CH. 22: Beach Chapter ! (R18)

Saeko ran with all she could, avoiding Takashi's sticking gaze that followed her throughout the tight streets of Japan until they separated ways. She gripped her pulsating heart that only beat faster with time.

"I-I must.. I must find him!"

And then, Saeko noticed that man's figure. His subliminal beauty had grilled their way into her eyes, a face so unique she could find him in between multiple doppelgangers.

Akira continued moving and Saeko only continued on running while shouting for him. Akira stopped in a beach where he sat with the other girls.

After a while, Saeko finally reached him and started panting to regain her stamina. He was sitting still so she walked slowly at him.


She called Akira and he turned to face her.

Akira- "Me?"

"Yes, i still don't know your name."

Akira stood up and Saeko noticed how his abdomen was naked, revealing his manly body and perfectly sculpted body worthy of a world class model, beyond the biggest jackpot in the genetic lottery.

'I can't take my eyes off his body..' She thought.

Akira- "I see you're back Saeko, but i kinda expected it.. Who wouldn't want to become stronger? Hehe~"

Saeko shook her thoughts and addressed him but slightly blushing.

"Who are you and who are those girls there? *pointing at the three devil girls* Are they really demons?"

Akira- "The name's Akira. Akira Nava. The blondie is Carrera, the small one is Ultima and the elegant white haired is Testarossa. They're somewhat demons but close to divinities."

Saeko- "If you're all demons, then what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be fighting angels or something like that?"

Akira- "Nah, it's summer right now. And since everyone's still wary of the outbreak, we got the beach to ourselves!"

Akira then looked at Carrera who was splashing the two other girls with water, but every splash would create a small tsunami.

Saeko looked at the fascinating scene and mostly at Testarossa, Carrera and Ultima wearing sexy smiwsuits. Carrera was wearing normal swimming lingerie, Ultima went for a more cute one while Testarossa was wearing a rather mature looking outfit delicious for the eyes.

Carrera- "Taste this water Ultima!"

Carrera threw gallons of water at Ultima which she swiftly dodged.

Ultima- "Hehe~ No thank you~ I prefer tasting Akira then your salty water~" She said with a slight smile.

Back to Akira.

Akira- "Well, I'm going to enjoy my time as well."

Akira then looked at Saeko's overly developed body which would be better in a sexy swimsuit.

Akira- "Come and play with a while, wear this, it'd look very beautiful on a girl like you~" He teased her while handing her a very beautiful swimsuit with her favorite color.

Saeko blushed in embarrassment hearing those teases but did not refuse it. She just looked away and held the outfit without saying a word.

Akira then immediately jumped in the water and made his long hair messy while still smiling. This took Saeko's attention even more, his messy wet hair was even more beautiful and anyone could easily mistake him for both genders, he was perfect from all points of vision.

She sat on the beach towel bellow the parasol they had installed and hesitated a bit.

The three demonesses played with the water even more until they flooded the entire scenary.

Ultima covered her hands with [Death Touch] and started holding sip of water and reshaping them into orbs of solidified water.

Ultima- "Let's see how you handle these Carrera."

Carrera did not speak and just make a sign spelling "Bring it on."

Ultima threw the orbs at light speed but Carrera was able to deflect them all by using her bare strength of fists.

If those orbs were to hit a normal human, they would cut his body into two parts and send his insides kilometers away.

Carrera did the same as Ultima by merging the water with but none would hit.

And then, Testarossa appeared behind Carrera, she tapped smoothly on her shoulder. And as soon as Carrera turned, she pushed her effortlessly with a strength so immense Carrera got sent to the abyss of the ocean. All in an instant.

Testarossa laughed silently but looked with a death glare at Ultima.

Ultima clenched her fists and looked at Testarossa with determination. But as soon as she blinked the eyes, Testarossa appeared in front of her.

