CH. 105: Payback

Hades and his enslaved titans now represent a new threat to the world of Danmachi. But meanwhile, Akira went back to the world of Highschool DxD and had his little discussion with Nyx, who surprisingly spends the most majority of her time in the mortal realm, disguised as one and just enjoying the simple things of life.

However when Akira brought up the subject of Higher or Greater Gods, it seemed like something inside her had snapped. She hated them ; to an commensurable degree.

Millennias ago, Nyx had created an army of elementary titans when Earth was still at its prime. Back in the day, Nyx was still member of the Greater Gods, not just that but a higher ranking one.

Those same titans she was creating wrecked havoc upon earth and created many wars. Humans versus Titans was the meta back in the day.

Seeing this, the Greater Gods were furious. And after deep conversations, they decided on banishing Nyx from their council and sealing her Titans away.

The low, medium and high ranking titans weren't a problem for disposal. But, the special titans named Elementary Titans could not be moved as they acted on a monotone basis, only obeying their master who was no more.

The elementary titans were very few. Four in total. Each representing one of the primordials elements which are wind, fire, water and earth. With no way to move them to Tartarus, the Greater Gods came to conclusion that it was best to seal them on Earth...

A seal that deteriorated with each century until it became very fragile. That's the day Hades started making his move.

The titans were unleashed in the historical world of Danmachi. The Greater Gods were all enslaved and unable to protect the innocent population. And the possibilities were very limited.






Back with Akira, the latter had taken Nyx to a rather particular place only he had access to. An imaginary space in which he stocked everything that had particular value.

"Where are we?" Nyx asked, as she looked around her surroundings to see a place she had never seeing before. Darker than the night, more sinister and terrific than anything she had ever seen.

"This, my dear, is my personal imaginary space." Akira responded. This didn't lift the suspicion off Nyx's mind but atleast she got a bit of clarification.

"Right... But what are doing here exactly? You said there was something here you wanted to show me but I don't see anything other than void. In fact, this is the darker stuff I've ever seen!" She said, getting a little impatient because there was absolutely nothing here other than pure darkness and their ominous aura filling the chilling place.

To this, Akira just replied with a grin as he was getting a bit excited to see her reaction. And it only took them a little bit more walking until another presence occupied the place with them.

"N-Nyx!! I-Is that you?!!" This corroded and dusty voice as if it didn't speak for a millennia resonated throughout the endless void. Nyx heard her precious and sacred name being spoken by such a filthy mouth it almost angered her.

"...I know this filthy voice.....Erebus...." Nyx said emotionlessly. Despite there being no air in this domain, her hair swayed up in the void while her eyes shined brightly in crimson red and a pure aura of bloodlust emanated from her very being.

As said by goddess Nyx, this person was one of the Greater Gods Akira had enslaved and sealed away a while ago just for this little moment. Currently, he was tied up inside a levitating prison cell. The boy took a step back and grabbed his little pack of popcorn as he watched this little argument.

"I—I am dreaming?! IS THAT REALLY YOU?!!! I KNEW YOU'D COME TO SAVE US!!!" Erebus shouted in joy.

Nyx got closer to the cell and leaned her hands on the bars. Using her unimaginable brute strength, she was able to break the iron bars with ease and get closer to the god.

"...You and the others banished me..." She said coldly, slowly getting closer to him and showing more danger.

"D-Don't be ridiculous!! It was Chaos's idea not mine!! I didn't want him to expell you from our council!" He shouted in reply.

Nyx stayed silent a second before asking once again. "...So it was Chaos's idea?... Tell me when was the last time, Chaos ever had an idea... He's just a spectator whenever it comes to reunions..."

Erebus's lie was spotted, and he wasn't very enthusiastic about it. "Ye-Yeah I agree but he approved!! It was Ouranos who first gave the idea!! When he married Geia he wanted to stay on Earth but it was infested with your titans—" He said.

But as Erebus spoke up, Nyx snapped. She grasped his mouth with a hand then inserted her nails deep inside his cheek. Erebus screamed in pain as Nyx poisoned him with her venom.

