Daily life

Alex's seeing Michael's face change several times in an instance became amused at his varies expression. ''How are you Michael.'' Greeted Alex's

''Oh.. I'm fine. Thanks for asking. Uhmm, How are you Mr Williams." Asked Michael in a soft voice clearly scared of Alex's dad who stood behind Alex's.

''We're fine thanks, why did you come to our home so early in the morning.'' Asked Alex's. Seeing the situation was fine Oliver nodded his head at Michael than returned to the backyard to finish his workout as Alex's continued the conversation with Michael while letting him in.

''Hey, aren't you the one that constantly urged me to ask around the neighborhood if anyone is willing to rent out their condo for as? Answered Michael in an exhausted voice. He also had been looking for set of sound equipment for around eight hundred dollars in good condition.

Alex's had in did wanted to rent a place close by were they could work more comfortably and set of sound equipment like a mixer and other things needed to record sound.

''So you finally found someone?'' asked Alex's.

''Yeah, it wasn't easy you know.'' Answered Michael.

He had been searching for the past couple of months he was only a sixteen year old boy. Which made it difficult as many people didn't believe him when he asked about renting a place without any guardian with him.

''Oh, and my dad said also he really liked the book you wrote Jurassic Pack and his willing to help you find a publisher if you want. " Said Michael.

Alex's had written the book about Jurassic three months ago after recalling about this famous book.

Since Michael dad owned a small law firm that was right next to his father's accounting firm he than asked Michael to give it to him in hopes of getting his interest. ''Really? thanks for helping me with this.'' Said Alex smiling

''So who is the guy who willing to rent out the place.'' Asked Alex.

''You know that condos right next to Mark's home?'' Asked Michael.

Michael, Alex's and Mark all lived in the same neighborhood so there houses weren't to far away from each other so they could simply walk to each other's condos in ten to fifteen minutes.

''Yeah, I know which one you're talking about.'' Replied Alex's

''Yeah, Mark told me that the owners of the place wanted to rent it out for the next three years.'' Said Michael while drinking a glass of orange juice Alex's gave him.

''Huhhh..? Why three years? Asked Alex's as he set down on his computer chair.

When the three would come together and speak about the game or other things related to it, they would usually go down to the basement and talk about things. ''Well apparently the person living there is only going on a long business trip and will return after that?" Said Michael while shrugging his shoulders.

Hearing this Alex's placed his fingers on his chin thinking about it. Firstly he was thinking about living in Brooklyn forever and he already made plans for his family and close friends to move somewhere else more convenient for his future goals. So there wasn't a need to find a place nearby long term making the time issue not a big deal.

''Alright that will do for now so when is he planning to rent it out?'' Asked Alex's after thinking about it for a moment.

''At the end of this week from what Mark said for about three thousand hundred dollars per month.''

'' I see. So is there any thing else you want to tell me?'' Asked Alex's

''Uhmm... yeah. I thought you be happy about what I came to tell you? '' Asked Michael as Alex expression reminds unchanging after all the good news he brought.

Well Alex was genuinely happy about how things were going inwardly but, he knew from now on things were going to get harder. As he would be doing up against big forces in the future as he would be entering into many different industries to fight for power.

''Alex's? are you still listening me?'' Said Michael with indignation in his voice as he had spent couple of months helping. Alex's with various things with no complaints about it. Made Michael feel a little unappreciated by Alex's immediately put on a smiling face and began praising Michael for all his hard work.

Michael hearing Alex's praise began feeling much better after it. After talking for a while Alex's decided it was time for Michael to head back home, which took a while as Michael had other intentions for coming to his house being his older sister Ashley.

However, before leaving Michael reminded Alex's about his dad wanting to see him when Alex was free about the book. Finally leaving Alex's breathed a sight of relief as he sometimes forget that Michael was still only a sixteen year old boy and not mature adults.

As Alex's gained more of the memories from the several individuals that were placed them in the Apuls device, he had become more mature and calculating in his thoughts.

Walking back to the living room Alex's sit down on the couch and switched on the television and began watching. As he changed the channel he stopped on MTV and watched a hip hop music.

