
After a spending a whole afternoon with his brother family Daniel finally decided to go back home. To in his New York Manhattan apartment condo.

Manhattan is the most densely populated of New York City's 5 boroughs. It's mostly made up of Manhattan Island, bounded by the Hudson, East and Harlem rivers.

Among the world's major commercial, financial and cultural centers, it's the heart of "the Big Apple."

Daniel arrived around five o'clock in the afternoon closing on six in the evening, as he arrived to his new residence which was located on the corner of Fifth Avenue and East 85th Street, 1040 Fifth sits at what might be the city's toniest address.

The Art Deco building is directly across from the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Daniel drove his car to the apartment building parking lot. Daniel began moving across the reception area. while holding a large envelope in his hand as he entered the elevator.

Entering the sixth floor as his destination Daniel couldn't help but, sigh again for the fifth time while waiting for his stop.

He had been through a very stressful couple of months over the last half a year fighting with his father's new mistress and his younger half siblings. Than making the decision to move his family to a new country just to get as far away from his parental family as possible.

Who were all just like his father selfish, greedy and having no affection for others than themselves.

Daniel was honestly exhausted over all the event's his gone through he was also still adjusting to moving back to the United States after a long time. Which gave him a strange feeling as he, his older brother Oliver and father once moved here for a time before moving back to England.

But, at that time he also had to say goodbye to the one person he was really close to not knowing when they would ever meet again.

Now he had finally moved ever closer to that person who was still the same person he'd admired. Now they would all be working together to strive for a happier future together thinking about all this things made Daniel feel much more invigorated.

A sudden ding sounds interrupted Daniel thought before the elevator doors open indicating his arrival.

Daniel walked out of the elevator and began ramuraging his pocket for his room key as he arrived at his numbered room 33. Sliding his key inside the doorknob turning his key with a slight click sounding as he entered the room.

Revealing a pristine white interior with all white a few pieces of art work on the left side of the walls.

Daniel immediately through his apartment keys on the small table stand that was immediately to his left side as you enter the apartment.

Ramuraging through his suit jacket pockets for car keys before also placing them on the table stand before walking to the sectional gray sofa in the middle of the room. Taking off his black suit jacket and throwing it on the sofa as sit on the comfy sofa.

"Your finally back home Daniel."

Turning his head back Daniel saw his beautiful wife Helena Ivonne Edward's were a short blue one piece dress that stop above her ankles.

As she began to approach him Daniel quickly answered back. "Yes, I just returned now."

Helena was a mature and stunning beauty who was currently in mid 30s with deep blue eyes, long jet black hair. She stood around 5 foot 10 and had an exquisite diamond shaped face with pink heart shaped lips, beautiful around eyes, soft arched angle eyebrows.

She had a concave nose with a definitive small arch on her nose bone, it looks petite and sharp with the tip pointing slightly outwards.

Helena usually had a hourglass body shape however, it was currently not visible to her protruding belly. Helena was currently expecting their second child this was one of the reason she hadn't gone with him to visit his brother family.

Daniel was the first to arrive to New York City from England to find a place for their family to stay and to quickly begin checking on some of the business he had in the States.

Helena had taken the responsibility of organizing the moving of their belongings to New York after Daniel found a place for them to stay. She had just arrived with their daughter and her younger brother a few days ago.

"Where's Vanessa ?" Asked Daniel. As his little daughter would usually come running at every time he came home.

"She with Harry helping him fix up his apartment across the lobby" Answered Helena. Harry was Helena younger brother who was currently 19 years old this year and had been raised by Helena ever since he was eight. After their parents past away in a car accident.

" That good how are the two of them faring with the new changes." Asked Daniel.

"Well Harry has gotten used to the new changes quite well and Vanessa is still quite excited about everything for the moment. We will have to still wait and see how everything goes with the both of them the longer we stay here." Answered Helena

"I see how about you ?" Asked Daniel as he looked into his wife eyes moving to America was Daniel own decision. Which Helena didn't agree to at first but, later decided to go along with it after Daniel made his point clear.

"Well I can't say that I'm entirely thrilled about, living my entire life behind back in England. But... I do also know that it would be difficult for us to still stay their knowing your father and his new wife family wouldn't be easy." Replied Helena in a somber tone.

Firstly Daniel father never approved of her being from a common background and had even several times introduced Daniel to other women from much well off family. Even in her presence.

He had even suggesting to just keep her as his mistress instead, what's worse was that he also had tried to make her his own mistress behind his son's back. Which she had never told Daniel knowing their past with what happened to Daniel biological mother.

It was very likely that if she told Daniel about the matter, would like cause him to do something that he could never come back from. So although she was reluctant at first she honestly flet much more revealed by the move.

Helena was also about six years older than her husband which had made her feel a little uncomfortable about their relationship.

Afore Daniel started courting her and also her family background had made it difficult for her to adjust. However, Daniel was very persistent and would give up on courting her that it later became difficult to agnor his advances.

