Eh? I'm a Speedster? Ahahaha!

"Welcome to the Tower, Climber." A giant woman with huge milkers spoke to me.

A mask covered her eyes, but they could not conceal her obvious beauty. Her dress shined with divinity with its pure white coloring that nearly blinded me along with the light naturally shining from her skin. She was probably more than 3 heads taller than me but then again, I'm short as shit so, probably one of the tallest people I've ever seen in my life. This goddess-like woman did not smile at me after I didn't respond to her greetings. Could she read minds? Did she already know what I was planning to do?

"If you attempt to harm me, I will kill you, Climber." She threatened with unparalleled grace and charm.

"This dimension is starting off fantastic already." I just couldn't help myself.

I pulled back my slingshot and aimed directly at the woman's forehead in less than a second. More than 5 metal balls dinged her forehead and she exploded in a burst of speed to grab at me. It was pretty fast compared to most people I knew but not fast enough to catch me. My legs took off directly up the stairs as I felt a heavy presence trying to crush me into the ground. With an air kiss goodbye and a laugh, I made it through the door and suddenly appeared elsewhere.

After making through that door, I was now surrounded by tall grass, big grass, and more grass. I calmly waited in place to see if that Mommy Milky Goddess would come tearing through space to get me but after several minutes nothing happened. In this grass, I could barely see a thing that wasn't a few feet in front of me but that didn't matter to someone with powers like mine. The next time I see that giant woman, I just have to peg her again. Being so beautiful and hurting my eyes like that? Nah fam, that ain't gonna fly with me.

"Climbers! Welcome to Floor 1! This is not a battle royale so stop killing each other before I can explain how to get through this floor!" The voice shouted. "If I see someone cut down one more person, you will be disqualified!" The voice threatened.

I silently waited for the voice to tell me the rules of this floor so, I could move on to the next. The purpose of coming to this dimension was to see how habitable it was for my species back home and from what I could see, this place was very habitable. But I want to have a lot more fun before I report back. As a scout, it is my job to make sure I scout everything for the boys back home. That means every floor in this tower will have to be explored by me.

"Now that you all are finally listening... Your goal on this floor is to tame any beast before the time limit runs out! There are a limited number of beasts and a limited number of Climbers. So, good luck and now you all can start killing each other again."

I haven't seen any person or beast in a while and I was getting pretty bored being on my own. The energy residing in my hearts allowed me to become speed. Darting across the field of grass, I managed to find several beasts and people of all shapes, sizes, colors, and attributes. While doing this, I picked up a tortoise-like creature and placed it on my shoulder to pass the test before meeting up with the most interesting group of people taking the test.

"Are you guys triplets?" I asked.

My question was met with pure hostility and a blade thrown at my face. My slingshot easily took care of that dangerous piece of metal. The girl that tossed it wasn't happy to see that I did that but I was happy that she wasn't happy. All of their eyes slightly widened when my metal ball hit the tip of the sword dead on and altered its trajectory straight into the dirt.

"Hello? You guys aren't mute, are you? I'm just looking for a cool pair of friends to climb the tower with and I thought that you guys were pretty interesting." I kind of lied.

"No." The boy that matched me in height responded.

"Was that a fluke brother or is he really that skilled despite his foolish appearance?" The girl on the left asked.

"It was skill. I can tell from his posture and attitude that he isn't all talk."

"Just so you know, I don't do well with following orders. So if I join you, we gotta be like equals you know?"

"That's fine."

"Sweet. I'm Cash. What's your names?" I started things off.

"Power." The boy answered. "These two are a part of my clan but they are not my sisters. I have no siblings." He clarified.

"Ambition." Blue Hair glared at him. She was the one to throw the sword at him.

"Grit." Red Hair glared as well.

