A Lowly Farmer.

"Have you thought about my offer yet?" A fat-bellied pink pig looked up at him with a smirk.

A facial expression that Muu never thought would be possible for a mere pig to show but it seems that even an ancient god can do the impossible.

"I'll accept your offer." Muu replied.

The pig suddenly broke into an uncontrollable laughing fit of joy after hearing this reply. It even fell over on its back and placed its front hooves on its belly. An annoyed frown appeared on Muu's face. It wasn't as if he wanted to accept this ancient god's offer. But after all his efforts, he understood that he was just meant to be the average peasant without anything special to offer.

Zero potential with the blade, zero potential with the bow, zero potential with magic, it seemed like there were no paths for Muu to take besides becoming a simple farmer. He couldn't read to become esteemed scholar either because he didn't know how to read and his family didn't have enough money to spare to hire a tutor. All of this put together meant that Muu was destined to take over his family's farm and never accomplish anything great in his life.

But just because he was destined for mediocrity didn't mean that he would go around accepting deals from ancient gods. Especially the God of Chaos, a god known for mischief and evil. It took a lot of asking around for a multiple years before Muu could find out this information about the ancient god seeking to make a deal with him. He's been in his life since he was a young baby and constantly tried to trick him into making a deal with him. No one else seemed to be able to notice the God of Chaos when he inhabited the bodies of others, only himself.

For a long time, his mother, father, brothers, and sisters thought that he was crazy. Even now they still doubt his mental capabilities despite him not talking about talking farm animals, chatty insects, and cunning reptiles anymore. It was probably why his father wanted his other siblings to develop useful skills and go out in the world to explore while leaving Muu with him and his wife. A mentally challenged person would not be able to make it far in this world without constant supervision. At least that's what he heard his mother secretly say to his father in their room when he was younger.

It was all too simple to take care of farm animals and very hard to make mistakes. Eventually it'll become routine for Muu and it will be a simple matter for him to take over the farm. Even when they get old and die, they'll have nothing to worry about as long as they somehow find him a normal wife to take care of him and the farm.

Muu knew that he was not stupid, it was just that others couldn't see the same things he could. In another way, this ancient god is the entire cause of the village looking at him like he's stupid. He was spiteful for that fact for a long time. Perhaps in another life he would have a better relationship with his family and the other villagers if it wasn't for him. This pettiness could also be one of the reasons why he delayed accepting this deal with the ancient god.

But in the end, Muu was still a young man who wished to be more than just a simple farmer. If he was going to be something, he wanted to become the best. He didn't know why the God of Chaos wanted him to act as his agent and accept his power. But he did know that whatever it was would help him become something more than what he is now.

"It took 12 long annoying years but I've finally done it! Enjoy yourself Cursed One. I'll be watching you shake this world up in ways that I was never allowed!" The pig suddenly fell to the ground.

Muu felt something warm and invasive enter inside his body. It felt like his blood was flowing in reverse through his body until it reached his heart and made itself at home there. Knowledge began to flow through his body somehow and he instinctively understood the ability given to him by the God of Chaos. Blessing of Chaos.

Despite its evil sounding name, the magic ability was a lot less sinister in nature and effects. Muu walked over to the pig previously possessed by the God of Chaos and held his left palm in front of its face. It looked up at him in confusion and licked at his hand thinking that he was feeding it food. Unfortunately, this pig was not going to be fed any food but the power of Chaos!

"Break and shatter away those mortal limits that previously shackled you in the past." Muu whispered.

In a matter of seconds, the sound of something breaking inside the pig could be heard. As a result of being the receiver of the Blessing of Chaos, its dormant sleeping potential was forcefully awakened and pushed beyond its normal limits. It shrieked at the influence of sudden power gained by it and startled all the other farm animals into hiding in the corner of the fence. Bunched up together in complete terror at the Chaotic Pig who now had a strange black glow around its body. Somehow it was a lot handsomer. The pig's face was a lot more defined and sharper.

Soon his mother and father exited their home in a rush as came out back to see what the hell he was happening out here. His father had an axe in his hand.

"What the hell is going on out here, Muu!?" Agg worriedly asked.

"Are you okay, sweetie?" Melt hugged him from behind in a caring embrace.

"I'm fine. Everything is okay. Mom, dad, I have something to share with the family. It's very important." Muu told the two.

"What's going on boy? Did something happen?" Agg asked his son.

"Yes. It'll be easier to explain at dinner tonight with the whole family. It concerns the fate of our family and our lives going forward." Muu kept his eyes trained on the pig he just blessed.

It seemed to have understood that Muu somehow increased its strength and was now doing everything it could to show affection and gratitude to him. Licking him, rubbing its snout against his leg, and basically keeping itself attached to him by the hip.

"That sounds very serious Muu... Is it bad news?" Melt wanted to know.

"Not exactly. I'll explain everything later. It's complicated." Muu was still thinking of how to properly explain it to his family.

"Why's this pig over here? Why are all the other animals all herded up in the fence over there?" Agg soon asked.

These animals were his only source of money! If anything, bad happened to them he had to know. He felt like something was different with this pig near his son but didn't know what exactly. Agg just hoped that whatever happened earlier wasn't going to affect his family's livelihood. They're already struggling enough to take care of 8 kids as it is.

"It's about what I'm going to tell the family tonight. Please, just wait until tonight." Muu asked.

"Alright boy... Since it ain't an emergency, I won't pester ya now. But later tonight, I expect a full explanation." Agg told his son.

"I will explain everything." Muu nodded as his mother and father went back into the house.

"Can you understand me?" Muu asked the Chaotic Pig now that they were alone.

The pig didn't show any signs of understanding if it did and continued to treat him like his best friend. Muu moved his finger in a circle before saying, "Spin around." Chaotic Pig looked at his finger spinning around before doing the same as his finger. This caused Muu's eyes to widen in surprise.

He grabbed some pig feed and fed it to the pig for correctly understanding his instructions. It was more than happy to lick up the feed from his hand.

"Spin around." Muu tried it without using his finger to gesture.

"Oink." And Chaotic Pig spun around just like before.

He fed it again as a reward before thinking of how this ability could change the fate of the farm for the better.

As night came and all his family members returned home, Muu prepared himself to share the news with his family. Two of his siblings weren't home. His oldest brother and oldest sister. Jin and Tel left the house not too long ago in pursuit of their own lives. Tel being a mercenary and Jin being an apprentice mage.

"Are you ready to share the news with the family, Muu?" Agg asked after everyone finished eating dinner.

"News?" Tin's ears perked up.

"What news?" Din's ears also rose in response to them.

Muu stood up from his side of the table.

"I was blessed by a god."