

Ava woke at almost noon and laid on her bed for a few more minutes , stretching and yawning and being lazy about getting up .

She had been laying around on her laptop yesterday and editing some of her previous works when she had gotten an exciting idea , she had just thought of putting it down for now and leaving some key points that she could build on later on but then she had suddenly become unstoppable , writing like someone had poured oil into her head while she was not looking and left her greased .

The cats had tried to stay up with her but she had convinced them to go on to sleep , she had always found it funny that cats were supposed to be nocturnal because Miss and Jack were definitely not nocturnal , they had a bed time that they were very strict about but they were not strict about what time they had to wake up .

She would have been contented to lay in bed for the rest of the day but she was so thirsty .