CH. 52: Onto The Unexplored

(A/N: I'll daily upload, so can I get some reviews in return pretty please?)

As mentioned before, the last floor of Babel is reserved exclusively for the goddess Freya and her familia. The big portals leading to the main room of the floor open up as the Familia goddess enters the prestigious chamber.

She was none other than Freya, host of the strongest and most popular Familia in the moment ; Freya's a superior beauty with long silver hair, purple eyes and a white skin like that of fresh snow. Her clothes are in large part black and red, they expose most of her stomach and breasts. She also wears two flower-like ornaments in her hair.

And by her side, was her most loyal and strongest subordinate in the Familia. Ottar, a tall and muscular demi-human who was the only Level 7 in Orario, making Freya's Familia the most popular.

The goddess sits on the couch and admires the view she has from the window. Being in the last floor of the enormously long sky-scrapper known as Babel gives her a view of all Orario.

Perhaps, everything seems small from the sky but her ability [Discerning Eye] lets her see everything that happens down below.

Her relaxing pose consisted of a leg on top of the other. Ottar opened a luxurious bottle of wine and filled the first half of a glass Freya was holding.

She takes a sip. The silence continues for a bit longer before her mouth curlers up and reveals what's on her mind.

"I found him" She simply says, "That's good for you, my goddess" Ottar replies. As her most treasured subordinate, he need to be two steps ahead of her, but he already knew what Freya was going to say.

"It does not match any of my preferences... But it's so precious, I simply cannot leave it to anyone else" She adds. Freya flinches her hand a bit causing the wine in the glass to spirally mix.

"Should I immobilize some spies for recognition?" Ottar asks, "Yes, please do." She responds.

He moves to leave the room but Freya speaks another sentence, "But... A safety distance is imposed. One hundred meters..— Make it two hundred." She tells him with precaution.

Ottar leaves the main hall. Freya is left alone there, thinking of her next moves. What she's seeking is something completely astronomical, one simple mistake could destroy all her plans. Worse yet, wipe out her entire Familia. This thought keeps crossing her mind, for a normal god, it's very bad news that'd keep them anxious at all times, but Freya

"I'll have to play strategically..." She says, drinking the last sips of divine wine in the cup of glass.


On the first floor of Babel, the new members of Akira's newly founded Familia. Milim, Saeko, and the three demon primordials walked to Eina and each one gave her a paper sheet that proved their legitimacy as members of a familia.

But before we get into that...

[[ Flashback ]]

Akira just finished analyzing everyone's status. He printed the infos on paper sheet and gave the girls their statuses. They were really excited on going on their first dungeon dive, but before that, Akira wanted to clarify something.

"One more important thing. I will go by alias of my Outer God name. Others calling me Khiarreh'Nox is way too casual, so it'll be Nox from now on" Akira announces.

Testarossa, Carrera and Ultima kneed as Akira announces his new god name. Milim and Saeko aren't too familiar with these rituals so they just stay on their feet.

"The Nox Familia shall be known throughout the whole world as the strongest familia. That is our objective during our journey here" Akira says.

[[ End Flashback ]]

Eina takes Ultima's paper sheet to begin with. Adventurers that just joined a Familia need to present themselves and their statuses before entering the dungeon.

"Ultima... From the Nox Familia..." Eina reads. This was her first time hearing about this familia, "Wait are you part of the Familia Akira-dono founded a few hours ago?... That was quick" Eina remarks. She didn't expect Akira to have new members this soon.

But how power were these new members? Were they powerful children or just fillers? Her eyes venture a bit more into the paper sheet until reaching Ultima's broken status.

"You're level... 849...." Eina pronounces, not believing what she's seeing, "Is this some sort of joke? An amusement perhaps? Faking status sheets can get you serious problems my lady" Eina says with a bit of annoyance because this was waaay too far fetched.

Ultima tilts her head, "What do you mean by joke? I simply want to venture you meany!!" Ultima cries. Testarossa hugs her to recomfort her. Eina is embarrassed by this scene.

She looks at the paper sheet once again and looks for any potential hints that may betray the authenticity of this file, though nothing seems out of place. She has a lot of experience when it comes to Familias but she just can't bring herself to believe this.

"Please stop crying Ultima-chan, i did noteam to hurt you... W-Wait here, I'll bring something that can cheer you up!" Eina runs into the archives and bring with her a device.

An orb, probably unused for multiple days, she blows on it with her breath to uncover it from the dust.

"Luckily for you, we have a device that can measure your power level. You just need to put your hand on the orb and it'll function!" Eina announces cheerfully.

"How do we know if it works and not just bullcrap ?" Carrera asks in uncertainty.