Testarossa lifted Ultima's shin with one finger and looked at her with a voracious sadistic gaze, enough to shiver her.

Testarossa- "Kukuku~ Your cuteness is not enough to rival my feminine gorgeousness little Ultima~" She said while moving her chest closely and showing her big oversized breasts which surprised Ultima, so big they almost ripped the swimsuit.

Ultima was found herself blown away deep in the water after a small second.

Testarossa was walking on the water and she looked around only to see herself only one still present among the girls.

Testarossa- "Kufufu~ Looks like i came victorious~"

She gave a little hair swing which made the water drip off her elegant white hair. Not only did she possess long beautiful silver smooth hair, but also a mature curvy body that'd make boys and girls lustful.

Akira came at her and congratulated her while giggling.

Akira- "I love your swimsuit Testarossa~ It highlights your elegant shape into a whole level~"

Testarossa blushed at Akira's compliments and smiled bitterly on top of shaking a little bit in excitement. She bowed down and thanked him deeply, but then she felt grip on her body which made her jump in surprise, but also in expectation to seduce Akira even more.

Akira- "So beautiful~ Does it feel any good~" He said while holding her big breasts making her moan slightly.

Testarossa- "Y-Yes Akira~.. Haah~ What i wouldn't give to keep it this way Akira~.." She moaned in pleasure.

Akira continued on caressing her tits and made it even more comfortable, her legs began shaking but she held her back with his hips and their two bodies were glued to each other as he'd please her making her moan in ecstasy.

Saeko looked at this scene from afar and looked away in embarrassment.

"Honestly.. These demons are so lustful.." She said while looking at the swimsuit Akira gave her.


Carrera and Ultima both got out from the water after climbing the hundreds of meters they were sent to by Testarossa. Carrera was flaming hot and looking everywhere to find her and give her a bad time.

Carrera- "When i find that bitch Blanc I'll fucking erase that smile off her face!!"

Ultima- "Sending us that deep in the water wasn't nice of her!"

The two looked everywhere until they saw a white haired girl next to a bike haired boy next to each, maybe too close. They flew there with killing intent until they saw the unsightly scene unfolding.

The two watched, with red faces and embarrassed expression, Akira who was giving Testarossa, a class of practical physics. Testarossa was finding it hard to keep up which overwhelmed her.

Carrera looked away in embarrassment but couldn't help it when she heard Testarossa's helpless moans. Ultima watched the scene closely without flinching.

Ultima- "Ooh! They're doing it here! I wanna have my share too!"

Akira just noticed the two other devils.

Akira- "Oh! Don't mind us, I'm just giving her a punishment for almost drowning you both~"

It was supposed to be punishment but Testarossa really enjoyed it, Akira was going so rough that with each thrust he'd give her, small waves would arise.

Testarossa became a moaning mess, her boobs elarged so much her swimming bra was ripped off her breasts which let Akira get the full grip of them.

Testarossa- "HaAH~ I- I can't believe that.. HaAH~ M- My sole body made you this lustful and hard Akira~ HaAAH!!~" She moaned while feeling Akira's hips forcefully bouncing off her fat ass.

"Hehe~ you were just so beautiful i couldn't help it~" He said while smiling innocently.

Albeit the talking, Akira was still going strong on this task by giving Testarossa the best orgasm one could have at a public place. His cock got so big it occupated fully Testarossa's womb which made her feel like Akira was about to pierce through her stomach.

Testarossa moaned very hard and used her hands to grip into something for better control but nothing at disposition. Until Ultima showed up and caught her hands.

Ultima- "Hehe~ This is what happens when you play it dirty little Testarossa~" She said with a sadistic smile.

Ultima began holding Testarossa's big breasts and pinching her nipples which made her moan even harder from feeling the embarrassment of being pleasured both forward and backward.

Seeing Ultima's fondling, Akira hit his climax and came inside Testarossa's pussy.

