CH. 129: Rose of The Battle!

Rose dashed towards Rimuru with insane speed, so fast Rimuru was already having trouble keeping up.

Rose then appeared in front of Rimuru and punched her in the face, but Rimuru used a teleportation skill to dodge the hit.


Rose did not give Rimuru a moment of rest as she continued on following the poor slime girl all around the battle ring.




While the two demon lords were fighting, Elmesia was almost going to have her third heart attack ever since the 'entertaining' tournament. She was expecting a good show, but who would have thought the Lord of the Tempest Federation, this Akira, could permit himself to invite three demons lords... AND A TRUE DRAGON?!

Worst of all, these weren't some rookie demon lords. Unlike the newbie Rimuru, Rose and Milim were the strongest and oldest demon lords in existence, and to think that they'd accept to free some time in their agenda for such an event.

This thought was terrifying, and it only gave Elmesia one choice, which was the wisest; Submission.

She sighed at that thought. Ultima returned with a piece of chocolate cake in her hand.

"I left you a piece, miss Elf~!" Ultima said, cheerfully.

The sad Elmesia took a bit of the cake, "Delichious, the besht cake I've ever eaten. It doeshn't shuprise me anymore." She said with sad teary eyes.

The chewing noises she was making clearly indicated that she was enjoying it. And to Akira's food, Milim had developed a six sense capable of hearing the chewing of a treat made by one of Akira's subordinates.

The pink haired Loli appeared on top of Elmesia's head.

"This looks YUMMY! GIMME A BITE—NANODA!!" She said loudly which made Elmesia jump in suprise.

'IT—IT'S MILIM NAVA! THE DEMON LORD!! HELP MEE!!!' She screamed, on the inside.

She kept her calm. She just gave Milim the plate of cake without saying a word but with an intimidated face and aura, to which Milim gave no intention.

"THANKS—NANODA! YUMMY~" She said as she put the whole cake in her mouth, enjoying the sweetness and touch flavor of the little treat she was blessed with.

Milim then, in an anticlimatic manner, started crying, tearing up while still chewing on the cake. Elmesia was alerted.

Elmesia gulped, then asked her quickly.

"Wh-What's wrong?... Lady Milim..?" She asked.

To which Milim replied instantly.

"It-It's just that *snif* My bestie Akira makes such delicious food *sniff* And he treats me better than anyone in this world *sniff*.. On top of that, he's always so kind and concerned about me..." She said crying.

Ultima loved hearing Milim crying over something she had. She was grinning like an idiot.

However, Elmesia got up and sat beside Milim, trying to find the right words to use in this situation. Perfectly adequate words are the only things possible right now, if she wanted to live for another day.

"What is your point, Lady Milim?" Good choice of words, don't you think.

Milim wipes her tears then looks at Elmesia with full determination, "The thing is... I wanna marry him."

".......Eh?" Elmesia replied, as her brain exploded.

"I wanna marry him. So i can spend more time with him, and compete with the other girls who see him all the time. So he can make food for me and take care of me. So we can become a couple! And do some stuff..." She simply added in the end before devouring the plate of cake whole.

'I think what you really want is a father...' Elmesia sighed again after having her two remaining brain cells evaporate from existence.

'Just... Where did this guy come from in the end...' She simply thought, while looking at the epic fight between Rose and Rimuru.


The two demon lords have been fighting for quite some time now.

Rose has been using her anger and frustration to power up [Wrathful King Satanael] which increased her speed, strength and agility tremendously.

Against such a terrifying skill, Rimuru could not do anything. And if she weren't using the overpowered body Akira gave her, she would have evaporated just from the radiation emitted by Rose's empowerement.

Though Rimuru has successfully survived up until now, with minor injuries and still a lot of stamina and magicules in reserve. Why you may ask?

[Abyssal God Jaldabāoth], which she gained through the Harvest Festival, with the help of Akira.

This origin skill was the upgraded version of Rose's [Prideful King Lucifer] . This skill has the ability to copy anything, literally anything as this was an origin skill which had access to a part of [Akashic Records]. [Jaldabāoth] is an ability that not only allows the user to copy a skill at a 100% efficiency regardless of any resistance whatsoever, it also allowed the user to copy the opponent's strength, speed, and magical reserve.

Which meant that everytime Rose would power up, Rimuru would copy her strength, speed and magicules everytime, resulting in her going toe to toe with the ancient demon lord.

And the more power Rimuru put into [Jaldabāoth], the more efficient the skill or strength copy would be, as it could surpass 100% and reach the billions, trillions or even infinity as long as Rimuru had the necessary magicules for the process.

Though she could not allow herself to breach the 100% as long as she does not have the [Magicule Breeder Reactor], yet to copy from Milim.

Now that you understand the situation, let's see the actual fight.


The two demon lords were flying in the sky exchanging with imaginary strength while accelerating in speed, which had surpassed Light Speed far ago.

Rose had acquired lots of fighting experience during her existence, which far surpassed Rimuru's by light years. However, against Rimuru's unpenetrable body and her cheat skills, she could not inflict lots of damage to the slime girl.

"You're holding quite well, little slime~" Rose teased Rimuru while clashing her sword against hers.