1 2 3 4 Hit it, Hit it

Yeah, here's a story bout my homeboy randy

He was hooked on a girl named candy

Started off as sex for fun

Now the girl's got him on the run

Made love to her just one time

Now she runs his body and mind

He calls everyday on the....

As the music videos continued play Alex's began thinking about the lyrics of the hip hop music that which were still a little basic. Compared to the later one's in the early to late 90s would begin the new area of hip hop music.

Duke came down the stairs heard music coming from the living room heading over he found Alex's watching a music video where a white man who called himself Vanilla ice rapping he couldn't help but frown. As he mattered to himself. ''Another thing white people are trying to steal from us.''

As he turned around and want to the kitchen.

Not knowing that his little brother Alex's had heard his voice, which made Alex frown at hearing Duke's matter. Due to his brain being strength Alex's body had also got stronger as his senses such as his smell, hearing, eyes sight and and even taste.

As his brain continued to create new neural path ways his awareness, reaction speed had double making him more skillfully and precise in his movements.

Alex knew the reason why Duke felt that way as Ashley, Duke and Alex's mother had all experience some from of racism in their lives. Alex had also gone through it but, all of that happened before the accident were he didn't understand why he, his mother and two older siblings were treated the same way.

And it just wasn't from the white people community who showed distaste against them. As even in the black community they also weren't entirely welcomed to due to being mixed race.

This situation worried him since he had also noticed how his two older siblings acted around Jennifer. As it seemed as they would occasionally distance themselves from her special when they want out.

This was just from people who were displeased with his mother for being with their father. Which is were most of the complaints came from.

His parents had also noticed this and had been strongly encouraging three of them to not be afraid of to acknowledge their familiar relationship.

As they would always remained them of how their situation was much better compared to their time.

Shaking his head Alex's got up from the couch switching of the television and going to the basement. Heading to the new computer Alex's had bought two month ago to working on a another project Steam.

Steam was a video game digital distribution service that was originally a storefront by Valve. It was launched as a standalone software client in September 2003 as a way for Valve to provide automatic updates for their games.

And expanded to distributing and offering third-party game publishers' titles. Steam offers various features, like digital rights management (DRM), game server matchmaking and anti-cheat measures and, social networking and game streaming services.

It provides the user with automatic game updating, saved game cloud synchronization, and community features such as friends messaging, in-game chat and a community market.

This software in the future could provide a freely available application programming interface (API) called Steamworks, which developers can use to integrate Steam's functions into their products, including in-game achievements, microtransactions, and user-created content support.

The Steam platform is the largest digital distribution platform for PC gaming, holding around 75% of the market share by 2013. By 2017, users purchasing games through Steam totaled roughly US$4.3 billion, representing at least 18% of global PC game sales. By 2019, the service had over 34,000 games with over 95 million monthly active users. The success of Steam has led to the development of the Steam Machine platform in 2015, which includes the SteamOS operating system and Steam Controller.

However, the one Alex's was currently designing main focus was on creating a outlet for distributing their games online. Which he could continue to improve later on, Alex's spending two hours on the computer screen became bored and decided to stop for today.

Even though Alex's liked the the feeling of working on his project but, doing the same thing repeatedly every day would make anyone exhorted sooner or later.

Leaving the basement Alex's saw his entire family sitting together and chatting well it was more like all the ladies of the house were discussing, while the two men sitting right next to them kept nodding their head brearly saying anything.

''Hey, Alex's come join us. '' Called Jennifer while waving at him. Walking over Alex's set down on the carpet as everyone were sitting in a circle around a small table chatting. Alex liked the feeling of bonding with his family even though they had their own personal issues to solve later on.

Meanwhile at Microsoft headquarters Bill Gates sit around with many people suit who had dark expression. ''It's been a month and none of you found who sent that email to us?'' Asked Bill Gates in a furious voice

''Will who sent us that email is very good at covering his tracks. And it doesn't matter that much since we'll be able to finish the new windows software system.'' Said one of the software programs wearing a orange t-shirt.

''And when will this new windows system be completed? Question Bill to the employee who just spoke.

''In another three months will soon finish working on it, even though we didn't have much to work from the email we got we'll still able to use it as a template for the operating software.'' Said the employee with a smile on his face.