Akira- "Shit.. I'm cumming inside you~"

His sperm quickly flooded Testarossa's pussy and started dripping, even though her holes were very tight at the moment, the cum had already filled her entire womb and vaginal cavity, which made the tattoo on top of her cave flash in a scarlet pink color, which fascinated Akira.

The sperm started falling and quickly merged with the water below the two lovebirds.

Testarossa's legs began shaking a lot as she had came three times while Akira only had once, normally I'd be almost impossible to pleasure a high cosmology such as the devil goddesses but Akira was just too good at it, having an immense control over his body and every picometer of it.

She fell on her butt and looked with teary eyes at the smug Ultima.

Testarossa- 'Th- That wasn't nice of you little Ultima..~" She said with teary eyes.

Carrera- "Tch.. You're a really a small player Testarossa. Let me show you how i really pleasure Akira."

Carrera walked to Akira who'se penis was still erect and ready for other rounds. She held his face cheeks and began kissing him in the most sloppy way, she gave him kisses that'd make anyone faint instantly but Akira was easily counter attacking by employing even dirtier kisses.

Without stopping, he held her butt cheeks and lifted her effortlessly, Akira got even harder in anticipation which made his member oversized, he began sticking it inside Carrera while holding her up.

Carrera- "Put everything inside.. Every single inch." She said with a smirk.

Akira- "Alright then~"

He started inserting his dick inside her pussy, less than half was inside that Carrera thought it went all inside, but just at that moment, Akira pushed everything inside forcefully which made her scream a moan of huge pleasure.

Carrera- "HAaaAAAAH!!~ OooOOH!!~ THAT'S WAY TOO BIG!!~~" She shouted feeling every single inch of Akira's cock in every side of her private part.

Akira- 'I thought this was what you wanted huh?~"

Akira began shoving his dick entirely inside her pussy making her grip with her nails into Akira's flesh, but he did not feel anything other than the incredible sensation of her pussy absorbing all of his dick.

Carrera stuck her nails deep inside Akira's shoulders and shouted with force.


Carrera squirted her cum everywhere around the two but that only encouraged Akira to go even harder.

Akira- "I'll fuck you so hard your legs will stop working~" He teased her but Carrera was way into the mood she couldn't say anything other than helpless moans and screams of joy.

He finally came inside her after going all out inside her and filling her pussy with his sperm while still lifting Carrera.

Akira stuck out his cumming dick our of her pussy and pointed it at Ultima.

Akira- "My friend could help a little bit of cleaning~" He said while still cumming and sending cumshots everywhere.

Ultima held his cock but it was still longer than both her grips combined, her grips were very slippery due to the love juices on Akira's dick, the boy was still ejaculating sperm which made him give multiple facials to Ultima in the process.

She gave him a blowjob and quickly cleansed it from all Carrera's pussy juices. She spat on the water the vaginal liquids that did not belong to her and began sucking it without holding back. She licked the tip of his overly sensitive member member and began spreading her saliva everywhere.

She jerked it off for a couple minutes while sucking it and kissing his cock until Akira started feeling pleasured.

His precum leaked from his penis and she inserted his dick inside her mouth, deeply into her throat but it was too big and she couldn't go pass half of it.

Akira- "I- I'm cumming a second time Ultima~" He moaned while busting his fat sloppy loads inside Ultima's throat, which she drank relentlessly while keeping some in the mouth and tasting it. Some sperm leaked on her hands and she used that jizz to cover her pussy.

Ultima- "Your sperm on my girly part is the best scenary i could ever see Akira~"

Akira gave Ultima a kiss on the cheek which made her blush in flusteration.

Akira- "What a cute thing to say~ I live you little Ultima~" He said.

This shocked her but also made the knocked up Carrera and Testarossa look at her with hatred because Akira never confessed to anyone else. She had a big advantage comparing to the other two now.


Thanks for Your Precious Lecture! (Read ahead of everyone with the advanced chapters!)