The three of them resembled humans mostly except they had tails growing from their butts. Power had a star-shaped tail, Ambition with a sword-shape, and Grit with a spiky club-shaped one. There was a good reason why Ambition and Grit were staring at me so nastily and that was because I was very obviously ogling their bodies. My eyes switched from their faces to the tits and then the legs before ending at the butt. Ambition summoned several swords from thin air to try and skewer me for my actions.

"Hey Ambition. What would you say to being my girlfriend?" I asked bluntly. "I don't mind if you want to be my girlfriend as well, Grit. You're both very hot." I smiled.

This question was not well received with the ladies. A small smirk perked up on Power's face as both girls tried to kill me. It turns out that Ambition's power was to summon swords while Grit could summon snow. I gave both girls a mark on the forehead with my slingshot and instead of calming down like I expected, they only grew angrier.

"Come on ladies. This is an overreaction, don't ya think? I just asked if you could both be my girlfriends. I don't see why you're getting so mad."

"Die." Ambition sliced forward with her blade to take my head off.

"Scum." Grit formed her snow into arrow that aimed to take one of my hearts right out of my chest.

"Playing hard to get, eh?" I ran out of the way of both attacks and raised my hands behind my head. "How about this? If I beat you two in a fight together, you'll become my girlfriends. Once you see how great I am as a boyfriend and once you see enough of my greatness, you'll be begging to become my wives. How does that sound?"

"Disgusting." They both responded as they attacked together.

"I'm not hearing a no!" I quickly brought up as I continued to avoid their attacks.

"Quit running coward." Ambition insulted.

"Accept my terms." I smiled.

"You are fast, but do you really think you stand a chance against both of us? Power might think you are worth something but we are not his slaves nor do we share his judgement." Grit raised her hand into the air.

"To us, you are nothing more than an annoyance who has lived long enough." Ambition spoke.

"I wouldn't be making terms if I didn't think I could win. What are you stupid?" Grit got a nice shot to the side for a dumb comment like that.

"You!" She quietly yelled.

For some reason all three of them were very soft-spoken. Maybe in their clan talking loudly was only for the adults or something. Or maybe you couldn't talk above a whisper until you found a life partner. Whatever the reason was, it really added to the hotness of the twins for me. Their cold and hostile personality with bodies like that was really damn hot. I preferred mean girls and quiet girls back where I was from. They just have a special quality to them that just makes me can't help but go for them.

Snow shot up into the air that began to gently fall to the earth.

"If you can escape this, then I will agree to your ridiculous bet." Grit scowled at him.

"If you are willing sister, then I am willing." Ambition began summoning dozens and dozens of swords.

"This dimension really is the best. I just got here and already I got two girlfriends." I laughed.

My slingshot took care of Ambition and Grit before they could use their special moves. Each one had their limbs immobilized from numerous balls hitting them. They could barely react before they were knocked unconscious. Power quietly laughed to himself as he saw the sight.

"Father really was right when he said the tower was filled with interesting people. I still have much to learn before I can accept my position as Clan Head." He crouched over the fallen bodies of Ambition and Grit. "Let's move. We still need to find beasts to tame for ourselves."

"No problem." I grinned, happy that Power was such a chill dude.

"You're fine with that weak creature as your tamed pet?" Power asked.

"I'm sure I'll be able to find him something to make him strong. For now, he'll be my little mascot." I said as I fed Timmothy a grass stalk.

"Mascot?" Power questioned.

"Someone to look cute and cheer me on." I explained. "He's cute, isn't he?" I pet Timmothy's head.

"He does look weak." Power agreed. I guess weak meant cute to Power.

"Well, look what we have here. A bunch of weakened suckers to eliminate from the challenge." Two guys stopped in front of us.

"I'll handle these two." I stepped up since Power's hands were full.

"No need. I can take care of trash like this even without my hands." Power refused my generosity as he stared at the two with his tail swishing in the wind.

"Trash, huh? Hey Gumbo. Looks like we're being looked down on by someone from the Suicide Clan." He smirked.

"You shouldn't underestimate us brothers. We're strong." The big guy warned.

