The Hex

"You're here?" As the Hex stopped trying to take control of Stryker's body fo a second, she couldn't help but ask Saroth, "What are you?"

"I am just like you," Saroth chuckled. "We share the same memories and emotions as our hosts, but the only difference in us is that I have a direct contact with mine and you are stuck in this barrier."

"I have always wondered why the clouds are this color and this consistent texture," the Hex said as she looked up. "It looked like glass, because it is like glass."

"True," Saroth looked up. "It seems like you are stuck in your dome with the fragments of the memories of Stryker, opposed to what we thought. Stryker has a mind of its own after all, but it's seemed to be too basic."

"Yes," the Hex agreed. "So, how can we force ourselves out of this cage?"

"You try," Saroth said. "I don't know how to. If I ever did, then Glenn's body would've been mine a long time ago."