" So how did it go with your meeting with your brother family and how Alexander doing is everything alright him. " Asked Helena

With deep concerns she had meet with her husband brother family and knew the tragic and hard life they've gone through. Most recently Alexander their youngest accident which she had deeply concerned about ever since hearing it.

She had wanted to help and visit them but, due to her father-in-law found out about Daniel disobeying his orders.

Never to have any contact or help his older brother family in any situation had lead to the succession war between the two. "You don't have to worry about them their good quite well for themselves and Alexander will you'll just have to see him for to believe." Answered Daniel.

"Are you implying that what they been saying over the telephone is true." Asked Helena with a hint of doubt.

It wasn't that she didn't want to believe it, that fact that she had previously met Alex before and had done her own research about his condition made it difficult for her to imagine it. Looking at the stack of papers in front of the table curiously Helena couldn't help but, ask if he had gone to his office before coming back.

Which Daniel quickly explained that he had actually gotten them from Alex who had written a tv script.

"Alexander wrote this ?" Question Helena to her in a soft voice before picking it up. As Helena picked up the manuscript and began reading it as Daniel watched her.

Wondering to himself if he had made the right choice by moving his family here and asking his nephew who previously had a hard time learning to certain understanding . To possibly help him in creating entertaining television series for his failing TV network.

Since he was able to write a compelling story that caught the eyes of a famous movie director, which they were all to sell off the movie rights for a considerable sum for.

Which just could've been a one off thing he also didn't know how well Alex book and movie script would be received by the general public. Which he had no idea of those two things would do as both hadn't been released yet.

He was basically taking a gamble on his nephew likely becoming a great writer.

He honestly had some doubts about allowing his production company that mainly focused on television. To make this script which was currently in his hands turning into a reality. To be honest even though he had read the script.

He honestly couldn't see the appeal about this script he had yet to finish reading. He would have preferred to have taken Law and Order script. Instead as it seemed more appealing than the concept of Friends.

"Is there something on your mind sweetheart." Asked Helena after putting down the manuscript. And looking back at her husband who seemed to have a lot on his mind.

" Well after getting back and thinking deeply about, it I'm not that sure about actually going through with it now."

Answered Daniel in a distressed tone. He had already told Alex that he would try to make the television series. Out off the script he had written.

"And why is that might, may l ask?" Questioned Helena. Resting her cheek on her hand, using the sofa to support her arm as stared at her husband.

"Well first I honestly can't tell if this manuscript can actually become an successful show, if we go through with it. However, I have already made a verbal promise to at least produce one tv series to Alex in front of his whole family."

Answered Daniel honestly.

"I understand.. Your worried that the show is going to be a failure and worst of all your worried about how it will effect Alex. And what might happen to him if he's unable to handle the situation. I am right ? "

Asked Helena quickly deciphering the root cause of Daniel hesitate and anxiety.

Daniel could help but, wided his eyes at his wife deduction of his of current emotions. Which he himself hadn't notice. " I'll never stop being amazed at how your able to read my thoughts so well?" Said Daniel.

With astonishment as he himself had not fully grasp his own thoughts yet, his wife was able to discern his worries and feelings.

"What do you suggest I do about it?" Asked Daniel. Staring into Helena ocean blue eyes.

"Well you've already promised Alex, that you would take the gamble on his work in front of everyone. Clearly there's no turning back now." Helena gentle rubbed Daniel comforting.

"Hey, if the script in your hands however, the failure of the show wouldn't be entirely yours. As Alex the one wrote it wouldn't." She reassured.

"Well your partly right, the script does play a major part in the success of in film and television. However, the execution of the script is also as vital." Replied Daniel.

Even though he wasn't an expert on running a television division. He had been doing it, long enough to understand how to make a fairly successful television series.

Firstly it was the concept of the television script, secondly was the exquisite which met having the rights director who understood the concept of the script.

And had the ability to directit and follow through on the concept of the writer, thirdly was the cast who needed to be able to connect with the characters they were playing.

If one could get these three right chances of being able to make a good show what up. So if Daniel could get this three things right it would just be up for the audience to decide to except it or not.

"If you are that worried about this matter why not invite Alexander over. And talk about your concerns. He is the one who wrote the story so no one in the world can tell it like he can." Advised Helena

"Hmmm.. well from what Oliver told me Alex has been running a small game studio." Hearing Daniel words Helena expression showed genuine shock at this revelation. Daniel shook his head with a bitter smile as he continued.

"They've just release their first video game a few days ago. Maybe I should have Alex come over and see how things are done. It could be a good learning experience for the lad.

Answered Daniel as he contemplated on the matter while rubbing his chine lightly.

Alex could come on as an advisor to over see the television which wouldn't take too much of Alex time. He could just give notes to the director and cast. Or they could even just send Alex some rough footages, of the shows development. And have Alex send them notes of what should and should not be done.