Busy Day 2

Oliver and John quickly walked inside and went their separate ways. John headed to his workstation to pack and check on what he had while he was out with Oliver.

As for Oliver he first went to his son's office space where upon entering the room he found Duke. Sitting at his computer seemingly helping to take orders, " Hey, it's almost time to close up for the day."

Oliver spoke in a tone gentle he knew Duke had to handle his two absent sisters' load. Along with keeping the website running smoothly, along working on his little project on the side. And add his and John being absent for nearly the whole afternoon which was their peak time for receiving orders.

Currently, they received up to two thousand five hundred orders a day since yesterday's spike. Shows the fast spread of the which coincided with the promotion of their website by Daniel across multiple cable channels including his own television network last week ago.

This is what led to the increase in orders on their website. "Oh, father you've returned how did it go?" Duke hadn't had any time during the last three days to work on his side project.

And since usually on Saturdays from early seven to one o'clock they had to come in for to package. His parents didn't allow him to work any more than that, wanting their son to spend more time with family and friends when he had the leisure to.

He was really hoping things had worked out so that he had a little more time to work during those hours on something else. As they would still be using those hours to help manage the increase in orders.

They had already discussed the possibility of turning to a 24/7 schedule soon enough in the future. Duke was already seeing the sign of this happening sooner than later. " Yes, we made a deal with a package company up in Queens. Thanks for the hard work today. I know you Now, it's already close to five so start packing up for the day. "

Oliver finally said before closing the door leaving Duke alone in the room. Duke looked at the nearly two hundred order requests and still slowly being added each minute on a computer monitor.

Once the time reached five o'clock Duke quickly made a few operations on his computer. Putting an end to the continuous orders coming in for the day, then spending ten more minutes taking the last orders placed.

Before finally turning off his computer monitor than grabbed his phone and jacket leaving the room. Upon exiting the room he found his father and mother exiting their office room too.

" Ready, to go home. " Martha asked as she saw Duke leaving the next room. " Yeah, I'm all ready to go home. " Duke answered as the three all walked out together saying goodbye to everyone they met as they left the office building.

Oliver had hired a security guard to look after the place while working night shifts. There were a lot of computers in the building than before starting Star Horizon. So, there is a need to hire someone to look after the place during the night hours.

Getting into the car Duke got behind the wheel as he began driving back home. "Oh, Oliver did you tell Duke about the new guest staying at the house?" Martha asked in the back seat as she glanced over at Oliver.

" No, do I need to sleep in the living? Is that what you're saying? " Duke replied while asking about the room arrangement as there were only three bedrooms that were all shared. So, he was more concerned about where he would be sleeping for the night.

" Don't worry your room is safe she'll be sleeping in your sister's room. " Martha explained but, she did realize that their place had become too crept at the moment.

Alex wouldn't move back home for another two months due to his various projects at Fire Foxx. And it was still unknown how they would deal with Ji-woo's problems.

" I still don't know who exactly we are talking about here. Should I know her?" Duke raised another question glancing at his mother who had gone a little silent. " It's one of your sister's friends from college. She currently facing difficulties with her family so she'll be staying with us for now. "

Oliver who had been silent this time spoke up at this moment as he also understood the delicate situation the girl was in. Ji-woo wasn't an American citizen so she would likely be deported back to her country once her visa passport expires.

As much as Oliver wanted to believe her returning home and talking things over with her family was for the better. He wasn't sure how her family would deal with her in that situation. Oliver hadn't been raised by a loving father knowing full well about the dark side of people.

Even those who were supposed to be the ones protecting them and caring for you didn't always have your best interest in mind. He couldn't say that he believed Ji-woo's story completely, however, he was giving her the benefit of the doubt for now.

Duke hearing his father's explanation didn't ask further questions. Duke was more than happy to keep his room to himself. Besides he would learn more about the situation once they got home. It took twenty minutes for them to safely get to their house.

Which was around six forty-five in the evening. As soon as they entered a pleasant aroma filled three noses. " You're all finally home. How was the day at work?" Jennifer who had been coming downstairs quickly noticed the rest of her family returning from work.

"It was very busy. Thanks to the two of us deciding to take a day off today. " Martha said sarcastically as she took off her red jacket and had heels at the door.

" Hey, we didn't plan it." Jennifer defended herself and her sister. As she walked up and helped take her mother's jacket and bag, along with her father's briefcase. While Duke and Oliver watched the two ladies banter as they took off their shoes.

" Dinner ready so you can all go get ready and we'll start serving the plates," Jennifer said as she walked back upstairs to place her mother's things away.

" Wait a second where is your friend Ji-woo? I want to first meet her before doing anything else. " Martha spoke wanting to meet Ji-woo in person before doing anything else first.

"She's in the living room with Ashley." Jennifer suggested with her finger as she stopped on the stairs to point to the living room. Martha nodded her head before walking towards the living.

