Chapter XI

At the mention of the news, Jilliana recovered from her shock and have regained the smile that she has when she first have seen her. The third prince, on the other hand, looked unsure if he even wants to continue what they were going to say.

'He's aware of the power that I am holding right now.' Not only does she carry the power from her family's name, but there is also a huge possibility that she would also have the church behind her; not as a saintess but something close to a priestess.

A show of how the Goddess have given miracles.

"A-Actually... we are here-" The third prince was cut off by Jilliana yelping and suddenly dropping the cup of tea that was served to them before she could even enter the room.

"This tastes bitter! Is this the way that you treat your guests here? It is well-known that I do not do much with bitter tea..." With the way Jilliana said it, she is showing as if she was the one who ordered the servants to give her the bitterest tea that they could have in order to disrespect her. What a load of bullshit if you ask her...

'That is... something that I expect from the ladies of the court.' She has faced a lot of situations like these, and most of the time it would end up with two families swearing rivalry to each other. All because of stupid reasons like these...

"Forgive me, Lady Jilliana. We must have switched teas. I am quite fond of bitter teas so we might have switched." No, the heck, they didn't. She tapped her tea, using her magic to sweeten up the tea that she has right in front of her. She took the tea from Jilliana and promptly drank it before she could even react.

"Hm, it doesn't even taste that bitter. Though, it is quite bitter for children's taste..." She could see Jilliana's face turning a bit red. She just insinuated that she did not even grew up and just stayed as a child. Good, good... you ARE literal children.

"I-I'm sure that it is bitter! You just have a different taste in teas."

"I surely must have. I have switched from calming, and as you have said, bitter teas the minute that I have reached eighteen." It is clear in the nobility's society that women who would prefer to drink much unsweetened tea is shown to be mature and have grown up well. On the opposite, women who announce to others that they prefer sweetened tea would be seen as childish and immature.


"I..." Speechless for the first time, and not knowing how to continue the conversation, Jilliana looked like she just gave up for this subject and proceeded to drank her tea.

"As I was saying before I was interrupted," the third prince Nicolas said, slightly glaring at Jilliana. He must have been here to announce his choice to break up their engagement to her, which she would instantly say that he is too late since she have taken care of it much earlier than he did.

And the way that he glared at Jilliana? Nuh uh, he have just shown another reason why it is better for her to marry someone else other than him. Anybody BUT him.

"I am here to talk to you about my decision. I... have decided to break up my engagement with you and take Jilliana as my fiance." There it is. It's her time to shine then. She smiled warmly, the news and her tea calming her down as she knew that she has the upper hand at this point.

Of course, the prince and Jilliana are confused. Why would she be smiling when they told their decision (oh she knows it was their decision, pushed by Jilliana's parents and other nobles) of breaking the engagement?

'They must have thought that I would burst out on them, proceeding to use this as a way to destroy my reputation more.' Well, they were dead wrong with what they thought. This time, the Airla that they knew will never be taken advantage of ever again.

They stayed in silence for five minutes, her never breaking out of the smile and looking like she was just enjoying her tea, while the other two started getting irritated more and more as the minutes passed by.

Someone broke the silence, but it wasn't her.

"Don't you have anything to say?" It was the third prince, who was waiting for her to scream and shout, telling him to change his decision or even trying to use the relationship that she has with his parents. Tough luck though because she just finished a letter to her new fiance, who she knew would never treat her the way he did.

"Well... what am I suppose to say, your highness?" Back to the old honorifics it is, which shows that she has acknowledged their decision and will no longer stop them from doing anything. Besides, by this time, the engagement will officially be written in paper to be broken off, so there isn't much to say.

"Aren't you mad that the prince have suddenly decided to do something like this?" It seems that even Jilliana is aware that this decision is brash and so inappropriate. But since he IS a royal prince, there isn't much that she could say... or couldn't she? Well, her family's power and wealth is something else but she'll not use it right now so...

They'll never know.

"Who am I to dictate his highness' decision? If he is in love with you then there is nothing that I could do." Both the Jilliana's and the prince's servants are as confused as they are. Her reputation of being a villainess is not limited to the nobility of course, it would also be known by their servants.

Half of the things that have cultivated in her evil reputation is because of the servants helping the nobles and Jilliana, though she does not blame them so much since they are just doing what their master have ordered them.

"This is... rather unexpected." A servant muttered nearby her, which she pretended not to hear. On the other hand, her own servants are radiating with joy and pride, which she wished they could turn off since well...

"It is settled, then? We will break off our engagement." The minute that the prince said, her father came opening the door, his aura threatening and rather scary to those that do not know him well. And she is sure that the third prince and Jilliana does not.

"There is no need, young prince. Your engagement has been broken since this morning." Her father showed the letter to the third prince, announcing that their engagement is now officially broken. She does not know if what she saw on the third prince's face is doubt or relief, but she was sure it was one of those two.

Now that she is a free woman...

Oh wait. She's not.

"And who would be her new fiance as stated in the letter?" It is normal for a woman to immediately have another engagement after the first one is broken. It seems that she underestimated her father's willingness to adhere to her decision and have even talked it out with the young Duke and his parents.

"Adiran Mort."

At the mention of the young Duke's name, a giggle burst out of Jilliana. Airla raised her hand to stop her father from doing anything to the girl, knowing him he would have started to immediately lash out his tongue to the wicked blonde.

"It is rather unfitting for a noble lady to laugh at another noble, especially one with a higher standing than her." She said, not really looking directly at Jilliana as if to show that she does not see her reaction as anything worthwhile to react to.

"A-Ah... I am sorry. Please do forgive me for reacting that way to Duke Adiran Mort." Still her eyes show something different than what she is saying. But, she could let it slide at the moment. After all, she would not be ready by the incoming revelations about the person that she have set up for a very long time.

"Forgiven. But if I hear you say something like that again..." The threat hangs in the air. The third prince, apparently having enough of having everything not play according to his plan, gritted his teeth at what she just said.

"You do not have the right to threaten the future Queen of this kingdom. Show some respect to her." Oh, how romantic~ protecting his bride-to-be against his ex-fiance! Foolish statements though so...

"Oh, are you saying that you are going to be King then? That is rather a bold statement since the King and Queen have not yet decided. Are you putting the words on your parents' mouths?" She signaled Angelica to come and pour her some more tea, which she knows the maid understands as a show of power.

As of the moment, the third prince Nicolas is only third in line to the throne. And this statement that was heard by the Duke, herself, and the servants inside the room, is a possibility of a threat or a murder on the way.

'Are you saying that you are going to do any means necessary to become King? Does that mean that you are going to... kill?'

This is why everyone should be careful by the words they speak. After all, words can still manifest some kind of destiny.