
After their first course ,Carlos and Ron had gotten rid of Ron's chair and they now shared a chair as they are chocolate mousse cake and drank wine while talking to each other in giggling whispers .

Royal quietly drank his wine looking at no one in particular while Ava and Jake talked softly .

Ava bad really not expected to enjoy Jake's company but she was thoroughly enjoying it , she was also enjoying the blank look that sat on Royal's face .

" I really did not think blind dates were this fun , I would have gone to so much more ", Ava stated , smiling at Jake .

Jake chuckled at her naivety .

" As a brand ambassador of blind dates , I can tell you that a lot of blind dates do not end well , in fact nine out of ten end terribly , except in the rare case that you meet someone absolutely wonderful on the date ", He told her softly .