Chapter V

"Milady! No! Anyone but Adiran Mort!" Angelica stated, her voice rising out of the shock that she have received from the name that came out of her young lady's mouth.

"Why not him? He has been writing to me every week, declaring his love and just how much he adored me." She answered back, fully knowing why Angelica is not excited of her choice.

"I know that but... you know him. He is not... fit for you." Or for anyone at that. It is not like her to judge someone by how they look like, but rather how they act and carry themselves. She believes that a person's soul is much beautiful than the outside but...

They live in a society in which everything is about your appearance.

'Truth to be told... he is not that bad-looking. He is just a bit big. I would say he is cute actually.' She loves to see her students eating much, knowing that half of them are from the streets starving. She does not see why everyone would equate him to trash just because he does not fit their standard.

"Mort is just a bit chubby." which is the truth.

"But milady, you know that he became the laughingstock of the court. Not to mention... he is failing in magic." Augh, there they go again with their judgements. She knows a lot of people who are just as big as Mort, some of them even bigger, but she does not take any offense at that nor is anyone around them doing so.

They are just harsher to him because he carry with him royal blood. He is the first cousin of the princes, and a possible running heir to the throne.

"Magic is different for everyone else. Maybe the type of magic that they are teaching him does not fit him." Magic comes in all sorts of forms; some has fire magic, some has earth magic, some learns how to control soul magic just as she did; there are magic that people are born with, and there are magic that can be learned (or is bestowed by the Goddess).

There are those that are like her who is born with all forms of elemental magic, and have spent the rest of her life to master other types that can be learned. Despite popular belief, having the affinity for all forms of elemental magic is not as unique as one thought to be. She can say that some of her students are the same as her, but the difference is how much they will train it, or if they will focus on two or three forms of it.

It is up to the user on what they will prioritize.

"And also, he is said to be a sloppy eater." Truth to be told, she is too. When in a battlefield, you do not have time for such modesty. You are expected to eat and savor what is given to you.

All the sons of the nobles that she has with her eats nothing like they portray they do on formal settings. They eat like wild beasts just as she does.

"I don't mind, actually." Angelica sighed in answer, probably giving up on trying to stop her from suggesting an arrangement with the duke.

"Well, we cannot stop you milady. Besides, maybe if you're with him, he will change."

Change... change...


Yes! She could, well not change, but help him improve himself! He is fine as he is, despite what others say. Airla thought so either, calling him once as a fellow made-to-be-pariah by the nobility. He was made out as such because they saw him as expendable... just as she is.

"Angelica, you are a genius! I will tell my parents my decision later." For now, she is going to enjoy her bath. She has plenty of time to spare.

"Milady, I forgot to tell you this but a court magician will be coming here to assess your magic." Oh shucks.

After the bath, she quickly changed into her clothes and proceeded to lie down on her bed. Angelica left her, stating that the magician will be coming by before dinner. The problem with the coming magician is that she cannot hide her magic... which is a mistake on her part since the only concealing magic that she has require a potion and she does not have the time nor the equipment to do so.

"Do not panic. You are going to be fine. You are just going to be seen as one of those geniuses that was born once in a decade. It's always happening throughout history, the magician won't know what I really am." She said, convincing herself, trying to stop herself from panicking. Status magic only shows magic power and the forms of magic that you have affinity to, not the experience that you have with casting them.

But, oh gosh, her magic power is through the roof the last time that she tried to see her status. She needs to use a higher level of a magical ball, because normal ones break for her.

"It's going to be alright. If I break the normal magical ball, it's just going to show that the sudden high magic power would mean it is a gift from the Goddess. Yes, I can reason that the Goddess-" But, that would make the people from the church interested in her.

'I am just going to say that IF they probe around. But, if they don't ask any question, we can leave it at that.' She thought, nodding at her plan. She has no problem being affiliated with the church because well... she could directly connect with the Goddess at times.

'She is just a very busy Goddess.'

A knock on her door broke her out of her thoughts. It must be time.

The door opened revealing her father and her mother.

'Oh yeah, mother did say that father was going to visit.' Said man immediately went towards her, reaching out and hugging her as tightly as he could.

"I am glad that you're alright." Airla is fortunate to have such loving parents. If it was other parents (from how Yuliva's parents reacted when they found out that their child have gained magic) they would have first reacted to the situation of having magic. How... they are not so different from others any longer.

Seeing how Airla's parents reacted made her... warm. She is starting to see them as her own parents.

"I am happy to see you as well, father." She said, hugging back. She did promise Airla that she is going to take care of her parents for her so... if she was going to keep that promise then she would have to treat them as her own.

"I hope that you are feeling well. If not, I will have the magician to leave and come back another day." She shook her head in answer, not wanting to prolong the headache that it's going to leave her if she held it for too long. If she is going to be declared as some 'genius', let it be right now.

"I am ready, father. You do not have to worry." Her father smiled, helping her to stand up from her bed and guiding her towards the direction on where the magician is waiting for her. Her mother is following them, just right behind her.

"I know how much this means to you now that you have magic of your own. I pray that the Goddess may give you the best of what she can, but I know that you are just happy with what you have been given." Her father said, staring at her with so much love in his eyes.

"I pray that you will be happy with what you have. I hope that you know that you will never disappoint us no matter what magic you are going to have." Her mother said, following up on what her father said. She smiled knowingly; both her parents are NOT going to believe what her magic will be.

"Of course, mother, father. I am sure that whatever the Goddess gave me is enough for me."