Glenn vs Viros (2)

A light from a combination of black and white blasted from one part of the wall and went straight for Viros.

The Demon General smirked as she watched Glenn approach her, nothing but fury in his eyes. "You monster! You're still alive after all this time?"

Viros stepped back and conjured thick strips of black aura-like tentacles. She used the tentacles to lift herself up from the ground, using them like legs as she hovered in the air.

"You enslaved the town all of this time!" Glenn yelled. He pointed both of his palms at Viros as he let a dark blue light emit from his hands. "Circle of Death!"

Glenn fired a giant wheel-shaped attack towards Viros. His attack barely managed to hit the woman, but her movements outplayed the attack and she managed to dodge it.

"This is my role in this world, don't you know?" Viros chuckled. "I am a conqueror of humanity, a being born from pure chaos and darkness. This is the role I play."

Viros returned an attack which was a blazing ball of dark purple flames. Glenn slammed both of his feet on the ground and used his legs like a spring to launch himself up. The ball of fire destroyed the part of the wall that Glenn used to stand on, leaving a cavity of melted cement on the spot.

"She's not a General for nothing," Glenn sighed. "She may be evil, but she's also very strong too."

"You know," Viros spoke. "When I woke up, a voice was calling for me. At first I thought it was the Dark Lord, but then it's not. It's a different voice even when they have the same aura."

Glenn was silent for a moment. He scoffed and raised his hands again. "I didn't really ask about it, so I don't know what to feel."

"Yeah," Viros smirked. "Then die! Venomous Despair!"

Viros waved her hands in the air and fired giant chains made of dark purple energy. The chains were large enough to be able to block the path towards her and it also made Glenn step back a couple of meters to dodge it.

Even when Glenn was at Level 90 and he had maximized all of his skills and equipment, Viros was still a General which they shouldn't encounter until after eight more arcs. Her presence in Galaron was a huge threat because her magic allows her to cast wide range skills.

Just like what she did to the people in Galaron where she brainwashed them, she could also cast a deadly poison that could annihilate everyone in town. The fact that she did not was the thing that Glenn wondered why.

"You could annihilate this town, but you didn't," Glenn said. "Why?"

"Because I'm a demon, not a monster," Viros said. "You humans mistaken us for evil creatures that would conquer the world through violence and blood, but we don't. We just want to live peacefully with you."

"That's–" Glenn cut himself off and then chucked. "Yeah, nice try."

In God's Omen, the part where Viros was almost killed, she would talk these lines. When the player lets their guard down, Viros would then attack them. Glenn was already a victim of this stunt before, he can't be caught twice.

"What?" Viros lowered herself and shrunk her tentacles. She retreated the chains and pretended to cry. "All we want is a home for us to be in. Somewhere safe and away from Hell which was a forsaken place."

"You conquered kingdoms before, enslaved people, and wiped out populations. If you weren't sealed before, would you really stop?" Glenn shook his head. "And you expect me to believe you?"

Viros grit her teeth and launched her tentacles and chains. Glenn smiled, running up to her while skilfully dodging all of the attacks.

"No!" Viros yelled. "This can't be. You have to die! I'm a high ranking General of the Dark Lord. You can't defeat me!"

Glenn appeared in front of her, causing the demon to freeze in shock. The man conjured the blue flames and slammed his first right on Viros's stomach.

"Circle of Death!" Glenn yelled. The force from his attack blew Viros away. Her body rolled throughout the wall until she reached a curve and fell. The blue flames formed four rings that encirlced her body repeatedly, dealing damage.

"No!" Viros yelled. "You're a soldier sent by the Heavens, but you're not one of the Holy Knights. You're just Adventurers. How dare you do this to me?"

"Wow," Glenn chuckled. He was watching Viros fell to the ground. "I'm more than those Knights that sealed all the demons hundreds of years ago. I'm the Legendary Healer."

"No!" Viros yelled. The undead soldiers approached her and attacked her. She was powerless after receiving a heavy blow from Glenn and could only scream to try and drive these beasts away from her. "I am a General of the Dark Lord! How dare you hurt me!"

Glenn wasn't fully satisfied. If his attacks did pierce Viros, then he only destroy four more hearts. There were still two that she had. "Time to finish this."

He hopped off the wall and landed on the ground in front of Viros's body. Using the flames from his skill Circle of Death, he pushed the undead soldiers away from him and created a dome that encased him and Viros inside.

"The Holy Knights," Viros spoke. "They were white knights from heaven, adorned with armor that was made of light. These knights could hunt demons down in an instant, they were fearsome foes."

Glenn listened to Viros. The exact thing that the Holy Knights did wasn't stated in the lore of God's Omen. They were only mentioned multiple times as the beings that casted the demons aside and saved humanity.

"Their powers were far from yours," Viros said. "Each one Knight could face up to three Generals. That's how powerful they were."

"But if they were that strong, home come they couldn't kill you and only sealed you away?" Glenn asked. "They were powerful, okay, but why only let the future handle the situation instead of them handling it by themselves?"

"Because half of them were slaughtered by the Dark Lord," Viros replied. "That's how powerful the being I serve is. From the one hundred Holy Knights, only fourty three were left when the others tried to attack the Dark Lord's castle.

"H-He wiped them out?" Glenn gasped. "I don't want to face the Dark Lord then."

"That's why the Holy Knights settled on sealing all the demons instead of killing us," Viros continued. "Because they don't stand a chance."

Glenn sighed and took a dagger out from his back pocket. "I'm gonna put you out of your misery. Where is your last heart?"

Viros chuckled and pointed at the side. Glenn watched the direction and saw the zombie eating her heart. "Oh."

"I had that last one," Viros spoke softly as her body slowly dissipated. "The other one was destroyed by a Holy Knight."

"Goodbye Viros," Glenn said.

Viros smirked and closed her eyes, letting her body vanish. "Goodbye, human."