
Bobby heats the pan to start his cooking for the group after Hans and Rul come back from the food back to grab the essential grocery. The food bank also has canned food if there is a group that doesn't have any cooker in their group.

Hans suggests having a cooked meal instead of processed food as it is better for their body to have a genuine meal. It is fortunate that Bobby still remembers how to cook as he has always been alone since he was a child.

"Hans, do you notice the notes that came with the uniform in our bed?"

"Ya, it seems that we need to leave our artifacts behind for tomorrow's class. I think my father already told me about it. We will be given low-tier weapons as they want us to not depend on our artifacts too much."

"Ahh… it's a bummer but there is some truth to it. To be honest, I able to clear the entry test is because of my gauntlet."

"It's not just you, I use my greatsword plenty too in the entry test. By the way, Mr. Kais that you talk about is a kind soul. He gave you such good artifacts for free."

Rul, come out from behind as he taps both Hans and Bobby's shoulder.

"Guys, Is the food will be finished soon.? The girls want to set up the table now if it is ready."

"Ya, you can tell the girls to set up the table, Bobby will bring it to the table in a few moments."

"See if that flat is doing her jobs. I think she is a slacker."

Hans sighed as he turns his head toward Rul.

"I think Bobby and Luna are the sworn enemies in their past life. They just fighting even though one of the Holmes rules is no fighting."

After several minutes, Bobby brings the pan to the table and they begin to have their first meal together as a group.

As they eat, Hans raises his head toward the group and asked

"By the way, if it is okay for you, can I ask what is each of you guys' domain power? Let me start first, my domain power is Domain of Fire."

The groups start to tell their domain power, Luna has a Domain of Art, Rul has a Domain of Water, Dana has a Domain of Ice, Rachel has a Domain of Sound and finally, Bobby tells his domain power which is Domain of Nothingness.

The group has puzzled looks on their face as soon as Bobby tell his domain.

"What is the Domain of Nothingness.? I'm sorry but I don't think I remember if there is a domain with that name."

Others nodded toward Bobby's direction after Dana's question.

"Ahh… it's nothing special, it's just that I can absorb the damage of the domain power toward me better and sometimes I can cancel out the domain power of the opposition but it takes a toll on my body when I use it, so I rarely use it."


Bobby, Luna, and Hans are on their way to Ein class which is their classroom for this semester. Rachel, Dana, and Rul are in Tweir class which is another block away from Ein class, so they separated after they pass the portal from Holmes to the Duemi Academia.

Bobby walks into the classroom first as Hans is going for the toilet and Luna don't want to associate herself with Bobby.

As Bobby enters the classroom, there is already a lot of people in the class and they are talking with each other. Bobby looks for the empty seat and found out that there are only three seats left which are in the back of the classroom.

Luna enters the classroom after a few minutes as Bobby is seating by himself in the back, but the atmosphere is different from the moment Bobby enters the classroom earlier

Other students in the class sneer toward Luna and treat her like trash the moment she enters. There is a boy with blonde hair who begins to talk loudly as he steps closer toward Luna.

"Woahh, the princess is here. Hmm… where is your bodyguard by the way? Do they finally realize that it is not worth their time to guard the orphan who doesn't have single blood of Lord Xans in her body.?


"Ahhh… is the orphan will tell on me to his fake daddy again.? Somebody help me please. Help me."

Some of the students in the class laugh after hearing hows Nate speaking toward Luna.


Pen hit directly toward Nate's forehead as he mocked Luna.

Nate grimace in pain as the pen that flew toward him is uncapped and blood start pouring on his forehead

"Just shut up you posh ass blondie. It's too early in the morning to be as loud as you bonehead."

Silence looms in the classroom as Bobby stands up from his seat and walks toward Nate who is holding his forehead in pain.

"By the way, are you gonna tell your daddy on me blondie, cause I hit your big ass forehead.?"