
Bobby tries to recollect his memories on how to chant and visualize the magic spells that he learned from Mr. Gus's lesson this morning. He waves his hands as he chants and the barrier starts to form at the top of his hands but dissolves in the split second.

'Ahhh… what is wrong with me… I have been trying these magic spells for days now.'

After one month been learning in Duemi Academia, Bobby now has known the basic magic spell that can be used. All domain users have their domain power to use, but the magic spell is used because of limited domain capacity.

Domain power has high damage and power but it also comes with a higher rate of usage on domain capacity. If the person uses up all of their domain capacity, they will suffer a backlash to their body. They will not be able to use their domain power until it is completely replenished and it will be hard for them to move their body after that.

The first founder of Domain, Ein Duemi is the first domain user in all continents and the one who can unite and rule all continents at his time. He comes up with the magic spell which is by using the power of the surroundings to construct magic with the uses of the spell.

With the use of magic spells, the use of domain power can be minimized. Although magic spells are convenient to uses, the power generated from them is inferior to the domain power.

The person can use the magic spell if they know the chant and can channel a bit of their domain power into the spell as they use it. k

Magic spell varies into three types which are Srang, Taha, and Bants. Rang is classified for the offensive type magic spells while Taha and Bants are for defensive and support types respectively.

Most of the magic spells are generalized but the difference is from the uses of domain power that has been channelled to it. For example, someone uses magic spells to form a barrier, their barrier will have domain power to layer the barrier.

After Bobby failed in his attempt to form a barrier by using magic spells, he walks away from the forest and heads back to the treehouses to ask for his other housemates on how to use the magic spell correctly as most of them are already able to use it.


On the outskirts of the Kingdom of Holt

"Lia… don't walk too far away from me, Mom will be mad at me if you happen to fall."

"Hehehe catch me if you can~"


Blake and his sister are on their way to their homes after buying the meal for the night when suddenly, he heard someone's cried out from the distance. Blake swiftly grab his sister who was stunned after hearing the scream.

When he looked back to the sources of the scream, he found a middle-aged man with a tiger insignia on his chest stomping the headless body while giggling and talking to the person beside him.

Blake quickly hides in the bush while closing his sister's eyes in his arm.

"Lia… I will give you a lot of treats when we go back home later, just keep quiet for now please."

As he tries his best to keep calm in the situation, he saw the old lady who he bought the meal from earlier is on her knees and grovelling at the middle-aged man.

"Mis…Mister, please have mercy on my granddaughter… you can kill me as you like, please let her go, mister… I give you all my money."

There is a fair skin girl at the age around 10 years old beside the old lady who grovelling with her.

"Hmm… bring the kid to the carriage with others. I think we can sell her for high prices, educate her and do what you want as you like but just keep the face intact." said the middle-aged man to the burly person beside him as he grin while looking at the little girl.

The burly person grabs the little girl forcefully as the old lady tries to resist and hold the little girl tightly but to no avail, the old lady was kicked in her head hard. She tries her hardest to remain conscious as she crawls to her granddaughter.

"Little Yuan…wait for nanny"

The middle-aged man grabs his sword and walks toward the crawling old lady as he laughs and chops both of her arms instantly.

"Hahaha, let's see how you crawling without both of your arms now!"

The old lady cried out in pain as she called out her granddaughter. After a few minutes, the middle-aged man beheads the old lady's head while making the little girl see everything in front of her eyes.

Blake tries hard to contain himself in the situation as there are several people along with the middle-aged man too. All of them are wearing a black robe with a tiger insignia on their chest. Tiger insignia is the insignia of the Kingdom of Anadia while the insignia of the Kingdom of Holt is the grey elephant.

Most of the people that get to wear the insignia on their chest are only the people from the military. The middle-aged man chants Bants magic spells which amplified his voice across the area while lifting the old lady's head

"This town is now the Kingdom of Anadia territory, anyone who disobeys will meet their fate like this old lady."