The Ultimate Trainer!

When granted a magical ability from out of nowhere, Betty's first thoughts weren't of heroics or villainy. It was of selfish desire and fulfilment. This power called itself Taming Supreme. Betty was the holder of Taming Supreme and if she died, the person or thing that killed her would become its new wielder. Giving her an incentive to let no one know about her new magical ability. But this did not mean she would hide it away and let it go to waste. Far from it actually.

On the first day, she tamed a dragonfly. It was more of a test really to see if it worked or not. The dragonfly didn't physically change or anything but when she made physical contact with it, she could instinctively understand the condition, ability, and personality of the dragonfly. It was in perfectly health, albeit hungry, had an ability called Calculations that was shared with her once it was tamed, and had the personality trait: Calm. However, there was more to her ability. The dragonfly could now understand her and follow her commands.

Betty tried taming more insects with Taming Supreme to gain more abilities for herself like Calculations that seemed to have drastically enhanced her mind. With Calculations, Betty didn't even have to resort to using a calculator when trying to solve advanced math problems when previously even high school math would require her to have one. It didn't take long for Betty to realize that the ability had more usage than just helping her be a human calculator. When she got on the internet, turned on her VPN, and used incognito mode for maximum safety, she created a post asking what could a human do if they had perfect calculating abilities. It took a few hours before any replies came in but eventually, they did.

Letting her know of her new capabilities now. Prediction, better accuracy, parallel processing, finding the exact measurements of objects without having to measure them with tools, and possibly more. All of these were things that Betty was glad to see. With this, she'll actually have value in this unforgiving world. While she wasn't interested in becoming a mathematician or anything like that, still it would be useful for something.

After taming the dragonfly, Betty tried taming a lost ant and a pollinating honeybee. It only worked on the honeybee who somehow sucked up all of her magic. The honeybee landed on her finger and affectionately rubbed its body on it. She figured this was because its personality was Jolly unlike the dragonfly who was calm and didn't react any differently when it was tamed. For its ability, it held Hive Mind which gave Betty the ability to share her thoughts and senses with the dragonfly and honeybee. Its condition was Perfectly Healthy and Happy.

Betty decided to name the dragonfly Callum and the honeybee Joyce. Taming Supreme gave her the knowledge that the two were capable of evolving into Magical Beasts through killing, aging, and special means. These special means would change from species to species. Evolving would enhance their entire being to the next stage. There was no reason why Betty wouldn't want this. So, she sent them out of her house to go and kill insects and animals in the city.

Callum was more than content to follow such an order. He spent the entire day, going after insects and tearing them apart mid-flight with his legs and devouring them with his mandibles. During this time, his body began to slowly change and improve the more he killed. On the other hand, Joyce did the exact opposite. Instead of killing insects and other small critters, she only danced and played around with flowers. It was only when Betty used Hive Mind to directly order her to kill that she started doing so. Joyce stopped doing whatever she was doing to a flower when she heard Betty's voice and instantly flew up in surprise.

It was a strange feeling seeing insects act with human personalities. Normally they were mindless little bugs but these two... Were probably the smartest bugs on the planet! That made Betty feel somewhat hesitant about forcing Joyce into killing other insects but at the same time she wouldn't have much use with her just being a cute little honeybee.

The next morning, Callum arrived with a completely new appearance after eating hundreds of mosquitoes and similar flying insects. He didn't look any bigger or gained any new body parts but he was now golden in color, was much faster and stronger. If Betty wanted to catch him, she'd have to use Calculation to its fullest capability. Joyce didn't change at all from when she tamed her because she didn't evolve. She did kill some insects but it was nowhere near the same amount as Callum did. The assassin-like Callum was an unstoppable killer with a 99% kill rate when it came to the prey he targeted.

But both would prove useful to her very soon as she headed out the house. Betty was on her way to a casino to cheat money! As a 34-year-old NEET living off of government funds because of how useless she was as a person, she had a responsibility to abuse this power to its fullest before becoming a responsible and proper citizen. After making it rich through several casino places and cheating at their games, she'll get a job at a Magical Organization and finally put an end to her benefits from the government to live.

Becoming a worker at one of the many magic companies was very prosperous and respectable in this day and age. Mages, Warriors, and any other occupation related to them were all treated with respect as they helped protect the world at large from Magical Beasts. It was also easy to find a high-paying job as one of those occupations because of how high the death-rate is for those jobs.

Betty didn't plan to become a front-line Mage or Warrior or anything dangerous like that. She was a completely normal woman! How could she think about facing off in life-or-death battles against wild and ferocious Magical Beasts? No, no, no, what she was planning was to become a regular office worker or something along those lines. That would solve all her current problems in life right now.

