Come Hell or High Water! I am Her!

Jonathan Thomas hated bullies. He hated them with every aspect of his being. Ever since he was in elementary school, he's hated bullies. If all bullies were to suddenly die, he wouldn't blink an eye. It was difficult for him to understand why bullies did the things they did. He's read several pieces of literature involving bullies growing up. Sometimes, it was because that was how they were treated at home that they treated others like that. Sometimes, it was because of the power they felt over others. Sometimes, it was just because they could. There were all sorts of reasons for their bullshit, but Jonathan didn't really care.

As he kneeled on all fours while four bullies surrounded him, he cursed them and everyone like them. "Bon Appetite, fuckface." Randy held a cup of noodles filled with anything but noodles—loogies, cigarette butts, dirt, and, to top it off, some seasoning with farts. Jonathan gripped the vile concoction of that embodied almost everything he saw bullies as. His arms shook outside of his control. He knew the fate that awaited him if he refused.

Violence. Jonathan hated violence just as much as he hated bullies. Bullies and violence were synonymous to him. There was no such thing as a non-violent bully. He's been picked on since kindergarten. Why? Who knows? Just because he was top of the class? Teacher's favorite student? Weakest looking person in their class? Jonathan never knew.

"Why me…?" He stammered.

Randy crouched down and looked into Jonathan's eyes. He dropped the smile he had earlier as a serious look appeared on his face. "Know your place, you pathetic loser. You should be looking up to me, bowing before me. Because I can beat the shit out of you. I'm the alpha, and you're a beta. Do you know what that means? It means you shouldn't be thinking you're better than me in any way, shape, or form. Nerd ass." Randy spelled it out for him.

"I-I-I…" Jonathan felt rage overtake him from the inside.

For that stupid reason, he should be subjected to this harassment every day?! Jonathan couldn't help the fact that he knew his adult life would be better than Randy and his goons! It was their own fault for being stupid dumbasses that would rather fight, bully, and waste their time with pointless shit instead of studying like they should be! His fingers tightly clutched the cup of grossness.

"Don't spill your lunch, fuckhead!" Derek shouted at him, frightening him into controlling his strength.

"Now get to drinking your soup before we beat your ass and force it down your throat," Randy ordered him.

Jonathan trembled. As much as he hated bullies, he was terrified of them more. He hated pain. Pain frightened him, and the threat of pain seemed even worse than actually feeling it. The thought of growing some balls and just swinging till he was beaten to a pulp didn't interest him. It wasn't a surefire method that would guarantee that Randy and his goons would leave him alone. However, it was a surefire method that he would be beaten worse than he's ever been beaten before, and the next day, if he wasn't hospitalized, would be worse than when he tried to step out of his place.

Might as well get it over with. At worst, he throws up. At best, he has a tummy ache for a few days. As Jonathan raised the cup to down it in one fast gulp, the sound of the rooftop's door being kicked open grabbed all of their attention.

Emerging from the stairwell, some girl strode onto the rooftop, her small presence commanding attention. She was petite in size, mostly. Confidence radiated from every step she took, her determined eyes scanning the scene with a keen interest that betrayed neither sympathy nor malice.

"Are you bastards, the leaders of the freshmen?" She inquired with an air of authority. Her tone was casual, her body posture was domineering, but her voice was squeaky and cute.

The bullies, momentarily taken aback by the arrival of this newcomer, were completely dumbfounded. "Is this your girlfriend or something?" Randy busted out laughing before the sound of shoes hitting the ground was recognized in his ears.

Just as he opened his eyes to take a look at what the hell that sound was while he was laughing, his eyes widened in shock as they only saw the bottom of a shoe. "You crazy bitch!" Derek, the largest of the four, shouted while moving to grab the girl.

Jonathan saw Randy get kicked straight in his teeth, being knocked on his ass. Disbelief was visible in his eyes before he swiftly turned to Derek. Derek's arms reached out to grab the girl by her arms. She grinned before landing a devastating blow right between his legs. A high-pitched scream rang out from the normally deep-voiced Derek, who clutched his balls as he dropped to the ground. Her eyes locked on to Randy, who was about to get back up before dashing straight toward him.

Randy held his arms up in an attempt to defend himself, but it was difficult to defend one's self when on their ass. Jonathan watched as the girl kicked Randy across the face, knocking him out. She then turned to the remaining two assholes, Mark and Trevor. They held their hands up as the strongest of their group was taken down by this girl. But it seemed mercy wasn't in this girl's vocabulary.

Seeing their attempts to negotiate didn't work, they rushed her at the same time. The girl ran away at the sight of this, targeting the still-downed Derek. Mark and Trevor shouted in frustration as the girl finished her dash with a brutal punt to Derek's head, dropping him to the ground limp with blood shooting out of his mouth. An adorable smile appeared on her face at the sight of dropping the giant. Then she turned to Mark and Trevor, who were hesitant to continue this fight. She ran at them.

Trevor hesitantly put his dukes up while Mark stepped backward in fear. She stepped into Trevor's space as he threw a wild right hook. She narrowly dodged his punch before cracking him in the jaw with a counter. Trevor's eyes were dazed as his brain was processing that he was just hit in the jaw. The girl didn't give him the chance to understand what the hell just happened to him, though. Her leg snapped and impacted against the side of his jaw, dropping him.

She hit her fist into her palm as she walked toward the remaining delinquent, Mark, with a grin. He was shaking in terror. It reminded Jonathan of all the times that he had to deal with them. Did he get a sick sense of pleasure seeing Randy and his crew getting the absolute shit beaten out of them? Of course. He wouldn't be human if he didn't enjoy seeing pieces of shit getting what they deserved. But just who the hell was this girl? He's never seen her before in class.

"Call me, Boss." She demanded.

"Boss! Boss! Boss! Boss!" Mark didn't hesitate.

"That Randy guy was the boss of the first years, right?" She asked.

"N-No! Kyle Tanner is the Freshmen Leader! Classroom 103! Blonde hair, piercings, and likes wearing ripped jeans!" Mark revealed at once.

"Crap! You're telling me I wasted my time with you losers for nothing? Lead me to him." She ordered him.

"Follow me!" Mark took a wide breadth around the girl as he made his way to the stairwell.

She chuckled at his fear before admiring her work done to the other delinquents. Then she just left. Jonathan didn't waste all his time studying to be a fool when it mattered. He made his exit as well, more than eager to leave without having to digest that disgusting filth. But… before he left, he opened Randy's mouth and poured down the horrific concoction down his throat. A grin that threatened to tear his face appeared on Jonathan's lips as the mess spilled out of Randy's mouth. Without hesitation, he fled when Randy started choking out the slop.

Although he arrived to class later than usual, it was the first time in a long time that he arrived without any bruises or injuries. While he was grateful to the girl, he knew that she wasn't saving him. He just so happened to be in the area at the time. She was going to fight Randy and his goons regardless. She was just a smidge bit higher in terms of likeability compared to his bullies. It was a surprise to him, though. Female bullies usually fight in a different manner than male bullies. Rumors, annoying pranks, and just trying to utterly reduce their victim's self-esteem to negative. But this was his first time witnessing a female bully fighting like male bullies. Taking her size into account, Jonathan thought it would be difficult for her to go far as a bully. Plus, she was a girl. Bullies weren't known to have the most upstanding set of morals. Anything could happen to her if she happened to lose a fight…

Well it wasn't any of his business. If you're going to be a bully, fuck you.