CH. 70: Nine Circles

Gabriel quickly healed the heavily injured biblical god. If the god did not have an extremely effective resistance against the holy element he would have died on contact.

The healing only took a few seconds stop be complete. The biblical god got up from the ground with a few light injuries and some burns on his body.

Gabriel was on the verge of crying, it was scary seeing her lord is such a state.

"Thanks Gabriel" He thanked her.

"I-It's okay my lord. Let's beat this monster together!" She said, holding both her hands.

Ignoring this, Akira flew at the direction of the devil army led by Beelzebub and Leviathan. And it looked like Phoenix, Gremory and Bael had joined the front lines with the 2 Maōus to compensate Lucifer and Asmodeus who were fighting Ddraig and Albion.

These three household generals were also the strongest and most influential devil nobilities within the 72 Pillars. Their power rivaled that of low class Maōus.

Runeas Gremory, Kekram Beal and Lord Phoenix. A trio of devils that made their name in the Underworld by founding the most powerful households in Devil Nobility.

"Hahaha~! Guess we eating Dragons tonight!" Laughed Runeas ; A young woman with an unequalled beauty and a huge busom. As well as upturned eyes, a little strong-willed despite her childish personality.

"Hehe... I can agree with that Runeas. How entertaining!" Zekram replied.

Beelzebub was suprised to see that these three individuals presented themselves at the front lines.

"Gremory! Phoenix— And Bael? What are you three doing here?!" Beelzebub asked.

"To give you a helping hand of course!" Runeas said, amused.

"The 2 Maōus left to take care of the two heavenly dragons so we thought we could help you defeating this dragon and end this war once and for all!" Zekram replied.

"Well if you're over with it then let's go! I feel like slicing some lizards today!" Phoenix shouted, while summoning an orange demonic sword and flying towards Akira.

"Wait a second Phoenix-kun! It ain't fair!" Runeas pouted. Creating a sword with her demonic power, she flew at Akira with fast speed as well.

"Who needs a sword when you have the power of a god!" Zekram yelled. Infusing his fists with Primitive Power of Destruction that made his brute strength grown exponentially.

Runeas and Phoenix launched towards the Akira with speed so high it pierced through the wind and broke the ground below them. Leviathan stayed behind, she prefered staying away as she specializes more in Offensive Magic. While Beelzebub gave her instructions on a Dragon's weak spots.

Runeas flew at Akira's direction with great speed, using a small ranged teleportation to change her position constantly.

This was the first time Akira was using the First Stage of his [Outer Form]. His purple eyes followed Runeas in every single one of her movements, though her speed annoyed him.

"Hahaha~ Little red hair, you seem to be having a sugar rush— though I may have something to calm you down with..." Akira said.

Akira increased the pressure emitting from the dark layers of Outer Darkness, making the fast Runeas collapse on the ground in less than a second. No one saw this coming as the two other devils were suddenly lost in their momentum.

The pressure Akira was creating destabilized their movements mid-air.

"GURAAH!!" Zekram crashed on Akira's spectral torso. He tried pulling back but the Darkness seemed to be consuming him, or atleast keeping him from leaving.

He looks at the Darkness below him, he could have swore to have seen spectral hands catching his limbs. "TCH!— GET AWAY FROM ME!!" He yelled, punching the Darkness and barely getting off the trap of Darkness that was Akira's body.

Meanwhile, Runeas was struggling against her own weight, crushed on the ground and barely moving. Her armor then clothes began ripping off her body.

Trying to help her comrade, Phoenix launched at Akira like a true eagle with his orange sword aiming for his head. And by using wind manipulation, he propulsed himself even faster then closed the distance in less than a second.

"YOU'RE DONE DRAGON!!" Phoenix shouted. Akira noticed the devil flying at him, he dodged his attack. Though Phoenix followed him everywhere.

Akira lifted his huge spectral draconic hand and tried catching Phoenix. The devil dodged the dragon's hand which moved at low speed, giving him enough time to react.

Dodging the right hand and slashing the left, which also attacked him. Cutting the layers of Outer Darkness and speeding at Akira.

But suddenly, thinking he had avoided Akira's two melee attacks, Phoenix got suddenly stopped by... Nothing?

No, the 'thing' or perhaps, the 'things' were invisible. His legs and arms were neutralized by invisible hands that shone lightly, barely distinguishable but existing.

"NICE DISTRACTION PHOENIX!!" Zekram jumped right at Akira once again, not giving the dragon enough time to react.

"DIIIE!!" He yelled.

Akira slightly chuckled, he didn't flinch by a millimeter. Zekram was confused by this but he only thought of Akira as too prideful for his own good. And then...

"Stop." Akira said.

A shockwave was sent out from Akira's mouth. The colours of the environment disappeared, the near Space-time seemed to have froze up.

