CH. 54: Mammon's Golden Age

(A/N: Gimme gimme gimme powerstone and reviews! Enjooooyy!!!)

The troops of Loki and Freya Familias were immobilized. A total of twelve people which were considered the elite of the two Familias, with Ais Wallenstain and Ottar leading the two divisions.

They're now currently at the eighteenth floor of the dungeon, a safe zone where they were resting before going back to work.

"Jeez I bet they're already dead! We should just go back before anything happens to us!" Exclaimed a cloaked scarlet haired girl that seemed to be in her seventeens.

Ais looks at her with a dumb expression, "It was your idea to come hear with us in the first place" She says.

"I know Ais-chan, but I'm starting to regret it" The girl responds, her name is Loki. She's the goddess of the Loki Familia. Apparently, she came to the dungeon because she really wanted to see these adventurers everyone is talking about. But she lost her balls once they crossed the fifteenth level.

"I have to say that it was very risk taking you here. We could encounter some black monsters because of your presence. That includes Freya-dono as well" Ais tells Loki.

The playful goddess just puts her arm on Ais's shoulder and laughs it off, "Hahaha we have the teleportation device if that happens!" She says.

But unlike these girls, Ottar always stayed beside his goddess, Freya also came to the dungeon disguised using her limited shape-shifting. She had to Akira and his group in action.

"If he's the one, then he should have no problem surviving" Freya says. "It is as you say my goddess." Ottar responds solemnly.

They packed their stuff then continued on venturing. Normally, they were told to stop the scouting at the fifteenth level, but they have not encountered any monster up until now.

What was happening ? Freya had a thought circling her mind, 'Did they make it till level 59?' But she just shrugs these thoughts. It's way too ridiculous.


While these two strong Familias were looking for the new adventurers, the latter had successfully entered the 60th level.

What surprised them the most, was the sudden change in scenery. They went from the cold and frozen landscape of the 59th level to a scorching crimson volcano background.

"This place is so cool" Carrera comments, "I find it very barbaric and primitive" Testarossa comments.

The theme of the floor gave off a very hot vibe that served to destabilize the adventurers that just came from the Glacier Territory. You cannot venture into level 60 without having to exit the dungeon and prepare yourself for the scorching environment.

Most of the monsters the group would encounter are lava hounds and demons. But most of these monsters were black variants of their original selves. The dungeon had felt Akira's divine presence that ventured more and more into the unexplored abyss.

But the overwhelming powerful members of the Nox Familia only took a bite of these monsters. Testarossa's space-time cutting claws were an overkill that destroyed the entire dungeon and not just the floor.

They walked down the floor a bit more before perceiving a giant castle that was situated in the center of the floor. The castle was guarded by hundreds of hounds and demons, some being arch-demons, all waiting for an intrude to come.

"Milim, you may play now" Akira says. Milim doubts what she just heard, "Wh-What?" She asks. "You can play with these monster now. They're all yours" He repeats.

This makes stars appear in Milim's eyes. Finally, she was permitted to toy with these monsters she had never seeing before, "YAAY!! You're the best!!" Milim exclaims playfully.

She flies

The monsters notice Milim's presence. They all gain a fighting stance but some make the foolish move of mistaking her for a simple human girl with wind magic.

"Muaaahahaha! Prepare to witness the power of the only dragonoid and destroyer of this world!" Milim shouts.

Some demons fly in the sky and try attacking her, but her raw strength kills the demon with simple hand swings and flying fists. She charges her attack but getting her hands close to each other. A blue orb forms in between her palms.

The attack's incredible potency change the aspect of the environment and make a blue aura spread throughout the epicenter where the attack will be unleashed.

"Get ready you all! Drago Busteeer!!" She yells.

Immediately, the blue orb she was holding dispersed into hundreds of blue shooting beams that travelled through the skies at very high speed. The demons and hounds could only watch as blue shooting stars rushed at them.

And when the first beam came in contact with the ground, the other attacks rained on the floor like stars.


The energy beams collapse on the ground and obliterate every single lifeform below it. The demons turn into ashes and their bodies disappear because of Milim's power. If the 60th floor was very hot environment then Milim's attack was as scorching as the sun.

Multiple holes and pits formed around the Castle, that itself couldn't withstand one of Milim's blows. That simple and one attack had made a mess of the 60th floor. All the demons were annihilated, the survivors took shelter and hid, they were very scared by Milim and the three primordials.

For some reason, Testarossa Carrera and Ultima emitted a divine aura of nobility and authority. In their presence, they couldn't help but worship them.

