The universe on our side


Ava watched as the Greek god reincarnated walked closer and closer to them .

Oh goodness , the closer he walked , the more beautiful he became !

Ava was grateful for the sun that was in her face and eyes , she could squint without anybody suspecting that she was trying to get a better look of his pectorals and the abs that followed closely beneath .

Lords , he was so beautiful .

Ava was almost never physically attracted to someone from the first time she laid her eyes on them , this was probably the first time in her adult years since this had happened and it just had to be with this man .

Someone her best friend was very much interested in .

Ava turned her attention to her friend whose smile had definitely increased in wattage as she stared at the man that she had been unable to stop talking about for the past three months and a wave of nausea hit Ava as she felt the disgust of lusting after her friends man .

She would have to tell Ron about this because they never kept anything from each other and she would not start now because of some man , regardless of how beautiful said man was .

Ava was better than that , she told herself that and forced herself not to look beneath his face .

She took her eyes off him and put them on his face , her eyes would not stray lower than his neck even as she so desperately wanted to watch his legs and butt muscle tighten with every step as he moved closer to the gate to open it up for Ava's best friend.

Ava's attention was briefly occupied by his friend that he had walked out with , he was an handsome man with beautiful olive skin and dark hair which was usually the type that Ava loved and went for whenever she was looking for company .

It seemed that usually would not work for her today , which was what she thought as she watched the man climb on to the rails and wave wildly , he was probably already very drunk off his mind , Ava could not see any trace of a resemblance between both of them like Ron had claimed .

Ron had probably said that to ease Ava's mind but it was wonderful that he was showing his true colours so early .

Good , she would not have to talk to him and Ron would not be able to stare at her like she was avoiding humans again .

Everyone would want to avoid this particular human .

Sharron burst into laughter by her side when the gate swung open , taking the man that had been riding on it with it so fast that Ava was sure that there was no way he would survive that without a couple of scars .

Ava smirked evilly , she hoped that he fell and would have to sleep it off so she would not be bothered with socializing for the rest of the day .

The heavens and universe were not on her side because he did not fall but instead got back on his feet so fast that it was quite obvious that this was not his first time doing this .

Sharron whooped softly as she drove into the beautiful compound while Ava grimaced thinking of just how long today would be , she wanted to run back home .

" Hey , How do I look ? ",Ron asked as soon as they were parked .

Ava rolled her eyes and grabbed the hand that was closest to her , Ron did not understand her predicament , if she did she would be driving her back home .

" For the upteenth time Ron , you look like an angel that is here to seduce this Carlos man and is definitely going to succeed ",Ava said and got out of the car .

She stretched her hands into the back seat to get out her laptop bag , happy that she had brought it along with her instead of thinking greatly of this date like Ron had wanted her to , now she could write something about just how terrible today was turning to be .

She got out her laptop bag and felt the heavy gaze of someone on her , she turned to look at who had been staring at her , it was the Greek god that was walking up to the car and he immediately took his eyes off her when he noticed that she had caught him , she sighed sorely .

Ava narrowed her eyes as she followed his gaze to find Ron and the man that had been swinging from the gates in a very compromising situation .

They were wrapped around each other with their lips so entwined , it was hard to tell where one of them stopped and the other began , Ava's eyes bulged , she was shocked and Ava was almost never shocked .

Oh goddesses , it all made sense , of course , the man with Olive skin that had looked Latino would be Carlos ,what had she been expecting?

Ava laughed softly , a small victorious smile on her face as she turned back to the Greek god whose body she wanted to lick very soon , he was already staring at her , his expression of shock melting softly .

Ava briefly wondered why he was shocked .



Royal hurriedly shook his head , wiping every dirty thought that had began to form since he laid eyes on the woman that his best friend was smitten by , he was not that kind of a friend .

Carlos had dissapeared from his side and rushed to the gate of rails , he was hanging on the rails while smiling excitedly and now that Royal had seen her , be understood why his friend had been so nervous , she was the type of woman that looked at you and you forgot whatever you had been thinking of and planning to say .

He trudged down to the gate while trying not to stare at her and inputted the password , forgetting to inform Carlos that he was already inputting the password , as a result , they all watched Carlos swing along with the gate as the gate flew open .

Royal was beginning to wish today could end or he could at least go to sleep because he could not afford to watch this woman for the rest of today , how was he supposed to survive today ?

His attention shifted back to Carlos who was still stuck on the gate and was swinging back and forth .

When this happened , the other woman laughed loudly while the red head only smirked beautifully , actually , Royal suspected that was what an evil smirk looked like but he could not just for the life of him imagine her doing anything evil , so he concluded that it was actually a beautiful smirk .

The laugh from the driver drew Royal's attention to the other lady , the one that was supposedly a workaholic and would soon be introduced to him .

She was tiny with dark hair that had been cut into a pixie cut and her skin was tanned with an healthy glow that spoke volumes of how much time she spent outdoors .

She would have passed for a teenager if Royal had not noticed the intelligent and calculative gaze of her emerald green eyes , she was definitely a business person .

Royal had never been one to have a type so he just watched her for a few moments , waiting for that surge of seratonin that he had felt when he had seen her friend .

It did not come no matter how hard he stared at her .

She returned to the driver's side of the convertible and drove in , the little action once again pulling Royal's attention to her friends wild hair as it surged again in the small wind that had blown up now .

It reminded him of his sister and how she never liked to straighten her natural hair .

Royal turned on the security system for the gate and strutted after Carlos who was speed walking to join the ladies where they had parked their car , Royal was not sure how close he wanted to get to the red head , he had a feeling that staying far away from her was probably best .

The universe was not on his side though because the red head stepped out first and Royal almost choked , he had been too quick to assume that she only had full breasts , goddesses , all of her body was full and she had tried to hide it in a sarong but from where she stood , with the sun coming down on her , the sarong had become transparent and she stood like an ancient goddess reaching for something in the back seat of the cars with her long legs bent beautifully.

Royal was partially expecting her to come up with a staff and command him to kiss her feet but she instead came up with a bag that carried a laptop , she looked up at that moment and Royal hurriedly looked away , hoping she's had not caught his straying eyes.

He looked back to Carlos and his jaw almost dropped , no , actually his jaws dropped as he watched Carlos .

Carlos' lips were locked with the tiny lady's lips and she was almost completely wrapped around him , her pink bikini shining brightly in the morning sun .

Royal's face broke into a wild , beautiful smile as he realized what was happening here.

The lady in the pink bikini was Sharron , that was Sharron !

Lords , he was saved , he was fucking saved !

It was quite an epiphany when you realized that you were not having the hots for your best friends girl .

Of course , she had brought a laptop with her,who else would do that if not a workaholic ?

Royal was usually more deductive than this but In his defense ,there was not thinking that could have been done when a woman like that stood around you.

Royal whooped softly under his breath and increased his pace as he walked up to the small gathering around the convertible .

As he walked , he imagined himself a warrior walking up to kiss the Queen's ring after being victorious in a battle.