Depth of love

After farewell and spending a bulk of time with khushi , i was in the depth of love. My love towards her was reaching the edge , as there were no signs of "YES" visible from her side, and a year was about to pass.

Days passed, Came january.

It was a thursday morning , i was at my class as usual, waiting for her. and than came? , Miss pooja , she was breathing fast , she said in hurry , Kushagra science exhibition is coming make something. Our principle wants a certificate at any cost. and i replied ok mam , will see. and mam replied in anger , will see? i want you to be there in Atal lab from right now till you are done. Just pick your bloody bags and run.

In few seconds i was at the Atal Tinkering Lab , Now for those who don't know what Atal lab is , Its just a room in school were almost everything is available ,which anyone can need in making something , actually everything .

Weeks passed , i kept working, i didn't talked with khushi anymore and my model was ready. The venue of the Science exhibition was at indore, tickets were booked and we were set to leave. Now by "we" i mean , me and my collegue Raj kamal, I made the model by my own but as lonelyness kills i made my classmate Rajkamal join me for the journey. we boarded our train at 12 latenight. In only few minutes we were at our seat. While sitting there, i realised that its been a couple of weeks i didn't talked with her, not even seen her. Now, my patience died. i realised that i am having my phone , it was issued because we were leaving hostel and our model was technical. i logged in my facebook account and opened my messege box. there were 3 messeges from Khushi , and 9 from Arya . but the 3 from her were like a relaxing mantra for me. i clicked on the messege to see what it was?, and the messege said,

"Is it what you say love?, It feels like a decade passed, But Its well said, time changes people, Whatever, Best of luck."

I replied,

I was just busy with some really important stuffs KHUSHI, i didn't forgot you , but the thing is remembering you fluctuates me. thus i didn't talked. hope you understand. your kushagra.

Now i came back to messenger and clicked the messege by Arya , it was, Kushagra i though your love is truly genuine but , i think, i was wrong, I am having no words to explain the days which are passing, Khushi herself was unknown about her heart as you were there available to her always but, as you stopped talking she understood how important you are to her. She keeps talking about you all the time . and i think its pretty clear that she is too having feelings for you, Text her fast, she hasn't submitted her phone this thursday.

Her words caught me , i felt freezed, my heart said, "isn't it , what you wanted?" but i didn't got any reply from within. i texted her hi, and once again was in the flow of life, the journey became more intresting as it started with a hope of "YES" from her, now all i wished from my life was "I LOVE YOU TOO" in her voice, thats all but there was just, a little hope in my hands.

So , guys what you think?, Will Khushi say those magical words of which the author is waiting for.

Will tell you right back.
