The late late show with Queen

"Sir,you said you would pull an all nighter to get the signings underway".

Royal exhaled and turned around to face his Personal Assistant,Matt who had just caught him escaping from the office after he had promised to work all night because he had already missed a lot of work.

Matt narrowed his eyes, almost like he was the boss and Royal the assistant.

"Sir... don't tell me!",He said,his eyes almost glaring at Royal.

Royal rolled his eyes and relaxed on the desk of Matt's personal assistant that had already left for the day.

"Don't tell you what ?",He asked, picking up one of the papers on the desk to examine.

Matt scoffed like he had been deeply betrayed.

"Is it Ava Maxx again,sir?",He asked in disbelief.

Royal looked up at Matt, a small, cold frown gracing his lips.

"What do you mean Ava Maxx again?",He asked,his voice almost eery.