It would solve the money issue, it would get her mom and dad off her back about getting a job, and it would be fun to become a powerful Mage without risking her life. Her tamed beasts would do all the work for her and she would grow strong without lifting a finger! It was the ideal magical ability for a lazy useless hermit like herself! Betty was willing to prostrate herself to the being who gave her this hermit-exclusive magical ability to her.

So, over the course of three weeks, Betty cleaned out several casinos with the help of Callum and Joyce before being banned at all casinos across the country. She was suspected of being a cheater but they could never prove how she cheated which meant, legally, they had no case against her whatsoever. Even if they pointed several cameras at her or focused on her the entire time, it still couldn't be seen how she was cheating. Eventually, it came to the point where some casinos hired Mages and Warriors to watch her to see if she was cheating. This upped the difficulty of gambling quite a bit as Mages and Warriors had several ways of enhancing their senses. For those nights, she had to rely on Calculations alone to get her through the games without Joyce and Callum. It turns out, having a brain almost on the same level of a computer's processing speed was very helpful in winning games of chance at the casino. With a brain that could calculate multiple outcomes, tell her the probabilities of each outcome based on the choices she makes, and do all this in a matter of seconds despite the pressure of a Mage or Warrior bearing down on her, it was hard for her to lose.

Betty won over 25 million dollars before she was banned by every casino in the country. Her face was plastered all over the walls to not allow her entry into their dens ever again. She also gained the attention of numerous news medias who wanted to interview her on how she did it and to hear her story. Now, Betty wasn't particularly interested in going on television and speaking in front of the world about how she got rich, she knew it wouldn't be safe to hold on to all this money without some way to protect herself. Both Callum and Joyce evolved during this time.

Callum evolved twice and was now capable of killing foxes, coyotes, dogs, and other similarly sized animals. He's gained an extra ability called Muscular Strengthening which made him an even more deadly killer. Any animal that he got his legs on were torn apart, shredded, or captured and rendered helpless as he ate them alive. Betty was confident in taking on a Low Warrior with Muscular Strengthening despite never having exercised a day in her life! Well, confident in taking them on in like an arm wrestle, not like a fight. Because she'd lose then! She doesn't have any experience in fighting and never fought once in her life.

Warriors and Mages were ranked from Low to Mid to High to Elite to Danger. Low Magical Beasts were on par with the fiercest animals with a pathetic amount of magic within their bodies. Mid Magical Beasts were born with a moderate amount of magic that could kill the strongest human with ease. High Magical Beasts were beasts that would take a highly trained military force with the best firepower in the world to win against. Elite Magical Beasts required an entire army. Danger Magical Beasts needed a nuke.

Joyce evolved only once with her physical attributes increasing significantly. Her stinger became smoother, her venom became more potent, and she got much faster. If an animal was stung and injected with her venom, they'd experience excruciating pain and unbearable itching. She was still the same size as a regular honeybee with no difference in coloration after evolving. Still loveable and jolly too. Unwilling to attack animals unless ordered to or harassed by other creatures.

Betty was slightly disheartened to know that she couldn't share Calculations and Muscle Strengthening with Joyce. It would've been fun to see a super strong and ripped bee but she can't ask for too much, can she? Taming Supreme still hasn't allowed her to tame any other animals or insects since she got Joyce. Maybe there was something she had to do before being allowed to tame a third animal. What that was, she had no clue but for now, she had an interview to participate in.

"Thank you for joining us, Betty Roy! The newest millionaire and probably fastest millionaire to ever come about through gambling!" Rick Strong, the tv show host yelled.

Betty waved to the studio audience as she made her way to the very comfortable looking red chair next to Rick's desk. As a 34-year-old hermit, Betty would not consider herself a fashionista or knowing how to properly dress for something like this. So, she used some of her money and hired someone that did! Wouldn't it be embarrassing if she showed up to this popular show and looked trashy or bad? She's seen enough fail videos on the internet to not want to repeat their mistakes.

The audience was surprised to see the latest millionaire in their town to look like this. They've only seen her face online or on the television but now that they saw her body too, they were very surprised. She was fat! She had acne! She was short! She wore glasses! How did someone like this cheat millions out of multiple casinos!? They had to know more about her!

"Hello Rick." Betty was quite nervous being on television for the first time. She hoped her sweat wouldn't ruin whatever her make-up artist put on her face.

"Everyone in the Bi-State Area is wondering, just how did you do it? How did you take home over 25 millions of dollars from numerous casinos across the state? Many people believed that you have cheated in some way. Even though many statements have come out about you being watched with cameras or by Mages and Warriors. Did you cheat?" He asked with a wide smile on his face.