Suddenly the door to the meeting room opened and a man in black suits hurriedly came in, walking toward Gates. After arriving next to Gates the man lined his head close to Bill ear and whispered in into his ear.

As Gates listed to what the man who just entered the room. Before he calmly began walking out of the room leaving all the other people wondering what the man in a black suit said.

Meanwhile back with Alex and his family who were sitting in front of the television and watching a soccer game. Alex's father being British had influenced all of them into watching soccer matches.

This also led to do many things that were customary for British people to due. However, due to their mother background and up bringing she made sure they didn't forget that aspect of themselves.

They were currently now watching a soccer game between Manchester United and Chelsea, Manchester United leading the game by two to one. Alex's father is a huge supporter of Manchester United, when Alex asked his father why he supported Menu United he replied that it had to due with the fact that Alex's grandmother loved the team.

Alex never met his grandparents but, his father told him that his grandmother passed away long before he moved to America with his grandfather and Daniel uncle. However, he's father never said anything about how he's grandmother had died and why he doesn't like to be called by his first name.

Alex knew that his grandfather first name was also Matthew and that he's father hated his grandfather, however Alex could tell it had something to do with his grandparents relationship.

It seemed the main reason Oliver was so distant with his father had something to do with his mother. However, Alex's father would always talk loving about their late grandmother and was always excited when talking about her, he had also showed them a pictures of her.

Alex couldn't help, but admit that she was a stunning woman with her beautiful blonde hair, emerald green eyes that were just like his father giving her a unique charm.

Seeing those pictures made him sad that he had never met her in person, well there nothing he could do about that. Watching the soccer game gave him an idea of how to capture a global audience through the world of soccer.

European football is one of the most popular sports in the world as half of the world's population in 2018 tuned in to watched the champions league. From the memories that he had received it also one of the ways Nike and other big brands expanded their brand world wide by sponsors big soccer clubs and players in the game.

''Maybe I should buy a football club when I gain the the capital in the future.'' Thought Alex to himself.


Shouted Oliver in excitement after one of the players dribble through four defenders and scoring a goal from outside of the box. Seeing his father so passionate about the game of football continues to surprise Alex as it's quite out of character to see him express so much over a simple game of football.

Well it wasn't just his dad who became excited after seeing the skills shown by the player as everyone else who was watching the game shouted too. Well his mother wasn't as passionate about the game as she preferred basketball to soccer.

After the game ended Manchester United wining the game three to two over their opponents everyone talked about the game for a few more minutes before leaving to do there own things.

Alex walked to the to the backyard of the house and did some light stretches for about twenty minutes before entering the house again.

'' Alex! Come over here'' Called Ashley as got up from the computer that was in conner of the living room.

Alex walked toward Ashley who was dressed in a bright yellow one piece dress with flowers decorating on it.

''Hey, I just found an email for someone called 'Apuls' do you know anything about it?'' Questioned Ashley

Rising his eyebrows Alex replied, ''Did you read it?''

''No, I didn't read, I just found it as I was doing some research on the on computer.''Replied Ashley

''It's me, thanks for telling me? Said Alex as set down on the computer opening the email that was sent to his alter-ego. 'Gates?' Mattered Alex to himself recalling the email he had sent to the two tech companies months ago.

Alex had honestly forgotten about the fact Microsoft had not contacted him after he sent a simple template of the windows operating system software.

And to be honest he really didn't think Microsoft would just accept the fact that someone created a much more advanced operating system that they themselves were probably already working on.

So he hadn't put too much faith in his first idea about creating those two operating systems and already come up with several other ways to make money if they didn't reply in his given time firm.

Opening the email Alex quickly read through the content which was similar to the one Apple sent him, however their was another offer to meet Bill Gates himself who wanted to offering him a job at Microsoft. Granting him a high opposition in their company technical division and a very high salary of fifty thousand US dollars a month as well.

''A very tempting offer, but to bad I have bigger plans of my own in the future.'' Thought Alex to himself as he just typed in the same offer he had given Apple three hundred thousand US dollars. Sending the bank number as well as he decided to go down to the basement to monitor the situation from his personal computer instead.

With a grine on his face thinking that his plans seem to be going smoothly.