choose a skill!]
Since I finally leveled up, I can just go ahead and fly into getting my go-to perks or skills,
for the first skill I went with Pickpocket rank 1, now I can pickpocket 25% easier. Who knows what people keep in their clothing?
My next perk was gunslinger, I got that one to rank 2 for the 60% pistol damage and the extra range. Now I can shoot further than a stormtrooper and do more damage. I snickered about that
Killing 30 ghouls in all the buildings was a lot of work but now the entire area is clear of these pests and I can safely summon my droids to start working on the walls around this compound and I can build the vehicle garage so I can summon my vehicle tomorrow or whenever I need to start using it.
Now, this is what I got over the full 4 hours of looting the area,
[Items received from looting warehouse x3, x3 Fusion core (Full), 7x Fusion core (Empty), 2x Fusion generator (Broken), 25x Mechanic tool box, 5x protectron (mechanic) (Regular), 6x Mister handsy (Regular), 20x Components (regular), 50x Building supplies shipments (regular), 200x stim packs, 150x addictols, 50x chemical shipments, 5x military-grade turrets, 15x truck manual (rank-books), 5x car manuals (rank-books), 5x driving license books (skill & rank-books), 11x language book (skill & rank-books), Vertibird Manual (Skill), 20x military grade gas masks.]
I wonder if there are any more wicked fleet lockups, the owners were definitely dealing in the more 'legal' business
but I don't think I'll find something like this again in the near future, maybe if I raid some of those raiders nearby, who knows when I'd get this again? It would be amazing.
Anyway, I used those skill books and rank-up books, those are self-explanatory.
/[Skills learned,
Driving Lv.4
You can drive a ground vehicle with proficiency, just look out for that brahim.
Language comprehension Lv. Max
You can learn a new language easily, not by hearing it for 2 seconds but in a few days if someone speaks the language to you.
Vertibird Mechanic Lv.1
You can work and repair the vertibird without messing something up, let's hope.]\
The vertibird mechanic skill will come in handy if I do end up finding my own vertibirds or in making better systems for my other troop transport that I might use like the LAAT that's in the clone wars Pre-fab.
Now that I'm done let's summon those droids so I can start construction.
"System summon [10x ID-75 Heavy construction droid] and get them to start setting up a wall around the wicked shipping fleet lock-up, with one gate large enough for the trucks to pass thru."
[Summoning 10x ID-75 Heavy construction droid]
The construction droids were summoned and looked at me before one moved towards me,
"Master Bell, do we have any resources to build the compound wall?" the droid asked
"Yes, let me drop them from my inventory." I dropped all my 50x building supply shipments and the 50x concrete shipment. "Here you go, would this be enough?" "Yes, master bell. We will start working on this and estimate to be finished within 20 hours."
Nice to have an estimate on when they're done. I went ahead and moved to the truck garage and checked it out. The front door was locked so I looked around to see if I can find another entry and lo and behold there is a cellar in here.
I went ahead and opened it up, and didn't get attacked, which was a first. I saw a bunch of blueprints some on the drones I saw one time on nexus mods, the vertridrones, the cargobots that I saw coming out with fallout 76 so I guess the original owner of the wicked shipping fleet lock-up had some other ideas before the bombs dropped, who knows maybe he wanted to recreate the drone drops from amazon.
One thing that stood out the most was the tracks I could use to modify the eighteen-wheelers, it'd be best to use that to modify them considering how the roads are right now.
Welp, another man's dirt is another man's treasure. I laughed evilly at that statement, they've been dead for 200 years or so, we can grab whatever we want. Either way, it doesn't take much to make these as well I can practically make them right now.
But let's check out the garage first and see what's in it.
==Time skip, 30 minutes later==
Right so, the truck garage was easy to access, but unfortunately, I had to destroy a bubble turret which kind-off sucks, extra security is something I can't lose right now.
Luckily the security terminal was on the desk right underneath it. I had the security code from the house when I looted it.
The garage was empty, well empty except the APC that'll work with a few repairs and when it's dusted out. I think it was a pretty good haul for the last building, I can also use it to store 2 trucks and repair them. If I can get mechanic synths or droids, they can start repairing the trucks.
it's currently 7 pm and I haven't eaten anything yet so I should do just that.
I walked back to the house and sat down on a new blanket I found, I went ahead and ate some squirrels, and let me tell you, it didn't only smell amazing it tasted awesome! If food is like this whenever I get it, I would open my own restaurant and sell it.
[Quest received:
Recreate Squirrel on a stick to an acceptable level
Squirrel on stick created 0/5
Time limit: none
Rank: Regular
Rewards: Cooking lv.5, Knife proficiency lv.4, Cooking for beginners.]
Nice! A quest to go with the end of the day, that's a nice thing to get.
But we might as well end the day with some summons.
"System use, 5 regular item tokens, 5 uncommon item tokens, 2 uncommon weapon tokens, and 1 Rare vehicle token."
[you have summoned:
1x Cooking stove (Fallout), 2x cooking knife set, Alloy mixer(regular) (Star Wars), Droid component fabricator (Star wars) (Regular), Dura-steel manufacturing method (Knowledge-book) (Regular), Ferroconcrete manufacturing method (Knowledge-book) (Uncommon), 2x Scouting drone (The division) (Uncommon), x2 Security sensor shipment (SCP) 1x AM General M-35 Armored Troop transport truck (The division) (Rare), 1x A280 Blaster rifle (Star wars) (Uncommon), 1x CQS48 Bulldog (Halo) (Uncommon).]
Well, the truck will come in handy when I get a synth fabricator, I can then use them to start making my manpower to start exploring the commonwealth's and scouting out potential bases like vault 111 or Vault 88.
I'll probably scout out Vault 95 in a few weeks and see if it's been taken over already, if it hasn't once I get the synths I'm going to send them over to take it over and close it down, we can use it for researching possible ways to fight the radiation that's been plaguing the commonwealth.
All in due time.
But first, it's time to take a nap.
[End of Day 1, Month October, Year 2270]