"HOW DARE YOU SPEAK OF MY TITANS LIKE THAT?! They're my creations!! I don't CARE what happens to your fucking human toys!!" She yelled with pure frustration clear in her voice.

"...N-No!!.....S-S-St—Stop—...!" Erebus said, his jaws being crushed by Nyx.

"...You're just the same as them... I'll kill you.... I'll kill all of you bastards.... I am Nyx. The Primordial Deity of Night and Darkness... Yet you talk with me so casually.... Know your place and die for the sake of your Higher up..." Nyx ended.

"W-WAIT A SECON—" Before he could yell out his final words, Nyx hardened her grasp around her mouth and crushed Erebus's skull with pure strength. His head exploded and blood was splattered everywhere.

She looked at her hand, dripping with a Greater God's blood. She liked it, a lot.

"You killed him for good" Akira said, trying to start a discussion with the enraged Nyx.

"The bastard deserved it.... They all deserve the same fate" She replied.

"If that is what you want, then you may wanna see this.." Akira swayed his hand through the void then made chains fall from out of nowhere. These chains held other cells to the three last remaining Greater Gods ; Chaos, Eros and Tartarus.

Nyx was shocked to see this. The other Greater Gods all tied up with their mouths closed and movements neutralized. She almost took a step back in terror, she didn't expect Akira to have collected every single one of them.

Although for two of them.. Ouranos and Geia were missing.. She immediately came to the conclusion that it's one of the two who started this whole madness. And since they're a couple, they're probably both dead.

"Akira... Just who are you..?" Nyx asked in surprise, she turned 180 degrees to face the nonchalant Akira.

This guy... This smirky boy who's such a lady killer, hiding all his power behind that bitter smile, "I am nothing more than one of the most powerful creatures in the Athena Plane.."

"I am, Equinox." Akira said solemnly at the end. Him pronouncing his Outer Name caused everyone in sight to feel massive submission and fear, expect for Nyx whom he was protecting from this kind of effect.

Nyx wasn't effected by this, unlike the Greater Gods who felt immense fear, despair and insanity taking over their veins. Even so, Nyx felt great respect when she heard those words. She couldn't help but feel worship towards Akira, her limbs trembled as she knelt before those words.

"You're an Outer God, Akira.." Nyx spoke softly, her respect and devotion towards Akira growing by the second.

"We are! Outer Gods have dominance over everything. They have conquered everything you can imagine and which you cannot. We are the pinnacle of all existence, all the world will learn to respect that." Equinox said.

Nyx felt immense devotion towards this. She herself realized she was subconsciously kneeling down in front of Akira. However, something stood up among those words.

"W-We..?" She asked. She just realized Akira spoke in plurial, a pronoun he never used up until now to express his origin.

Suddenly, the void around Akira and Nyx started deteriorating. As if a presence, a but weaker or on par with Akira appeared in this domain.

It was the power of an Outer God. Unrivalled creatures that stood in the pinnacle of everything. "Yes, Nyx. The Outer Gods are considered to be myths by the Inner Gods as nothing is known about them, apart from the limited yet accurate visions made by a certain human being they call 'Him'.." Equinox said once again.

"But anyway, I have to present to you a special guest today. Please kneel before the Outer God.." Akira made a hand gesture to present the arrival of..

"Shub-Niggurath.." He announced.

This name exploded inside of the Greater Gods' minds, even Nyx. She indeed has protection from Akira's Outer effects but not from Shub-Niggurath. Not only that but Akira wanted to make sure if Nyx was devoted enough to stand by his side. It's absurd for an Inner God to sustain the effects of being in the presence of an Outer God but she'll have to prove herself if she wants to stand beside one. The other members of Akira's harem have all abandoned such concepts a long time ago.

Shub-Niggurath's high heels resonated with each step in an infinite loop inside the heads of the gods. Eventually, she appeared in front of them crystal clear. Akira's aura was very malicious. But Shub-Niggurath's was just on a whole other level of evilness.

Yet, she brought with her someone. A particular blue haired girl with a leash in her neck. "Maaa~ So many meals~ it's a feast! Just for meee~" She said.