The two were having an intense fight and Rose did not give a single moment for Rimuru to rest, hitting her multiple times with her demonic sword at an incredible speed, which Rimuru copied using [Jaldabāoth] which looked like the sword was coming at her in slow motion.

"This is my chance!" Rimuru exclaimed, seeing how focused Rose was on actually hitting Rimuru, she forgot to watch out for magic attacks.

Rimuru- "Devour her energy! [Asmodeus]!" She said chanting a deadly attack on Rose.

"FUCK!" Rose cursed seeing how she could not move to dodge the attack, because of her incredible speed that did not allow her to go anywhere but forward.

Rose did not dodge the attack which resulted in Rimuru's attack hitting her.

"GRAAAAAH!" Rose screamed, feeling a big part of her energy draining in seconds.

[Lustful King Asmodeus | Soul Corruption], this attack allowed the user to weaken the soul of the target. And since Rose was a strong girl, she survived certain defeat, but a big part of her energy was drained.

Her velocity decreased dramatically which resulted in her being overpowered by Rimuru. Rimuru took this occasion to land a few quick hits on Rose. And by few quick hits, we mean punches capable of destroying an entire country.

Rimuru punched Rose in the face so hard she was sent flying.


The ancient demon lord crushed on one of the arena's walls.

Rose quickly got up, she spat some blood before starting to look for Rimuru again.

The rookie demon lord was nowhere to be found.

Rose's ear twitched.

"LOOK UP!" Rose said, looking at the sky seeing a dark Rimuru preparing to punch her from up.

Rose could not move, she was glued to the ground. Her energy is still decreasing because of Rimuru's previous attack.

"Nothing personal, Rose." Rimuru said coldly, throwing a killer punch at Rose.

"That's gonna, fucking, hur—"


The sound resonated through the entire arena as Rimuru completely destroyed the ground Rose was standing at.

Smoke started rising and the shadowy figure of Rose Crimson jumped to the sky at the moment of impact.

Rose got quickly frustrated from not being able to hit Rimuru. She then flew to the sky and started charging her fist with lots of power from her copied [Wrathful King Satan].

Rimuru did the same by copying Rose's increasing strength and speed.

Rose started glowing in a red color, her aura became dark crimson red, while Rimuru became brighter with a golden azur aura.


The two charged at each other with incredible speed to deliver the killing blow.

In light speed, the two girls became invisible to the naked eye and only their blinding aura was visible.

"TAKE— THIS !!!" They both shouted before punching each other.

And then, suddenly..

Someone just teleported in the middle of the battle ring, where Rose and Rimuru were about to deliver the final blow.

"Phew, finally finished with that guy... Now, where a—" He got punched in the face by the two demon lords.



"FUCKING HELL!!! THAT HURT YOU KNOW?!" Akira said, annoyed with the two demon lords' fists still glued on his face.

Rimuru removed her fist from Akira's face quickly.

"A-A-AKIRA!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" She asked in anger.

"Nothing important, i was just looking for—" He was soon interrupted by Rose who jumped on him.

"Hey sexy~ Why'd you come here? Perhaps, to take me~?" She said putting her hand on Akira's torso and the other one close to his thing.

"WH-WHAT ARE YOU DOING, ROSE?!" She asked in jealousy seeing how easy it was for Rose.

"Isn't it clear, Rimuru-chan? I'm properly 'greeting' my darling~ Hey, if you want, you can have my body right here and now!" Said the horny demon lord.

Rimuru blushed and looked away with an angry face.

Rose saw Rimuru's embarrassement and was gonna tease her as well.

"Mm? Care to join us for a threesome, Rimuru-chan~?" She said while giggling which made Rimuru jump in embarrassment.

"Maybe next time, Rose. But for now, i must go see Elmesia right there." He said, immediately teleporting by Elmesia's side, which made her jump in suprise.

Milim was there as well, and seeing Akira, her mood flipped 180 degrees, stars formed in her eyes and a wide smile appeared on her face, and since she was all talkative about marriage a little ago, she blushed intensely at that idea.

"A-AKIRAAA~!" She said in extreme joy as she jumped to hug him from his back.

"Oh hey Milim, it's been a while!" He said with a smile.

Milim hugged him more intensely as if there was no tomorrow, she then put her mouth on his neck and started sniffing his delicious smell, which relieved her from all the stress she had accumulated during the week.

"Lord Akira..." Elmesia mumbled.

"Pleased to meet'cha." He simply said.

"Likewise. My name is Elmesia El-Ru Sarrion and I'm the Queen of the Sorcerer's Dynasty Sarrion." She said, giving her hand to shake.

"The fight was quite the entertainment. I appreciate you preparing such a spectacle for me to behold."

Well, apart from the fighters' status, the duels have been quite entertaining up until now, especially because of the fact that she's an heteromorphic so power was something she was trusty for.

Akira sat on his throne, Elmesia sat as well, while Milim sat on Akira's lap, she was caressing his leg with her bottom back gently while making some pleasured noises. Elmesia shut her mouth and did not dare to speak to Akira about his relationship with the demon lords since it could be a bit too indiscret.




In the end, Rimuru had won against Rose Crimson, which shocked the crowd and especially Elmesia, seeing how this rookie demon lord had succeeded in wining against the ancient demon lord in a fair fight.