CH. 125: Claim Corps

Seems like the battle has ended, not like it was gonna end differently than what we expected. The members of the Freya Familia who participated in the War Game were decimated after being killed in the most inhuman ways possible.

Moreover, the girls' torture arsenal was still full of other tricks and methods for another day; but fortunately for the remaining members of the Freya Familia, they were going to be spared from the torture but not from an imminent death.

Now back in the Colossus, Akira had proposed another punishment for Freya instead of the exile. Hestia comes closer to Akira and asks in worry, "What are you going to do with her, Akira...?" She asks.

Akira takes a quick glance at Hestia before shifting back at Freya, who by the way did not show any emotion ever since the start of the War Game— she simply smiled and didn't even care about the horrible death her precious and late children went through for her.

It was like, she was planning something and this was merely part of a strategy. In either way, this plan of hers was very questionable, maybe the plummeting of her Familia was the only way to achieve it, and maybe all those sacrifices were necessary for it to function.

"Exile is a waste... Instead, I'll have your soul Freya."

Akira's words echoed throughout the entire Colossus, clear to all gods as the sound waves of the Elderish Deity flowed smoothly throughout the ear-piercing silence.

"A-Akira..." Hermes was shocked by what he just said.

Suddenly the world stopped moving. Only Akira and Hermes could move in this grey planet. Then, Akira stared at Hermes with red crimson eyes, fangs that grew larger and devil wings emerging from his shoulder plates.

"I killed Geia."


... ...

... ... ....

"Y-You what...?" Hermes asks, not believing what Akira just said.

"I killed Geia. Not just her, but husband as well and all their relative gods, except for the exiled Nyx. That girl's mine and she's navigating through Orario at this very moment." Akira continues.

Hermes's legs start shaking as he sees Akira completely metamorphosed to a demon— no, a Devil. Sharp horns on his head, a bloody corrupted halo, a pointy devil tail, bat wings and vampire fangs. It was at this moment that Hermes finally understood where Akira was from, where this 'new god' was when he suddenly appeared in Orario.

It was Hell, Akira was the devil himself and he came from the darkest depths of Hell to Earth in order to spread his bloodlust and tyranny.

Hermes was on his knees crying, he was convinced what Akira was saying was the absolute truth devoid of lies. When he heard that his and the other gods' mother was gone irreversibly, he only wished to tear Akira apart and make him go through the same suffering Geia went through, the same pain Freya's brave children went through.

But alas, he knew it was impossible for now. Partially because he fainted from the overwhelming aura of Akira's 'Demon Form'.

Hermes was teleported elsewhere when the frozen world was brought back to normal. Akira's form reverted back to normal then Demeter opened her mouth to talk nonchalantly, "What a wooooonderful proposition~! Instead of leeeeeaving Orario you're going to be a slave to Akira, Freyyaaaaa~" She said.

Freya bows to Akira then bends to prosternate herself on her knees to her new Master, "I, Goddess Freya swear eternal loyalty to my new Master, Lord Akira as his eternal slave." Freya says solemnly, finally breaking the emotionless pattern and showing pure seriousness in her words to not offend her new Lord.

Akira grins then out of nowhere creates a collar and an unbreakable leach that enveloped Freya's neck. He held the leach tightly then abruptly pulled it to his direction making Freya jump in stupor and obedience, she tried getting up on all fours but Akira prevented her from moving.

"I'm glad you were quick to know your position. Rejoice, for you spared yourself from a lot of painful education. Your fate belongs to me now Freya so don't think about killing yourself bitch." Akira said, glueing Freya's slander forehead to the ground by pushing his foot against her head upwards.

It served as an example for the other Gods who would be foolish enough to challenge him. And seeing this scene, Hestia ran at Akira then grasped his arm happily smiling, caressing her head against her hand and looking at the Gods from her high heels, same for Demeter who slowly approached him then grasped his other arm in a loving manner. This was also a message. Submission meant peace, and it didn't take long for the Gods to understand it.

They simply looked at Akira and his followers in a terrified manner while some remained silent, Hephaestus for example, who was looking at the ground lost in her thoughts.






At the end of the show, Akira, his Familia members and his new slave were now in Babel, taking the elevator to the last floor where Freya resides. They were going to do a little clean up before settling for good.

