Puppet Queen.

"Are you freaking kidding me?" Tanya sighed.

"Tanya has been contracted to the God of Chaos! Next student, please come up!"

Tanya made her way down the stage as she headed to the actual test that would decide her entry into Heartfield Academy. She stood in a giant room alone with an instructor. The instructor was a woman who looked a little... homely. To put it nicely. Regardless of how Tanya felt about the woman, she had to restrain her honesty. Otherwise, she might just fail her out of spite.

"Hello, Ms. Tanya. You can call me Professor Ellie. If you are able to survive for 2 minutes, you will pass and become one of Heartfield's freshmen this year. Tell me when you're ready and we can begin."

"Hmph." Wooden bits and mechanical parts shot out from underneath Tanya's clothes and formed together.

Ellie analyzed the creature and realized that it was a tyrannosaurus rex. A wooden puppet in the form of a t-rex. Well, out of all the things she expected, Ellie certainly didn't expect something like this. Puppet Masters were typically a dying profession amongst Divine Contractors. The balance between risk and benefit were too skewed for anyone to decide to pursue that path. Not mentioning the high costs it takes for repairing, upgrading, and maintenance. The general public considered anyone willing to become a Puppet Master as actual maniacs or rich eccentrics.

"Ready, professor."

Ellie nodded as she threw a seed on the floor. With a bright green light, the seed burst apart as it split apart into multiple other seeds and a strange plant beast. The beast was in the shape of a hound, made entirely of grass. It raced toward Tanya once it finished growing to its full size.

Tanya had a confident condescending smirk on her face as she flexed her fingers. She patiently waited for the grassy hound to make its way toward her. Just when it was within her range, she capitalized on her moment. The T-rex leaped into the air just as the grass hound jumped toward Tanya's throat. It latched its sharp conical serrated teeth into the beast's grassy throat right out of the air. With a jerk of Tanya's fingers, the T-rex violently jerked its head as it clamped down on the hound's throat. In a single motion, its head went flying off into the distance.

Ellie quickly grew two more hounds that raced after Tanya after the death of the first grassy hound. Tanya didn't panic and sent her T-rex charging forward. She noticed that the hounds targeted her instead of her puppet. With an amused scoff, her T-rex leaped onto the face of one of the hounds coming Tanya's way. It shook its head back and forth as its teeth sunk into the face of the hound. Despite its struggles, it wasn't able to break free of the T-rex's grip and lost half of its face. The T-rex finished it off with a shoulder bash after eating its face off before suddenly slinging backward as if pulled hard by a string.

Tanya met the second hound head-on while her puppet was dealing with the first one. Just like the first hound, it pounced at her to tear out her throat. With the elegance of an upper-class elite, Tanya avoided the attack by jumping to the side. The beast didn't stop just because it missed, it simply turned to face her again before repeating the same action as before. Unfortunately for it, this time it wouldn't end so well.

The T-rex appeared overhead and stomped its head into the ground before biting into the back of its neck and ripping a portion of it out. After that kill, Tanya watched as three grassy hounds came at her this time. She controlled her puppet into arriving in front of her. Once they were a few feet away about to leap at the same time, the T-rex silently roared as it waited for the jump. When all three were about to rip into Tanya's body, the T-rex suddenly broke apart into pieces before those shattered pieces flew into the bodies of the air-borne hounds. The hounds were ripped apart into grass.

"Ms. Tanya. It seems you have passed. Congratulations." No more hounds grew from the planted seeds.

"Where do I go now?" Tanya only took it as a matter of course. If she couldn't pass even with divine help, she should kill herself now.

"Orientation will be starting as soon as all applicants are tested. Please head to the main gymnasium. There are signs within the main building to point you in the right direction along with members of the faculty." Professor Ellie answered. Tanya nodded and left without a word more.


"Excuse me, is anyone sitting here?" A beautiful young girl dressed in something she wouldn't be caught dead in, asked.

"Ew." Tanya looked at the country hick that probably got in through some charity program for the poor.

Tanya placed her ill-gotten designer handbag on the seat next to her and refused to even make eye-contact with the charity case. She focused her attention back to the podium where the student council president was about to open for the principal. He was quite handsome and from what Tanya could tell, a lot of people seemed to admire him. Choosing him as a boyfriend will do wonders for her popularity if she can't find someone better.