"I uhm, did not cheat. I have a brain like a computer." She explained awkwardly.

"Can you explain further?" Some people in the audience took out pens to write notes down.

"I can calculate certain outcomes and probabilities with my brain without consciously trying to. This kind of helps me choose the best action to take when making any decision." Betty tried to get across.

It was the truth but at the same time it was a lie. Betty strictly used Joyce and Callum to cheat for a majority of her gambling career. Only when the Mages and Warriors were hired by the casinos to see if she was cheating by using magic or a magical artefact did she have to rely on Calculations. There hasn't been a time in her life when she felt more alive than when cheating money out of honest businesses to use to benefit herself.

"Wow! That's amazing!" Rick and the audience started clapping and hollering for her.

"Thank you all." Betty bowed her head even though she didn't feel like that was something to be praised for.

"Were you born with a computer brain? Why haven't you done something like this sooner?" He asked a really difficult question.

"I uh, actually have something I want to announce that's related to that..." Betty interrupted him. Having her explanation poked at and constantly talked about would reveal her lie sooner.

"Oh? Sure, go ahead Betty!"

"I wasn't born with my brain like this, it was only just recently that I've gotten it." Betty revealed to the awes, gasps, and murmurs of the audience.

"What does she mean by that?"

"Did she find a legendary artifact?"

"What legendary artifact would only make someone's brain better?"

"The audience and everyone at home would love for you to explain." Rick looked into her eyes.

"I've became a mage." She stated simply to the shocked reaction of the audience.

"And y-you said you were thirty... thirty-four years old? And still awakened...?" Even Rick couldn't believe what he was hearing and he's interviewed Mages before!

Every child in elementary school, middle school, and high school were tested for their physical talent and magical talent. Those were the only times in one's life that it was possible for them to awaken a talent for magic. But what Betty was admitting practically threw that entire thing out the window! It directly proved the Magical Association incorrect in their assessment that a person only has three chances to ever awaken a magical talent! Because Betty could not have made it to her age without being tested those three times. No child was exempt from testing as Humanity needed all the help it could get against Magical Beasts.

"That's right, Rick." Betty nodded her head. "I plan to apply to a Magical Organization soon to support Humanity in its fight."

"You plan to fight Magical Beasts at your age!?" Rick couldn't help but exclaim.

"No." Not unless she was braindead would she do something like that. "I'll help out at the building, kind of like an office worker. My magical ability would be much more useful in the building rather than fighting monsters." She corrected him.

"Oh, that's a lot more realistic." He let loose a breath of relief. He thought this round little woman was planning to do something incredibly dangerous.

"Wait, so you did cheat those casinos!" Someone from the audience cried out.

"That's not right either. I can't turn off my magical ability. It's always turned on just like how a fire mage is always radiating warmth or heat." She explained immediately.

"While I'm sure the viewers at home have a few more questions, we'll get to those right after this!"

Betty believes she did well at the interview for being a socially reclusive NEET because a few days later, she had multiple Magical Organizations sending her mail offers to join their companies. Of course, there was some less than positive effects of going on tv and revealing that she was a millionaire. She bought a revolver, got taught on how to use it, and installed cameras all around her house for protection. More than thrice, did someone attempt to break into her home the following weeks.

With the help of Joyce, they were swiftly taken care of after being spotted by the cameras, messing with her doors, or breaking her windows. Despite being a 34-year-old NEET, she was still against taking a human's life even if they wanted to rob her of everything she had. It was difficult to explain to the cops though how every single one of the would-be home intruders were filled with intense pain and itchiness for a few hours along with a big fat red bump somewhere on their body. But thankfully, she thought of an explanation for it the first time her home was almost broken into.

She had Joyce become a Queen bee instead of just a worker bee and start making a colony of her own. Her nest was hanging on the side of her house and it didn't take more than a few days for her to get it completed. This was because of Joyce actively requesting some of her magic from the Taming Supreme. It energized her and basically turned her into a Super Bee. She went out into her old nest, grabbed a male bee, had him impregnant her, and then returned back to her empty nest to give birth to thousands of baby bees. With how fast she's become, it didn't take more than a few minutes for Joyce to take a break from taking care of her developing beehive and come out to sting any intruders before heading back to her nest.

Besides almost getting robbed on a weekly basis, Betty spent her time going through the numerous job offers in the mail. She was surprised to see so many well-known magical companies looking to hire her. Considering she was just looking for the highest paying job, it wasn't that hard to decide which one to apply to. Betty chose Humanity's Strongest Defenders! The most well-known Magical Organization in the northern continent!