Breakfast and deductions

Ava was finishing up with a morning routine she had just picked up when Ron ran into the room.

She looked up , shocked as he looked from Ron to her door , Wondering how she had come in when she was sure that she had changed the password .

She looked to Ron who was panting heavily and in her gym clothes .

" How did you get in ? ", She asked .

Ron only raised her hand , panting even harder .

Ava rolled her eyes and headed to the kitchen to pour her a glass of water .

She brought it to her and Ron downed everything in the glass in a single gulp .

" You password is really not that hard to guess , you use the same combination everytime just in a different arrangement ", Ron stated matter of factly .

Ava glared at her and her truth speaking mouth .

" Did you run all the way from the gym ? ", She asked her because she had not heard any vehicle pull up and it was not something she could not exactly imagine Ron not doing .