The sweetness of the ocean

They walked in to the hotel and Ava stopped as soon as she was in, turning to Royal who was already staring at what had made them stop.

The entire mass of the hotel staff had spread out in columns in the hotel lobby and as soon as they had walked in,they had all bowed and had still not brought their heads back up.

Ava nudged Royal on his ribs.

"Uhhh...what is going on?'',She asked.

Royal sighed, groaning next to her.

"Forgive me,I just have to find a guy",He muttered to her.

"What guy?'',She asked quietly, beginning to wonder if the people here were frozen or something.

Why in the hell were they not moving.

All of a sudden there was a break in the lines and a burly man with a huge curly Afro appeared with what had to be the biggest smile on his face.

He was even holding his hands wide open and had succeeded in ruining about five of the lines.

"Young Mr Queen!",He screamed as he headed for them in a rush.