Tanya had a small smile on her face as she saw those numbers pop up.

"You are dismissed. The seats for the losers are over there." Tanya shooed her off like a fly.


"Well excuse me, Princess Rudeness!" The hog-caller squealed before stomping her way to the losers.

Points: 90

Skills: 2

Puppet Technique I

Luck I

Tanya placed all her points into Puppet Technique, raising it to rank III. In the meantime, she browsed through the school's social media app, The G. A lot of posts were going through and if she posted something now, basically no one would even notice it. First things first, if she was going to become the queen of this school, she needed to get some clout. What better way was there to gain some popularity in a school for divine contractors? Find the most popular contractor and completely destroy them and everyone around them.

As the student council president was blabbing his cute nerdy mouth off about who knows what. Tanya was searching for the most popular girls in school through the posts of people on The G. It looks like there was a ranking for all students and only the relevant ones made their way onto the ranking. Each year had their own rankings.

To accomplish her goal of conquering this school she would have to overtake the 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year, and 4th year highest ranking girls all before the end of her first year. Tanya would be creating history at Heartfield Academy when she pulled this off. But if she wanted to accomplish this goal without too much trouble, Tanya needed to quickly increase her own strength, influence, and wealth. And the only way to do that was by getting on the nerves of people!

Tanya only received points when she made someone upset. How pissed off they got is what determined the amount of points she receives from the tool. Her main goal was to infuriate people so that she could increase her own strength. As of now, Tanya couldn't think of a better way to piss people off than to insult them, belittle them, and crush them socially and physically!

"I'd like to welcome you all to Heartfield Academy! This is the beginning of your future. Make the best of it while you can." Principal Heartfield ended orientation with that.

Tanya quickly made her way out of the gym as she made her way to her dorm room. On The G, there was going to be a welcoming party for the freshmen. As of now, she had no outfits that were good enough to go in without publicly embarrassing herself. But that could be fixed with a quick visit to one of her dormmates that were rich enough to afford a deluxe private bedroom. Waiting half an hour for everyone to settle into their rooms, Tanya made her way to the first private dorm room in her dorm.

She knocked on the door before frowning when she saw the girl who opened it.

"Too short." Tanya shook her head. "While looking slutty would work for me, it's not good for first impressions by wearing an outfit too tight on me. It'd make me look like I couldn't afford clothes that actually fit. Eugh." Tanya walked away from the door before making her way to the next private room owner.


"Too fat."


"Are you a damn basketball player? Why the hell are you so tall, you long-neck giraffe?"


"Finally, someone with normal proportions." Tanya pushed the girl's forehead back as she walked into her bedroom and searched through her closet.

"Uhm! Who are you?! I didn't say you could come into my room!" The nobody yelled.

"Too tacky. Too metal. Too punk." Tanya tossed outfit after outfit on the floor behind her. "About time I found something wearable in this miserable thing you call a closet!" She pulled out a pink jacket, beige skirt, and white blouse. "Now this is decent but these shoes? Ew. Did you contract with a giant or something?" Tanya tossed the shoes in the heap of NGs behind her.


"That's it! Get out of my room or else, you'll regret it!" Tanya could see something shining behind her that lit up the closet with its brightness.

"Shush, Big Foot. I see some more decent stuff in here. Are you sure you have this room to yourself? What's with this weird variety of clothes? Did you take your older sister's clothes or something when you came here because this variety of clothes is not making sense."


Tanya moved her head to the side as she brought out Apex, the T-rex puppet. Whatever attack she just tried to use nearly burnt the clothes that she was going to wear! With a few twitches of her fingers, Apex headbutted the girl in the chin and knocked her out. Now that Big Foot was down, Tanya leisurely claimed her earned goods and returned back to her dorm room.

"Ew. You're my roommate?" Tanya said as she opened the door to her dorm.


"I'm not glad about it either you stuck-up jerk of a girl!"

"Yeah, I'm not staying in the same room as the pig farmer. Do you know what that will do to my reputation going forward? Enjoy your room, Hillbilly." Tanya immediately exited the room as she made her way to one of the deluxe private bedrooms.


Points: 0

Skills: 2

Puppet Technique VIII

Luck II