CH. 112: Phoenix

With Hades and his titans now officially defeated, the only logical thing to do was celebrating this victory of mankind against a literal god and his primordial creatures. But alas, there was literally nothing to be celebrated.

"...." The surviving people looked at each other with dread filling their eyes. The atmosphere was very tense, density transforming to literal strings of web restraining the physical and psychological movements of everyone on site.

On the contrary, this may be the victory of humankind— but at what cost? The population of Orario had plummeted from a hundred thousand to a countable two digit number, excluding gods of course.

Ais Wallenstein, the brave girl who lead this entire operation stood up on her feet despite the shattering pain due to all those bruises and wounds on her entire body.

With inhuman effort and great endurance, she held her scathed sword up. A sudden movement which shocked everyone, "W-W—WE DEFEATED THE GOD OF DEATH! THIS IS HUMANKIND'S VICTORY AGAINST DIVINITY!!" She yelled.

These words of courage resonated in the heart of everyone, her voice being heard by everyone. Some had tears in their eyes, some cried, and some looked at the bright side of this mess. For the love and legacy of their fallen comrades, they succeeded in saving the planet and everyone from a devastating apocalypse.

"YEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!" The remaining soldiers yelled out at the top of their lungs. It was a roar of victory, humankind's triumph over the god of the Underworld who represented the pinnacle of the humans' ascension— and endless evolution marked with a flawless win.

But then... "M-My h-h-hea—..." Suddenly, Ais's vision became blurry. The adrenaline that maintained her awake all this time was drained from her body. Fatigue coursed through her vains which caused her to collapse.

But right as she was falling, Ais was caught by the same existence that saved all their lives. None other than Nyx, if it weren't for this brave human's help, she would have gotten a harder time dealing with the Fallen Hades.

"This world has truly become a mess, Akira" Nyx said, while holding the unconscious sleeping Ais in her hands.

"Well, a rational person would definitely complain about this reeking smell of death and destruction. But as an Outer God, I can't help finding it quite arousing. It's insane, I know it." Akira said.

"Hmm, I think I get your point. I, too find it amusing when I spread destruction, especially in my original world." Nyx replied.

Akira raised a brow when hearing this answer, "And what kind of twisted creature likes to see its own world dying." He said.

Nyx has just realized what she just said and how wrong it was, "O-Oh well I—" She mumbled, "I'm just kidding. I like your way of thinking, you're my type," He said, Nyx was startled when hearing that, during those small seconds she tried looking for numerous reasons to deny what she just said but when Akira spoke up she felt a great relief.

"It's time to do the clean up." He said, turning to face the ruins of Orario.

"Hey! Milim!" Akira called out to the Dragonoid princess.

"Pok pok~" From a far distance, Milim was just poking a dead human body, "You smell like a fried chicken-nanoda~" She mumbled.

Her [Milim Eye] twitched when the loud scream of Akira resonated in her ear. Milim's cute cow-lick pointed up in surprise. She flew at the speed of light towards Akira, the latter up in the sky right above Orario, or atleast what remained of it.

"I'm here-nanoda!!" She shouts playfully, filled with energy as always.

"You're into blasting things, aren't you," Akira asked her with a smile.

"Oooh~?" She let out with puppy eyes while nodding in affirmation. "Yeees~! Blasting things is my most favorite thing in the entire world~!" She shouts in amusement.

Akira then points towards the ruins of Orario, "Then, blast away those pitiful remains, destroy everything and spread craters everywhere in this land" He said.

Milim was surprised to hear that, nevertheless, she didn't ask a single question and happily obeyed him— approaching her hands together and creating a dense bluish orb of magicules.

This Magicule Energy type was nowhere to be found in Danmachi or any anime world at that. People with limited stocks would surely preserve that energy when restrained like in this situation, but for Milim who possessed the [Magicule Breeder Reactor], she could use that energy indefinitely with no restraint, the perfect energy source for a childish yet merciless Destroyer like her.

