Liquid lust


Royal gulped as Ava began to caress his pectorals , he had no idea of what to do.

What were you supposed to do when a drunk woman was touching you ?Of course, you were supposed to dissuade any of her advances and convince her that it was all in her drunken state and she did not actually mean any of it .

What if she was a drunk woman that you were interested in and trying to impress ? Still a very big no .

Royal was giving himself notes on why it would be a terrible idea to let Ava engage in whatever she was trying to do to him .

He could tell that when she became sober , she would not like this in the least so he decided to talk her into resting somewhere else , that was for the better for both of them , if he was going to have sex with her , he needed her conscious and at full consent .

" Ava ? ", He called softly .

She moved a little but other than that , he received no response from her .