All the people rush toward the announcement board to search for their placement in class and house placement. After the situation subsided and most of the students left the announcement board, Bobby walk into it to search for his name amid 100 names.

'Bobby….Bobby… where the hell is my name by the way?.'

In a few minutes, Bobby found his name that has a two-column beside it. The column indicates which classes and house he will be in for the whole 3 years in the Duemi Academia.

As Bobby walk into the water fountain, he saw a glimpse of Hans entering the portal near the water fountain with a black and red scabbard behind his back.

'Hmm… Hans likes exploding things when we were kids. I wonder if he still does it now but he looks more mature and cold when I see him standing beside Mr. Gus after the entry test ends.


"You are in the way dumb-nuts. Move your ass away from the road"

Bobby startles as he grabs his head after he got hit. He turns his head and sees that there is a girl with long black hair holding a brush. The brush on her hands is the same size as a regular sword

"You could tell me a bit nicely though….." muttered Bobby in a low voice

"What are you waiting for, baldy princess. Move out the way" The girl said while swinging her big brush on her hands


'Should I just punch this rude girl, I'm not even that bald.'

Bobby move out from the roads as he sees the girl walking toward the portal

'Dear God, please keep her away from my life in this academy for 3 years. I even exchange it for the cost of my receding hairline.'

As Bobby opens his eyes after praying to God, Bobby realizes that he is the only one standing on the road as most of the people already entered the portal. Doesn't want to be late, Bobby rush toward the portal.


Luna Xans

One of the prodigies from the Kingdom of Holt. Adopted daughter for Lord Xans who is currently one of the Kairos Vanguard of Asila Continent. She cleared the entry test as one of the fastest than all of the participants besides Hans, Andrei, Jerry, and William.

'That baldy has a nice artifact on him. Although he tried to hide his bracelet in his right hand, it is still noticeable. My brush can't replicate it, so it must be at the same tier. Well it's not like I will get too close to him anyway,'. Let's just knock his balds head as a relief that I can't get into the top 3 from the entry test.'

Luna walks into the portal humming after she releases her stress to Bobby with swear words and hitting his head.

As she enters the portal, the academy scene surrounding her slowly changes into the forest that has multiple tree houses around it. She sees familiar people from the group of entry test gathering in front of several people that wear the uniform of Duemi Academia

"The ones who just enter from the portal please step toward here with the others." said the person with glasses who is one of the people standing in the front.

Luna follows the instruction as she joins up the group of people that have been gathering since before. She just idling around amid all of the people as she doesn't seem to be close with the people around here.

As she is the daughter of one of the strongest men in the Kingdom of Holt, most kids seem to be afraid or nervous around Luna since she was little. Although when some people tried to get close to her, she eventually find out that the other person has an ulterior motive to have the backing of her father. Since then, she hard to have a sense of trust from other people.

After several minutes, the glasses person in the front claps his hands so loudly that only the sound of cricket is heard.

"Okay, everyone seems to be here now. Let me introduce myself, my name is Von Rudy. The sophomore of Duemi Academia. The house that you will be living in for the next 3 years is based on the data from the entry test. You guys can't change the house unless there are valid reasons."

Luna's eyes flicker a little when she heard the statement

'I hope the people in the share house are someone that can be tolerated, but what if that baldy is in the same house as me?…hahaha…Nah… fate is not cruel like that.'

"As you guys can remember from the announcement board that Mrs. Priscilla put out before, the left side is for the number 000-200 and the right side is for the number 201-400," said Von while pointing his hands in both directions

"Your house is located among the seniors too, so don't be shocked if you met someone else on your way there. Now move to your house and read the rules that have been placed in each of your houses. That's all from me, you can look for me in room number 306 if you have any questions."

Luna walks into the right side as she searches for the number 304 which is the number of her house. After several minutes, she enters the treehouses that look old but sturdy. As she walk into the house, she saw the number one participant from the entry test, Hans Luther talking to another person who weirdly looks familiar to her.

She blurted in shock as she realizes
