Chapter II

'I am sorry, my daughter. I have been so busy with other places that I have not even heard your cries.' The voice echoed in her mind.

She was floating, her eyes closed, but her mind awake. She cannot move even an inch of her finger, but she did not feel restricted. It was the opposite actually; she felt free.

'Is this what I want...?' She asked herself, looking back at her past. In her whole life, she lived through war. It might be an exaggeration, but it felt like her whole life was just one great battle. She was rarely given time for herself, rarely have time to rest.

Her childhood is a war. Her life in the academy is a war. Her serving the kingdom and the king is a war.

'I want to be free... I want to rest...' She thought, enjoying just how she simply floated. She can feel the Goddess' magic, enclosing her body, enough to warm her up.

'But, is this really what you want?'

'Is this what I want?'

'Is it...?'

Though she is tired, she is not lazy... though she is tired, she does not forget.

"No, this is not what I want." Flashbacks of how the king, and his family, overused her and her magicians came to play in her mind. Memories of how they shouted and mocked Fernando and his knights came back to her. All of it...

"What do you want, then?" What does she want? She wants justice. Maybe, she also wants to live life again; want to feel some things that she have no chance to have in her past life.

"Is that so?"

"Yes... maybe, I can change the world. Maybe, I can make a difference." She stated, now courageous enough to open her eyes. In front of her is the Goddess, or what she assumed to be the Goddess as she looks the same as the paintings and statues that she have seen of her.

Long, flowing white hair, her eyes colors of silver and gold, her skin as pale as porcelain.

Her beauty is celestial.

The Goddess giggled, smiling at her.

"Thank you for the compliment." Ah, so she must be hearing her thoughts... well, that is rather embarrassing.

"Do not be embarrassed. I am your mother, and you are my precious daughter. There is nothing that can come in between us." Daughter... she called her daughter again. That might make sense since she is a creature of the world, a creation of the Goddess. She is her child as much as the next tree and flower, but why is she here with her right now?

"That is because you are special. Precious Corneillia... and now Precious Airla. Now you fit your title as the Ethereal Mage." She closed her eyes as a white light started consuming her. She is... going to be reborn then? Into the same world so that she could make a difference?

"I have read your thoughts, and especially, your heart. You cannot bear to live the people that you care for under the rule of the tyrant that you have, unfortunately, supported." She is right. Even if she does not say it outright, the Goddess knows who she is and what she wants.

"I am giving you a second chance... and as a gift, your memories will stay intact, and your magic the same as you died. I might... also add a few gifts here and there, but that is up to you to discover." A gift?! A gift from the Goddess; oh how wonderful! She smiled, tears starting to form in her eyes. The Goddess chuckled and came closer to her, wiping her tears away.

"My precious daughter shall never be hurt again... I will make sure of that. You will be loved like no other. But I know you would want to do it by your own power... and so my gifts are for you to discover. I hope you make good use of them and I pray... that you might never come to use the last gift that I give you."

Last gift...? What is with her last gift...?

"Lady Airla, your loving family is waiting for you."

But, before she could think of any possibility, she felt herself suddenly pushed downwards. She is falling down, further towards wherever it is that her soul should be.

She keeps on going down and down and down...

Until she landed on something.

"Lady Airla! Thank Goddess that you are alright!" She quickly opened her eyes hearing someone say the name that the Goddess have said was going to be hers. She looked at the people beside her, a man and a woman who are both crying, with the woman holding her hand.

"Doctor! Doctor please, tell us! Is she going to be fine? What is going to happen to her?!" The man, whom she assumed was her father, turned towards the doctor. Said doctor just scoffed, rolling his eyes as he stared at her.

"SHE is just alright. Now, can you stop calling me for nothing for her littlest tantrums?! Why are you even loving something like her..." What the heck?! Is this the way that the doctor should treat their patient? So unprofessional...

"You better watch your mouth, Doctor Fallon or you will find yourself without a job for the next few days." Oh! Her father is terrifying alright. To threaten a doctor just like that... she must have come back to a noble lady's body.

"I-I'm sorry Lord Giorno but... the rumors surrounding your daughter is not good at all. Not to mention you call me for the smallest things that happen to her..." She have NEVER heard someone talk to a high-ranking noble like this, or talk about their child like this. Oh, if she could just give him a piece of her mind...

"Those are just rumors! Our daughter is good, and kind, and beautiful-" Yes! Her mother knows who she is! Not those people around her telling rumors-

But... what is she really like...? The Lady Airla, before she was in her body, what was she like?

She expected to come back in life to a fully-developed body, or at least not a child, but she does not know anything about the person that she came back to.

'I should probably stand up and look at the mirror.' But before she could even try to raise her body from her bed, she felt an incredible pain in her whole body. Specifically, at the parts where magic is focused.

'Oh no... she must have been having a backlash with how huge and developed my magic is!' She felt herself coughing out blood. Her parents started shouting her name, with the doctor who is terrified and at disbelief at the same time.

'Move! You are a doctor, are you not?!' She tried saying, but the minute that she tried to speak she started coughing out a lot of blood.

'Shit! My body is going to hibernate for a long time to recuperate from the sudden influx of magic!' Fortunately for her, she was still lying down. She closed her eyes, praying that she would not chock on her blood. The doctor should know what to do... or she prayed that he does.

'Not even a minute back in the living world and here I am losing consciousness...' was what she thought of before everything went black.

Oh well, she has plenty of time.