CH. 118: Repeat that...?

Milim and Hestia hurriedly rushed out of the Hostess of Fertility to follow Akira and Alice on their supposed 'date'. A word which triggers the jealous beast residing inside both girls. Wherever they went Hestia and Milim followed them without leaving any evidence.

The two lovebirds were now seen walking the streets while talking to decide where they should go next.

"Pfff... Look at them holding hands like that in public... THERE ARE KIDS HERE YOU KNOW?!" Hestia shouted in both jealousy and frustration.

"Oooh! I heard that holding hands is the lewdest thing to ever exist-nanoda!" Milim replied while glancing at that sexy hand holding with red cheeks.

But while Milim was observing the two, her [Milim Eye], which is a skill of absolute environmental detection, picked up on some 'spies' that were also spectating the scene from the top of a nearby building.

"Look there Hes-chan! Stalkers!!" Milim said, but even though they were far away, as soon as she pointed at them the two stalking silouhettes disappeared. Hestia looks there and sees absolutely nothing which makes her wonder if all that lewdness made Milim's small brain stop working, "You're just seeing things... In fact, you're one to talk about stalking..." Hestia said with a poker face.

"No there were people there!" Milim said with a bit of uncertainty. Then, she suddenly jumped from the ground with great force, causing the road to shatter and blow dust, "Jeez you're making us stand out!!" Hestia shouts while hiding her face from the dust.

Milim takes less than a second to get to the place where those silouhettes where hiding at, but surprisingly, when she gets there no one is present. This raises a few questions in her mind. She definitely saw something. She glances at Hestia once more and sees all the attention centred around her, but luckily neither Akira nor Alice noticed, "Sorry Hes-chan!" She jumps back at her and picks her up from the scene.

[[ With The Stalkers ]]

"Holy fuck that was a close one... Imagine if that dumbass brat caught us" The blonde haired woman said to her comrade.

"Pay more attention to your surroundings when you're holding that weapon of yours. There is no room for mistakes." Her comrade, a tall elegant white haired woman replied.

Yes, you've guessed it. Hestia and Milim weren't the only ones stalking Akira and Alice, but also the iconic trio, or in this case duo, of primordial demons from Tensura. "Yeah yeah whatever, let' me take another look at that fucker," Carrera says nonchalantly, pulling out her sniper rifle and using its long distance scope to stalk those two on a date. When they saw Milim coming at them, they hurriedly used teleportation to escape to another building but not too far. But that small interval made them lose track of the targets.

"They're there!" Carrera said as she looked at Akira with the scope of .

"I don't know why... But you pointing that at my dear... It just makes me want to slaughter you right here right now...." Testarossa said, her bloodlust growing stronger and more uncontrollable towards Carrera.

"Yeah I get the feelin too. I think he might notice if I don't be careful." Carrera said, she let go of back in her imaginary space, "Let's leave the fuck out of here" She added, teleporting away. And Testarossa followed her.

During that time, Akira was still enjoying his date with Alice for the entire day and they ended up having a very good time. Needless to say that he noticed those four stalkers during their first seconds in the operation, so the Akira and Alice those four were watching were fake illusions he created in order to distract them. And when they realized this, their various reactions were a sight to see.

Night was falling in the city of Orario, Akira and Alice's date ended around the fountain in the middle of the city, "I had a great time with you today Alice, thanks." Akira thanked Alice for today. She slightly giggled after hearing his thanks, "Fufufu~ I had the best time in the world with you dear, I'll treasure this day and the endless to come forever~" She said.

Then, she stood on the tip of her toes to reach his lips which she gave a kiss to express her gratitude. They kissed passionate for a few seconds before stopping against their own will, it would be bad if they ended up being engulfed by desire in the dark streets.

"There you are." A feminine delinquant voice spoke from afar. It was accompanied by three other girls, none other than the four shameless stalkers from before, "Didn't know you had a thing for stalking," Akira said. "W-Wait so you noticed..." Hestia spoke shyly with an embarrassed expression, "Akira is just so powerful I knew he noticed us-nanoda!" Milim said, she jumped on Akira and gave him a tight hug, meanwhile she stared at Alice and gave her grumpy eyes. "Grrrr..." Milim groaned angrily, telling Alice to back off.

Alice just smiled happily but secretly she was holding back massive killing intents towards Milim, her face almost exploded from anger, 'This brat...' She thought.

"Haha, me too I missed you little Milim," Akira said, smiling while patting her head.

"Fufu~ What I wouldn't give to have little Milim-chan's playful energy~" Testarossa said with an amused look, "She seems so happy to meet her master~" She added. "Hmph! Akira is my bestie not master— you old woman." Milim insulted Testarossa's hair color.

The bloodlust that emitted from the primordial white demon was so intense it could kill Milim if it weren't for Akira's protection, "Say that again... And I'll tear you limb by limb and make you scream..." Testarossa threatened her.

"My my~ this bloodlust and rage turns me on very much~"

Everyone's attention falls upon this voice which came closer, "Hehehe~ It seems like everyone's having a great time~ I came with some seriously delightful news~"

"Ultima-chan," Testarossa said. "You sadist bitch where have ya been?!" Carrera shouted with a vain popping in her forehead.

"Doing some serious work~" Ultima then hands Akira a parchment. "This is for you, dear~ or should I say, Nox-sama~" She said with a cute smile.

"A letter, from the Freya Familia?" He said, when he saw Freya's seal on the parchment. "What's this?" Hestia asks. Akira proceeds it to open the parchment and reads its contents rapidly, once, twice and many more times in less than a second just to verify his eyes weren't deceiving him.

"Ha. This bitch really wants to take it next level..." He says. Hestia picks the parchment then reads it outloud for everyone, "T-This... No way... A declaration of a War Game between Freya and Nox!" She shouted.






Alright, these were all the chapters already written. Now I'm gonna have to continue writing! 120, 121 and 122 are ready just need to type 119. CYA !!!