She wave her hand suggesting for Duke to follow her to greet their new guest. Duke obediently followed his mother after removing his shoes and putting on a pair of flip-flops before walking to the living room. As he held the pair of brown loafers he'd been wearing all day in his left hand.

Where they found Ashley and Ji-woo sitting in front of the TV watching a movie. Ji-woo upon noticing the two quickly got up and slightly bowed her head towards the two greeting the two. Recognizing the two of them from the pictures on the corridor walls leading down the stairs.

Oliver smiled upon seeing this scene finding it interesting. Watching it as a bystander as he walked behind the two.

" It's nice to meet you Miss Williams and you to Duke William. " Ji-woo said in a respectful tone her head bowed towards the two not noticing Oliver who had also appeared at this time.

Due to her lowered at this moment, otherwise, she would have greeted him early too upon returning. Martha was a bit surprised by the way Ji-woo greeted herself and her son. Ashley who was sitting on the couch chuckled at her mother's and brother's expression at this moment.

Not knowing what to say for a bit, " It's nice to meet you as well. So can you please raise your head now? " Duke finally spoke as his mother seemed flustered by the earlier greeting.

Ji-woo raised her head upon hearing Duke's words she was a little surprised at just how deep his voice sounded in her heart. However, upon getting a better look at his overall appearance she found that it suited him quite well.

Martha also spoke up at this moment, " Well, it's nice to meet you too. I hope Ashley and Jennifer have been treating you well. "

" Yes, the two of them have been very helpful. I would like to give you my deepest gratitude for allowing someone like me to intrude into you're home. " Martha was quite touched by Ji-woo's words and could clearly feel the earnestness in her words.

" Alright, then that's enough of that now. You're a guest so you don't have to feel like you're a burden." Martha placed a hand on Ji-woo's shoulder rubbing her gently as she looked deeply into Ji-woo's eyes looking for something before letting go of her shoulder.

Ji-woo felt a little scared by the look in Martha though seeming gently on the face, but underneath she felt a tingle in her heart as though being probed for something. But, just as she felt a little scared the feeling disappeared quickly.

Martha then turned to talk with Ashley asking what was for dinner tonight. While Duke turned around to leave the room you go upstairs and change.

Ji-woo then noticed Oliver standing at the corner as Duke walked past his father's. Ji-woo immediately bowed her head towards Oliver's direction greeting him. "It's nice to see you again Mr Williams. I hope you had a pleasant day at work. "

" Thank you. I hope you had a pleasant day as well." Oliver replied with a gentle smile. Martha turned around to leave to go and change upstairs. " Alright, let's go and wash up honey. "

Oliver nodded to his wife's words as he turned to follow behind her once she passed him. The two headed upstairs together Ashley who had watched the entire interaction between Ji-woo and her mother.

Understood that both her father and mother hadn't fully trusted her friends and had just given her a chance. And the interaction between her mother and Ji-woo was her way of trying to judge Ji-woo's character. Which is one of the things both her parents had taught them, was to never be fully trusting of anyone.

That went for both family and friends, which was something the two of them had personally lived through. Right now both her parents were trusting in her and her sister's judgement of the situation. As a sort of test as you can say.

As her thoughts reached this conclusion she couldn't help but, sigh in her heart as she looked at Ji-woo who had set back down on the sofa. It was clear from her current expression that she likely also understood this point.

That mostly likely both of her parents didn't fully trust her. " Hey, both of our parents can be very understanding and willing to help someone in need. Just so long as you don't misuse their trust in you. "

Though Ashley's words weren't all encouraging they did help paint a picture in her heart about her current situation. She did feel relieved at the fact that she wasn't lying or making things up. And what she had was mostly the truth about her forced marriage to her distant much older cousin by her family.

The only thing she hadn't told them was how long she had been in the US. Which, was her arrival here thinking about it now, it was better to clear this issue up earlier. She only had two more months to legally stay here in the U.S.

Which, she had and learned could be extended if she acquired a work visa or getting accepted to a school or university here. She could also apply for US citizenship during her time here after staying here for five years. Which can greatly help her immensely in her future. " Okay, then there's something I haven't told you yet. "

Michael who just returned from the game studio headquarters. Found his older sister in the kitchen making dinner for the two of them. His father decided to go on a two-week-long trip with his mother the day before.

Leaving the two siblings on their own at home which they didn't mind. Gabriella would be on midterm break the following week. Which was one week, Gabriella had already planned to spend the first four days starting Saturday resting.

And spend some time with her friends before using the last five days us her dedicated study period. Medical school wasn't easy especially when studying to become a surgical doctor.

" Oh, Michael you're back how was your day? " Gabriella asked (in Spanish) as she set the dinner table with food. Looking at Michael who just walked into the living room as he removed his jacket placing on the hanger.

"It was quite busy today, but we're making good progress on both projects I'm in charge of. " Michael answered also replying in Spanish as well. As he looked at the table with the food his sister had prepared for the two of them.

