CH. 138: Cursed Yura

"Are you alright?" Akira asked as he untied the ropes restraining Irene.

Irene is beautiful in appearance. She has silver hair, clear blue eyes and a perfectly oval face. She was loved by everyone making her the perfect target for the abduction.

"...I asked you a question?" Akira asked, thinking she's still under the curse as she didn't say a word back and she was just staring at him blankly with a fever red face.

"Sigh... Don't say a thing, you're still under shock. My name is Nox and I've come here to rescue you." Akira presented himself.

Then suddenly, Irene reacted for the first time, "O—Oh! Pardon my undescent behavior. I'm the only daughter of Sir Earl Esteem of Winston, my name is Irene... It—It is an honor to meet you, Lord Nox. My life belongs to you— i, I MEAN... Ahem, ahem... I owe you my life for saving me. Please accompany me back to Winston where I and father shall reward you generously." She said with a face full of devotion as she lowered her head in solemn respect and bowed down before her savior.

Doran felt completely forgotten as he didn't receive any credit from the Lady. But he also didn't participate a lot apart from leading the way and explaining the situation to Akira, so he swallowed his pride courageously and forgot the credit part.

However, one thing was missing...

[[ (S) Quest: Rescue the Earl Esteem's daughter, Irene, from the Servants of Yatan. (Ongoing...) ]]

The quest wasn't completed yet, someone out there was out for blood.

"I'm afraid this is as far as you'll get... As guarding this sacrifice here is my S-ranked quest... Fufu~ to think a named NPC like Doran and a newbie are my enemies~."

Those were the words of an hostile newcomer, another player in the world of Satisfy, and also a quintessential ranker in the unified leaderboard...

Yura, the Number 1 ranker in Black Magic and 7th in the world leaderboard.

"Take Irene to safety Doran, I'll handle her myself." Akira said nonchalantly with raised hands and a poker face.

Doran couldn't just leave Akira to fight Yura alone, but his duty as a knight consisted in saving the daughter at the risk if his life, also, he was confident in Akira's victory, "I trust you, Sir Akira." He said, with clear respect for Akira and appreciation for what he's doing. "We'll be waiting for you in Winston." He said

"WHAT?! NO WE CANT LEAVE HIM HERE DORAN! YOU MUST HELP HIM AND IT'S AN ORDE—" She shouted in distress, but Doran picked her up and they ran towards the exit regardless of her words, "I'm sorry Lady Irene but your father's orders are my priority..." He said, running away while holding the noble adult, who cried and hit him many times to let go of her.

"I won't let you leave!" Yura shouted, she created Dark Tentacles and tried to stop Doran from leaving but the tentacles withered away due an unknown spell cast by Akira.

She looked at the boy with a sweat drop on her face, "YOU! Wh—... What did you do?! How did you nullify the spell of the Top 1 Dark Magic user?!" She asked, confused about what just happened.

It is impossible to pull out such a stunt against a player who dominates in what he's doing, the only conclusion Yura came to was... "You're a Hidden Class User aren't you!" She accused him.

Akira made a nonchalant move and said, "Well you're wrong about that but my class has nothing to do with what just happened."

Then suddenly, Akira appeared in front of Yura's face immediately and said with a slow and frenetic voice, "You say you're the Number One Dark Magic user in the game... But no one stands above an Outer God in any domain."

These words intimidated Yura like anyone who'd stand so close to an Outer God, on the verge of life and death, his aura was extremely powerful and her body started trembling.

Yura jumped back by a few steps, she regained her composure and cast an analysis spell on Akira to learn more about him. But mysteriously, the analysis spell totally failed.

"Th—This isn't possible. You! You're not even a player!" She shouted.

'Wait what?' He asked innerly. "You're a named NPC too!" She said. The analysis on Akira's avatar was extremely limited, something only possible with Satisfy NPCs.

"...I have been called many names, each more heartless than the next but never have I been told I was an NPC... Your insult shall not stand..." Akira said, his eyes turning red.

"Die." He pronounced. Tens of gooey, dark and sharp tentacles appeared from Akira's back and flew at the speed of sound towards Yura.

[[ -1'000HP, -100HP, -100HP... ]]

"GRAAAH!!" She couldn't react to his attacks and found herself slammed against the wall with all of her limbs neutralized by the tentacles. She threw up a bit of blood from the power of the impact.

"Cough cough... Damn youu...!!" She cursed while coughing from all the dust the attack emitted. She couldn't move her legs nor arms as the tentacles penetrated her skin and glued it to the wall made out of concrete.

Normally, she should feeling extraordinary pain at ye moment since her body is pierced by five sharp tentacles but since it's just a game not reality, the pain was very limited. She tried freeing herself but the attack took a toll on her energy reserve, it drained her.

[[ -100HP, -150HP, -200HP... ]] Her health bar kept decreasing until reaching a critical minimum.

Yura had many aces up her sleeve such as last resort spells or resurrection artifacts to prevent her death but being mobilized completely neutralized her and removed all chances of her actually escaping.

Now, her fate was between the bloody hands of Akira who walked slowly towards her, knowing just as good as her how much she was fucked at the moment.


>Up to 20 Advanced Chapters waiting for the impatient readers! Hoping you'll continue with the adventure !

Thanks for reading.