This was the effect of [Narration] from [Authority of Khiarreh'Nox]. Although the usage of Outer God abilities against mere devils was an overkill, Akira couldn't use any low class spells as long as he was in [Outer Form].

Zekram was now a prisoner of time.

Akira charged his draconic tail then smacked the frozen Zekram Bael with his spectral tail that blew him off.

Bael travelled thousands of meters before crashing into a mountain a mile away.

"KUAH—!" Zekram coughed a big mouthful of blood.

His armor was shattered to pieces, his body was covered in blood, heavy injuries barely healing themselves.

"I—I must... KUAAH!! *spits blood* R-Return!... I, won't lose!!" He said, barely getting up.

At that time, Akira was still holding Phoenix in his right hand while Runeas was neutralized on the ground because of the intense gravity.

Not knowing what to do with Phoenix, he simply threw him at Runeas with great force. He crashed on Runeas and made her dog even further into the ground.

"KYAH—!" Runeas groaned from the pain of being squeezed by Phoenix's body and the gravity.

Akira descended on the ground. He finished the battle by kicking Phoenix a few thousand miles away, while Runeas had fainted.

This scene shocked the other devils and Maōus as the three strongest generals were beaten without their opponent breaking a sweat.

"We need to end this now." Beelzebub said, determined.

He turned his gaze at Leviathan, she was focusing a big amount of her magical power into a powerful attack.

"I'm on it." Leviathan said while taking her staff up and casting a strong fire attack.

Without reciting an incantation, a giant fireball that looked like a star appeared out of thin air. it travelled at medium speed but enough to reach Akira who was distracted by Runeas.

Closing the distance, the fire attack grew more and more as it consumed the magical energy in the surroundings.

"You fool!!" Akira said, he couldn't contain his laugher. He lifted his hand then stopped Leviathan's attack barehanded.

Akira threw the attack back at Leviathan with double the firepower and greater speed.

Beelzebub and Leviathan could only watch the growing shooting star that was rushing towards them and getting bigger by the second.

"KEEP AWAY BEELZEBUB!" Leviathan yelled. Rasing her staff, she nullified the attack and made it disappear. Her affinity with her own magic was so high she could cancel her own spells, even the deflected ones.

"It's over for you now Dragon!" She shouted at Akira, smiling and directing an evil laugh at him.

"Hehehe~ Let's see how much you're going to keep that silly smile girl~" He said.

Suddenly, his ears start twitching, he looks up then sees a giant magic circle with multiple smaller circles orbiting around a huge incantation.

Leviathan then took her staff up and screamed "BEGONE!— DESINTEGRATION!"

A gigantic beam of light descended on Akira, so fast no one was able to catch up other than the Maōu herself.

The beam of light fell on Akira and grew flashier and bigger by the second.

In the end, Leviathan made a simple hand gesture that created a nuclear explosion which decimated the area he was standing on.

"Leviathan are you crazy?! That was your—" Beelzebub scolded her but the female Maōu seemed to be already suffering the consequences of such an expensive spell

"Haah... Haah.. It was— my strongest spell.. Haah... He took it head on, so he shouldn't be able to survive it..." She spoke, panting with each sentence and supporting her weight with the staff.

And as the smoke started dissipating, purple pupils stood out from the clouds of dust.

"D-Don't tell me he's still..." Beelzebub was shocked to see Akira was still alive.

Leviathan then dropped her staff on the ground, shocked to see Akira completely unharmed even after receiving her 'last hope' spell.

"Amateur." Akira spoke, disappointed. Leviathan quickly tried to grab her staff, but suddenly, she felt something inside her break. She coughed a mouthful of blood.

"Nullifying an Outer God's attack... How braindead can you be..." The dragon added.

Her staff then shattered.

The moment she opposed an Outer God's attack she had died.

It did not matter if Akira's attack would hit or not the objective was already attained.

"So even your strongest attack wasn't enough..." Beelzebub said, he started glowing in a green aura.

"B-Beelzebub..." She barely pronounced, suprised to see Beelzebub glowing brightly.

Beelzebub reached the pockets in his cloak then pulled a mysterious green orb.

"Project Armement. Configuration: Sword." He strangely said.

This Orb was the embodiment of the Devils' technology at its fullest. was the prototype of a new weapon Beelzebub The Original had been developing, the ability to switch between weapons and configurations at will.

The orb transformed into a metallic sword with incredible sharpness.

Without loosing a second, Beelzebub jumped from the ground then flew at Akira with fascinating speed.

Leviathan was still shocked because of Beelzebub's transformation. It was unbelievable what Beelzebub could pull off with the right equipment. A Demon King with incredible intellect and strength that rivalled Lucifer The Original. Perhaps, he was the strongest devil to exist.

"T-This power..." Leviathan mumbled.

"LET'S SETTLE IT DRAGON!" Beelzebub shouted, his metallic sharp sword glowing in a green color.

Akira made a hand gesture that told him to bring it on.


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