"I'll try it first" Saeko says. She puts her palm on the orb. A part of her magical power pours into the orb, this change in magical concentration makes the orb to gain a yellow aspect which shocks Eina.

She takes the paper guide. Yellow color means level 8. "I-I can't believe it... A level 8!!" Eina exclaimes. These words cause every present adventurers to look at this scene with profuse sweating and shock.

"A... A level 8??"

"What's a level 8 doing in Orario?!"

"Did this chick surpass Ottar from the Freya Familia??"

These were the words that repeated throughout the main lobby.

Orbs were known for their capability of stocking magical power and measuring it. The result Saeko just demonstrated was worthy of a high level 8.

The guild leader rushed to the scene immediately after hearing the report. He runs towards the reception panting then sees the yellow-glowing orb with Saeko

"Haaah— Haaah—... Are... Are you the level 8 my secretary talked about...?" He says while panting and picking up breath between words.

"I guess so" Saeko replies. She's slightly disgusted by how this fat elf guild leader is operating. He regains his composure then speaks, "I'm Raymond, the guild master. I have heard of your prowess and I have to say that I'm quite impressed by this achievement" He congratulates Saeko.

Raymond tilts his head and sees the other beautiful women accompanying Saeko, "But tell me... Are these girls from the same Familia as you? And while we're talking about it, what's your Familia?" He asks.

"We're all from the Nox Familia. It was founded just a few hours ago." Saeko says.

Raymond is skeptical about this information. A new Familia just produced a level 8? Maybe she was a transfer? He didn't want to ask. The adventurers around hear this information start asking themselves, "Does joining this Nox Familia mean we'll also progress well?" They ask.

This was something that repeated itself in the mind of every adventurer, including the level 3 and 4s. Though recruits would probably serve as food or toys for Ultima

Ultima walks forward and plants her hand on the orb. "If you're all from the same Familia, then it is good news. I expect you to be equally strong as your level 8 friend here" Raymond says.

Ultima thinks for a bit, "Please don't explode, please don't explode, please don't explode..." She repeats.

Ultima pours an extremely small fraction of her concentrated divine demon energy in the orb.

The orb's yellow color disappears instantly. It stays like this for a couple second before reacting.

A loud sound emanates from the orb which lets out a dark and terrifying aura that spreads throughout the whole lobby. Everyone present, excluding Nox Familia members, gets brutally flattened on the ground by the sheer pressure created by Ultima's world-breaking energy.

The orb shows a series of 9s on it's glass before shattering then exploding. The magical explosion creates a raging storm to take over the guild. Some weak adventurers that flattened on the floor lost their lives after hitting the tough ground with their foreheads. Some suffocated, while others went insane.

The storm calms down. A total of twelve deaths, kept secret by the guild. And the appearance of a Level 849.


While the surface underwent a total fuss because of what just happened in the Nox Familia. The girls successfully penetrated the dungeon. They were now at the first floor of the dungeon, a meeting place, devoid of any entity.

"How did it go?" Asked a person that joined the six.

"Well, i guess so? Though i killed twelve people..." Ultima said.

"Twelve? I expected more. Kufufu~" Laughed Akira.

He just teleported to their location. Gods were prohibited from entering the dungeon, but Akira wasn't gonna follow this stupid law.


The first few minutes of exploring seemed pointless, they'd rarely encounter weak monsters. The first five floors were no good, "What do you say about skipping to floor 60 directly?" Akira asked.

The girls agreed, "Then let's speedrun this shit!" Carrera starts summoning orbs of destruction and begins destroying the ground with her spells. By doing so, they move from floor to floor much faster, as time passed, the floors get more spacious and themed.

They do it like this until reaching the 59th floor, The Glacier Territory that was unexplored for hundreds of years till now. A frozen landscape with with compact ice rivers and cold wind that would cause frostbite to any human wondered, luckily our group wasn't affected by this.

This 59th floor is significantly more voluminous and customized then the other floors. To move to the 60th, you need to fulfill certain conditions, Carrera broke through the ground but all there was was grass.

The dungeon floors aren't vertical, they superpose on themselves like pancakes once they're cleared. This was the conclusion Akira came to, it meant that the 59th floor was never completed.

"It reminds me of Guy's home!" Milim remarks.

"Me too. It takes me back to the ice continent..." Saeko says.

Suddenly, a loud roar resonates through the entire floor. Multiple ice beasts surround our group of protagonists. They're mostly primitive yetis and enhanced polar bears, though they were bigger and most powerful, the smallest were five meters high.

"Boy we're on for a big battle" Akira says, the girls take a fighting position.


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