"Draaagoooo-BUSTEEER!!" Milim shouts, the orb launching a huge bluish beam of energy which broke into hundreds of even smaller beams. The latters broke to the ground and exploded in a million lights, forming a huge cloud of smoke accompanied by a thousand explosions that destroyed every remain of Orario.

The dead corpses evaporated, the ruins were destroyed, already burnt ashes melted due to the intense temperature of Milim's [Drago-Buster]. After a few minutes it settled down and their sight was met with an enormous crater and absolutely nothing left of the city of Orario.

"That was fun!! I want more things to blast!!" She yelled happily.

Literally the gods staring at Milim destroy ming their home, their eyes sticking out of their orbits and their tongue out of their mouths. "Hold on everyone... Let them cook..." Hestia says, a sweat on her face but still trusting the process.

"Wow careful Milim. Now that you've cleaned up the scene I'll be able to make a new Orario out of nothing" He said.

"Wh—What?! Boooo!!! You're no fun why rebuild that city of weak people!!!" She cried.

"You destroy, I create, we're different." He says, an image of Tony Stark flashes through Akira's eyes, a smile appears on his face, he always wanted to say that line.

"Now." He says more seriously. Remembering what every milimeter of what Orario used to be, Akira interpreted that image in his mind and used his creation ability to construct the city in no time and no energy required.

And then, from the depths of the crater recently formed, a huge building starts coming out of the ground. Being the greatest and largest building in history, Babel was retaking form before anything else. Yet, Milim was confused on why the primordial demons were blushing so uncontrollably when seeing this, a question mark appears on her mind on what's so special about this.

The gods however, had to wipe their eyes to see if this was an illusion or not. The clouds disappeared and the sunshine breezes on No Man's Land, illuminating the rotten battlefield as Orario was being reborn from the ashes.

Buildings started emerging from the ground, exactly every construction redone like it used to be before the disaster, a creation spell that followed orders with a spectacular Quantic scale.

One minute was all what's needed for Orario to be rebuilt once again, a much more peaceful city and a closing book marked by the first, and only victory of mankind against the very beings they worshipped.


Moving on, Akira had successfully brought back every single dead soldier and citizen to life. Needless to say that it was viewed as a miracle by everyone.

Literally going from the saddest to the happiest city of the world— traumas were still left over but nothing to fear in this blessed world anymore. Akira was seeing as a godly figure to be worshipped by many, especially the resurrected people and the gods whom considered this to be beyond divine power.

Akira found himself sitting on a couch in Hestia's newly rebuilt appartement while having the busty loli goddess clinging to him intensely, "I'm so happy to see you again Akira-kyun~" She said with great happiness.

"I couldn't just let this world and all its treasures go to waste. And you, dear, are the most precious treasure I have in this world," Akira said, his charisma had a sensational effect on Hestia, she felt those compliments piercing her heart like an arrow.

With Akira being so open minded when in her presence, Hestia could officially state that she and Akira were dating like real love birds, she never questioned if love between gods was permitted but "Who cares." is the response she received from Akira ; An insufficient response but satisfactory.

"I'm going out for a walk, I'm sure you got better things to do." He said. "Wh-Why so hasty! I was just starting to feel your warmth against my skin!" She cried with flushed cheeks.

To not leave her unaccomplished, Akira gently leaned his hands on her cheeks and gave her a small kiss on the lips, a kiss Hestia would have wished to have lasted longer but it still felt good.




During his walk, Akira was required to use a stealth ability that hid his presence among the passers to avoid attention especially now that God Nox is the hot topic of the moment.

But during his walk, Akira stumbled across a mysterious looking neko (cat) with purple fur and golden shining eyes, the neko kept caressing against his feet and playing with him.

Akira grabbed the neko in his emprise and patted it, "What a cute little thing you are, perhaps you'd want a treat? What would you prefer, fish or milk?" He asked.

The neko surprisingly nodded at the first proposition, Akira made a fake smile appear on his mouth as Nekos weren't exactly the type of animals to understand Human language.

He made a top-quality fish appear on his hand and gave it to the neko. The cat took bite of the fish then flew from Akira's hands quickly somewhere that's nowhere to be found again.

One thing was for sure, this Neko wasn't a normal one.