
Massaker fell to the ground, lifeless. Everyone looked at the man behind him, a man who was built heavily and had a seven-foot stature.

"That was good, but then it's not quite good."

The man showed himself. He had wavy blonde hair that reached down to his lower back, his clothes worn by the Medieval French royalty. He was a man who had a fierce aura, enough to scare even the giants.

"Glenn," Gina called out. "Why does he have the aura of the Generals?"

Glenn shook his head and gulped. "I don't know, but I'm scared to know."

"Did he copy their aura?" Merlin asked. "But it seems too perfect to be just copies."

"I absorbed them," the man grinned. "Well it wasn't easy. It was damn hard. I have to get like these people who only got stronger than the rest. Then I reached this man, right. He had the most intense power among them all. Imagine, he could annihilate mountains with just a flick of a finger. I was damn scared."