"I hope so." Power replied back.

The battle was over in seconds. Both of the guys were swallowed up by their own shadows before they knew it and that was the last of them. They didn't even get the chance to scream before dying or whatever he did to them. Power smirked as he looked at me before walking on ahead.

"What kind of animal are you looking for anyway?" I asked.

"The strongest." He answered plain and simple.

"I think I might know what you're looking for. There was this lion-like thing over here. It was big, bad, cool, and beefy as hell. Oh, and it had rainbow fur."

"Can you take me to it?" Excitement grew in his eyes.

"Sure thing, but what about those two?" I pointed at the twins.

"They'll awaken before the challenge is over. They aren't that weak." He reassured.

"'Kay." I led him to the rainbow lion and started to think about how I would face off against his shadow power.

There were a few things that came to mind but out of all of these, the most important factor was when and where we were fighting. I didn't know much of anything about his shadow power but if it was reliant on there being shadows to manipulate then it would need a light source nearby to project the shadows. If there was ample light around, my only choice would be to run till he couldn't see my shadow. But if there was no light, I wouldn't be able to see him! It looks like my only choice in dealing with him is to knock him out before he can use my shadow against me, attacking him from a distance where he can't see me, or find something that could deal with his shadow power.

"You will become mine!" Power softly roared as he jumped towards the rainbow lion.

He placed down the twins on the grass before fighting with the lion. Me and Timmy happily cheered him in his battle. I took this time to see how he fights in a battle that wasn't one-sided and it turns out that a shadow power is a lot more powerful than I thought it was. Power controlled his shadow, the lion's shadow, and the grass blades shadows into attacking the lion all over. It couldn't escape taking damage no matter how much it roared, clawed, bit, and turned. Eventually Power brought it to exhaustion and demanded it to become his. The prideful beast refused and from the look in its eyes would rather die than serve under Power.

"It had a cub somewhere around here. So, you don't need that lion if it's being really stubborn." I shared.

A cruel smile lit up on Power's face and a look of shock appeared on the lion's? Could animals understand people in this world? Good to know for the future. I wonder if the babies could too.

"What's with that pathetic look? Weren't you so majestic and proud a couple second ago?" Power talked to the lion.

It slowly started to bow its head in submission only for Power to have his shadow decapitate the beast. He looked at its corpse in disgust before searching the area for its cub. This made me think that either kids in this dimension were way more used to killing than the people from my dimension or I just met a couple of crazies since I got to this place. But literally everyone I met so far has killed, tried killing, or threatened to kill. So maybe killing was just the norm in this tower.

A roar sounded out from the distance and I guessed Power found the momma lion and the cub. The roar was only heard once and, in a few minutes, I saw Power returning with a rainbow lion cub being held by his bloody shadow cutely roaring. He didn't seem too happy about having to take the cute baby but I guess he figured he could raise this one into something that wouldn't be like the father. Once he got his pet required to pass, he forcefully woke up Ambition and Grit.

"What pet do you two want?"

"Strong." They instantly responded.

I guess the Suicide Clan is all about strength. They gave the same response as Power did. Maybe it was a warrior clan that only focused on gaining strength, combat, and stuff like that. There were a few races like that back in my dimension. Loved messing with them and antagonizing them. It was just so easy to get on their nerves, how could I not?

"Do you know where any other strong beasts are at?" Power asked me.

"Yeah, I do." I ran all over this entire floor so, I know the general area of where the strong animals were at. "But ladies, aren't you forgetting something?" I put on my best smile.

"Ugh..." Ambition groaned.

"Annoying..." Grit complained.

"What kind of pets would my new girlfriends like?" The world girlfriend sent actual shivers through their bodies. "Would you like a bear thing, a snake, or a toad?" I offered.

"Bear." Ambition chose.

"Snake." Grit chose at the same time.

"Follow me." I took the lead with my trusty slingshot in hand and an extra swagger in my walk. I just got two girlfriends!