Michael couldn't say he had the best spice tolerance. Especially when he was the one making the food. Both he and his father knew exactly how Gabriella liked her food.

" Hey, don't think I don't know what you're thinking. I just came back from writing a difficult paper today, and yet I took the time to make something delicious for us to eat. So be a man get ready to have dinner. "

Gabriella suddenly spoke in a serious tone as she noticed the expression her younger brother was making. As looked at the meal she had spent a lot of time making for them.

" Ah, fine. Don't get so worked up okay. " Michael said, raising both his palms quickly in front gesturing for his sister to calm down. He turned around to leave the room to wash up.

" And here I thought you had finally grown a pair of balls. " Gabriella said, under her breath but, was clearly heard by Michael. Who turned his head back at hearing his sister's words up his ball, as she clearly said it just loud enough so he could hear it.

However, noticing that she didn't even look directly at him as she finished setting up the table he shook his head with a rye smile. As he wanted to wash before having dinner, however, the two still had a pleasant meal together.

Even if Michael had to continue to take a sip of water every time he took a bite of the food Gabriella made. The two discussed about how their parents suddenly took a trip without them.

Which they weren't too upset about, since the two of them were still very busy with their things. And their parents hadn't taken a vacation with just the two of them since their honeymoon.

The two discussed for quite a while about various topics laughing together. As they talked about their day finally the two finished their meals, Michael took two cleaning the dishes.

While Gabriella went to sit in the living room and watched some television. Michael joined her for a while before leaving for his room. Where he quickly switched on his computer and logged into the internet and went to the Blue Star Ink website.

And entered his administrative password giving him access to the control of the website. Soon he quickly noticed an email which surprised him a bit since this was the first time they received an email.

He quickly opened and read the email which was someone asking for help in publishing their game. This is one of the things Blue Star Interactive offered on whether the game in question met their standards.

That the three of them had decided on when talking about finding ways to bring talents to the game studio. As well as already or nearly finished created by independent developers using the internet.

" Will Wright Huh... Alright, let's see what you've been up to then. " Michael said, to himself as he read the content and type of game he had created with great interest.

Which he learned was a City-Building, finding the concept of the game interesting. However, he wasn't sure if it fit with thinking about Michael decided to first send a response.

Stating that they would speak about his game concept and consider the possibility of helping him publish it. After sending the reply Michael looked at other things such as the player interaction.

Number Wolfenstein 3D download which was at one hundred and two new downloads. Making for a total of five thousand US dollars, which wasn't bad all considered.

The online sales for the game were generally much lower than the physical distribution. Michael decided to then turn off his computer and go to bed, to get some rest.

He and Mark had already discussed the situation with DOOM. Which, they decided to contact Alex tomorrow morning and set up a meeting to discuss the issues. He would also inform the two about the game concept he had received.

As for stealing the concept for themselves, there was already a lawyer contract on their website. That was made by Tom himself, which needed to be printed out and looked at by the other parties' lawyers before being signed by the two of them after reading the terms of the agreement.

These were to remove some of the illegal problems that might occur. Another option was to just meet in person before discussing anything about the game itself online. Either one of these two was viable.

Blue Star Interactive was still very interested in acquiring talented people for the Game Studio. Especially, with those individuals with great creativity in design and creating their own creations.

Michael finally tucked himself into bed while having such thoughts. As his thought slowly drifted to his friend Mark and how he was dealing with the setback of his project.

Mark on the other side was in the basement room with his father discussing the situation he was facing. " So, what you're saying is that the current issue is that the hardware isn't powerful enough to handle the game you're working on is that it? "

Damien asked as he rubbed his chin thoughtfully as he set at his work desk. Where a bunch of computer parts and chips were stroud about on the table along with various tools.

" Then I don't see why you're beating yourself over this as it seems to be a hardware problem. " Damien tried to cheer his son up with his words. It was an issue of the technology of the times limiting certain innovations.

Damien obviously knew about the game project his two sons were working on together. And the graphical innovation being done now hearing these problems being faced by them.

A fire wasn't immediately lit up in his heart previously he hadn't taken his new possession as head of the Blue Star tech division seriously. However, now seeing his son facing difficulties in their chosen path in life he wanted to do something about it.

Damien had already done a lot of research on gaming and the gaming console market. Currently, consoles are generally more powerful than PCs and less powerful than arcades today. When it comes to gaming in general.

Damien decided to start making a serious attempt at recruiting his old friends and colleagues. " Hey, don't worry I'm going to figure out a way to help as much. So, don't stress over things out of your control. " Damien with confidence and determination as he petted Mark's right shoulder.

Hearing his father's words and the confidence brewing through his words as he was petted on the shoulder. " Thanks Dad. " Mark thanked his father as his spirit was lifted as he listened to his father.

He also felt more confident in himself with all the support and encouragement he received from his friends and family. " Alright, it's getting late so go to bed and get some rest. You'll have a more clear head tomorrow to think things over. "