Getting checked out

Hours later a tall caucasian man who also looked around his late 20s came hurriedly into the room Alex's. With a dark skinned teenage boy walking beside him.

Matthew Oliver Williams, who went by his middle Oliver, Alex father. Currently aged 35 years old, had silky jet black long flowing hair that just stop above his shoulders, with beautiful light clear green eyes.

Standing around 6 foot 7 looking down upon most man with his lanky frame as he. Looking as if he was a well sculptured stute made by master sculptor.

However, right now Alex could tell from his father appearance that he hadn't been getting any proper sleep. The same went for his mother and brother who were in the room with him.

He couldn't even imagine how his two older sister who had to returned college. From what his mother had told of what had been happening. While he was a sleep in his coma.

Brought a sharp pain to Alex's heart as he was lying on his hospital bed. As it seemed his father hadn't been getting any proper sleep. The same went for his mother both and obviously been stressed by the whole event.

Looking at the two very attractive figures walking towards him. " Father.. brother sorry for causing trouble again. "

Alex said apologetically lowering his head at the two people who just entered the room. The two of them stopped in their tracks at Alex words. Surprised at Alex manner of speaking which was smooth and unfeathered.

Martha who set beside Alex hospital bedside. Looked at her husband and son who stood still dumbfounded at how well Alex had spoken.

"Oliver, Duke please don't just stand there please grab some chairs and have. I will try and explain what the doctor had told us. " Spoke poke Martha to the two of them that had just entered.

" Huh... who would have thought that this incident would help you in such a way. But, I never want you to sneak out in the middle of the night Alexander. Do you understand me."

Spoke Oliver looking at Alex laying on the hospital bed. His eyes quinting as he gave Alex a menacing glare.

Alex didn't dare to look his father in the eyes directly. Nodding his head in compliance to his father words.

" Father, right Alex, Jennifer was honestly distort when she couldn't find you. She still blame herself for not watching over you more closely. Since she was the one who was looking after you as we were out." Said Duke as he supported his father words.

Jennifer is Alex older sister and is the oldest of his siblings by a few minutes. As she also had a twin sister Ashley who was born a couple of minutes later.

Than there was Duke his older currently fifteen years old. And is a spitting image of his father, in his youth from the picture his seen.

The only difference was their skin and eye colour which he inherited from his mother. Which made many of his friends gave him the nick name Leo. Due to his appearance and personality that never backs down from any challenge.

And with his rounded glasses on gave him a Intellectual look which, made him popular with the girls at his school and hated by many of the boys at their school.

The glass were to help with his peripheral vision, hence he didn't were them much only when he really needed them.

Overall Alex's family is filled the with beauties hand handsome faces including himself as many people would just stop and stare at when they would all appear together. Well he was mostly concerned to be cute by others.

They could all become very popular super models if they wanted, his mother had even been approached many times to do so but refused.

As models are most seen as beautifully people but with no brain giving them a bad image by the public. And his mother wasn't interested in dressing up for other just to judge her appearance.

Currently both of his sister were in college now. Hence, they couldn't be here to see him even though both his sister were ferternal twins.

There appearses were very different when it came to there skin tone. Jennifer inheriting hers from their father with her snow white skin and hazel in eyes from their mother.

Ashley on the other hand had a light brown skin tone that was similar to his and Duke with light emerald eyes that are similar to her father's eyes.

Besides their skin colors being different from each other everything else about them was similar. They both had similar facial features and jet black long curly hair that passed their shoulders. And just like their mother they were both breath taking beauties. The only difference between the two was there personality .

Jennifer is a strong head and fierce, teenager who is serious about her studies and speaks her mind to anyone.

The same can be said about Ashley who also takes her education seriously but has a shy personality. She also does have a great talent for singing alike her sister whose more into sports than music.

Judging from his memories his parents had them when they were around 16 to the dismay of their families who didn't approve of their relationship.

As they were kicked out of their homes after they decided to have them leaving, the two of them the bear minimum of living expenses.

His father came from a well-off family who had strong influence in finances and took great care of their family image. His family still gave a small part of his inheritance after he choose stay with his mother.

However, they required him to change his family name and to move far away. In the end his younger brother took over as the family heir.

However, Alex has met father's younger brother as he still kept contact with them and would even come to visit them in secret. He had even brought gifts for him and his family and had helped his dad to set up a accounting firm in the city.

Still with the limited helped he could do for his brother's family had made Alex respect him as a uncle. Thinking about it Alex realized that his family were filledwith academically inclined individuals.

Making him the only odd ball in his family. Even his mother from a poor background was a top student at her school.

" Alright that's enough of that," said Oliver as he looked at Duke who kept reprimanding his Alex.

"I've spoken with the doctor and he said that we could take him home if we want to, so I've checked you out of hospital."

"We'll take you back home by tomorrow so get some rest and recover slowly."

Said Oliver in a soft voice a clear sign of relief in his eyes. That his son had finally woken up from his coma. After nearly dying from receiving eight gun shots wounds one of them nearly missing his heart.

He would have bleed out if Duke and his friend hadn't found him in time. Everyone had been in a panic at that time, worse yet he was in a three month coma unsure if he would ever wake up. Oliver and everyone else hadn't been sleeping properly all to well during this period.

And just like that it was time for Alex to go back home and start his new life with the knowledge had suddenly again. To achieve new goals and dreams that he began to have.