Akira blows the door of the castle away. They enter the palace and the torches on the walls lighten up to illuminate the throne hall. On the far end of the hall is a throne. And there seemed to be a creature sitting there, a three meters tall humanoid entity with a golden shiny flesh. His face was the only human part about him.

The entity grabs a golden sword that was situated right next to the throne. Flames enveloped the sharp edge of the blade and it was ready to attack.

"Hm. Mammon, The Greedy Devil" Testarossa said. The boss of this floor was one of the devil generals that served as mobs of the dungeon. This was the second time seeing a devil general in the dungeon, the first was Leviathan.

Mammon runs at the group with his flaming sword glowing in his hands. He was going to start with Testarossa, who irritated him the most. As he swinged his sword, all of them disappear from sight, he still hit the floor with the heavy blade causing the ground beneath it to splatter around.

He looked around to see that the group had dispersed on the corners of the castle. Excluding Akira and Milin who were flying and watching the show from above.

"I really want to mess with him!" Milim exclaims, "You've got your share Milim, let Testarossa handle it now" Akira replies, Milim pouts then looks away with crossed hands.

"Ooh~ Don't do that face little Milim, i'll make you delicious food when we go back" Akira tells her while patting her head, "YAAY! Excuse accepted!" Milim says while enjoying the head pats.

Mammon's agro was focused on Testarossa, everytime he'd attack her with his sword she'd dodge it effortlessly.

"Let's dance, Mammon-kun~" Testarossa said.

Testarossa switched to the offense, by escaping his hit, she held his palm with her hand, he tried getting his hand off hers by she was just too strong. He swinged his sword at her head but there was some sort of magnetic field that repelled his attacks.

The knock back made Mammon's sword fly away. He threw a fist at her but Testarossa caught it and held it. Their two hands were held in a dancing position and Testarossa was preparing on ending it once and for all.

"A dance between a primordial devil goddess and a general~" She says elegantly. She strengthened the force around her fingers then crushed Mammon's fingers with her brutal force.

Mammon's legs collapse and he falls on the ground groaning after having his ten fingers all crushed into bone dust and golden blood. Testarossa starts moving around, dancing while gripping the collapsed Devil General.

"Look at her go haha!" Carrera laughs, "She's dancing so elegantly!" Ultima exclaims.

Mammon couldn't do anything but go along with Testarossa's movements albeit his hands being crushed. While he was suffering and trying to get away, Testarossa made a smooth choregraphy that hurt the general even more, he was being utterly humiliated.

Blood dripped from fingers and Testarossa enjoyed the sound of the life liquid drip dropping on the floor. "Let's finish this bloody dance with a stretch!" Testarossa exclaims.

She harden the grip around her hands then literally rips Mammon's hands apart. She raised her hands to the sky while holding the torn arms of Mammon that spilled rivers of golden blood.

The rest of Mammon's body falls on the ground completely frozen. His body shattered then broke into a million pieces that crystalized then disappeared.

Testarossa grins bitterly, "That was very refreshing" She says.

With Mammon gone, the castle shatters and starts collapsing on itself. The structure and foundation broke apart. The palace became ruins, only Testarossa who's in the middle is left standing.

"That was cool, i guess..." Milim says, she's still angry at Testarossa, "I'll take that as a compliment~" Testarossa replies.

"You were excellent dear, i wouldn't expect anything less from the goddess of elegancy herself" Akira says with a smile, his compliments pierced right though Testarossa's heart, it seduced her.

She chuckles, "Perhaps, you may want to reward me~" She says, she closes her eyes and curls her lips, approaching her mouth to Akira's face who also did the same.

But before they could make contact, the ground started shaking and it got faster by the second. Thunders roared with might and it started raining heavily. Rivers of a melted gold flooded from the mountains surrounding the floor.

The golden spreads throughout the entire level. It crystalizes then starts forming a titanic golem. "What is happening??!" Ultima asked in surprise.

The group try keeping balance in the neatly shaking environment, "It seems like we're still not done with Mammon..." Testarossa says.

The golem absorbs all the gold then becomes bigger with the second. His body reaches colossal proportions that rub against the ceiling of the level. Multiple limbs and tentacles stick out of his upper body. His lower body is mostly just a liquidized connection that planted him with the ground.

Mammon roars in anger then starts destroying everything using his heavy golden fists. He senselessly obliterates all live forms including fellow demons that get on his way. He had lost his mind and he was now just swinging his fists everywhere.

Mammon destroys the land Akira's standing on. The Outer God releases his wings then flies in the air while smiling excitedly, This is such an epic fight!" He exclaims.

"Leave Mammon to me!" He shouts, grabbing everyone's attention.

"I'll show him the difference in our statuses." Akira says with flaring eyes that showed his excitement.


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