The horrendous lie


Royal knew that he had to correct her , tell her that it was not what she was thinking before it got any worse but all he could think of was the dreamy look that had been on her face whenever she talked about Ava Maxx' books .

If he told Ava that nothing was wrong with her and she left feeling tricked , his sister would never understand what had happened here and would be even more mad at him .

Ava was beautiful , heck , she was beyond beautiful .

But still , Silvia was his sister and his first priority was her and her wellbeing so if she wanted to meet Ava Maxx , he would have to make that possible , regardless off the situation involved .

Besides , it was not like whatever was between he and Ava could have lasted for more than a day , he had to get back to work after this stupid weekend off with Carlos .

And women were not exactly the top of his priorities or even on the first page of his list of priorities .