When the elevator rang, its doors opened to show Freya's prestigious main base where a beautiful elf maid was kneeling blindly, "Welcome back, Goddess and Mistress Freya." She says in a warm tone.

"R-Raise your head, Eina." Freya orders. And when Eina the maid lifts her head, her face turns into pure horror and distress when she sees her goddess and mistress Freya in the nude with a collar around her neck pulled by none other than Nox himself surrounded by his Familia Members.l and clear malicious intent.

Nox laughs then steps out of the elevator, "L-Lord Nox... T-T-To what do w-we owe this v-visit?" Eina asks, confused and scared. She tries lifting her body and getting up without permission from her mistress seeing the current situation but abruptly trips then falls on her butt.

Dragging Freya out with a single strong pull of the leach, the family members of Nox step out of the elevator as well and scatter throughout the headquarters each standing in a corner without moving but just observing.

X―x―X―[[ Eina POV ]]—X—x—X

Wh—What on earth is happening...? Why is my Goddess in such an indecent and merciful state...?

When she lost the War Game I thought Lord Nox in his immense kindness and generosity would find a more suitable punishment than exiling... B—But I certainly did not expect it to be slavery !!

"Wh—What is happening, G-Goddess Freya...?!" This sentence required me to use the last bits of willpower and courage I still have left.

Suddenly I turned around and saw that the entire staff and other warriors of the Familia were behind me, as well, they seem to have come as soon as I let out that little scream from earlier.

"WHAT IS HAPPENING IN HERE?!" Someone screamed from behind.


For me, it sounded like gibberish more than a sentence, as my eyes were fixated on Lord Nox who was raising his hand up. Clack. He snapped his fingers... While smiling mischievously... The next thing I see is an abomination standing right in front of me...

A grotesque creature that I would have killed myself in despair if I had seen before. "Kill...kill...kill..." The creature repeated... A black, two meter long dark and wide elderish creature with no limbs but many tentacles, two legs and tens of mouths on its body, placed randomly with no purpose other than killing.

And then, I hear the Lord saying, "Alright my beautiful creature, clean these headquarters from all living beings." He said like it was nothing. It's the worst case scenario unfolding before us. And there's absolutely nothing I can do. The creature starts groaning and roaring incomprehensibly before moving.

"KILL!!!... KILL!!!... KIIIIILLLLL!!!!!!!" Its only purpose was to slaugher and kill.

The next thing I saw was the creature jumping right on top of me, it fell on one of the warriors but I couldn't distinguish his face. The creature then proceeded to rip his body apart, tear his limbs apart and feed on his flesh, break his bones and munch his face like a starving animal, I could hear the bones crack and break while the warrior screams in pain then breaks and tears his nails trying to get the creature off his stomach, "GURAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!" He shouts in pain.

Trying to save him, the others unsheate their weapons and target the creature, but unfazed by their imminent threats... "KILL!!! KILL. ALLL!!!! SATISFY. LORD!!!!!!!!" The creature roars as it moves away from the mangled corpse of its first victim to continue its feast on another one.

When I saw Masayuki's corpse torn apart— his head half eaten and decapitated, his limbs non-existent apart from some fingers and bone dust, I just kept watching with despair drowning my mind and half closed eyes as the creature throws head I to the sky, it bited a guy's long hair and pulled it, with force so powerful blood started splashing and splattering everywhere, it succeeded in pulling out his hair out of his head and with that, his carcasse and upper skull too, the brain was entirely visible and he was still alive. The creature one of its many tentacles into his brain and started munching it directly from his head while the guy's face distorted and his body twitched uncontrollably due to the creature eating his nervous system.

Limbs, eyes, bones and flesh flew everywhere and I just watched with an exprionless face as this massacre happened right before me with the inability to do anything, blood spalettered on my face and I just kept watching, waiting for my imminent turn to arrive.

The entire headquarter was painted red, with broken bones as furniture and flesh as capets and heads as trophies and empilled insides as tables.

And when everyone was killed, the creature came right at me and faced me with one of its mouth.

We're facing each other.

"Kill...Kill...KILL... ROAAAAR— Crunch."