Intermission 1: Lord Ishizuka (last part)

One week (eight days) later, the food distributed in Van included a dumpling

made with the root of the beguiling lily (lily root for short).

"We are distributing lily root dumplings here, yes," said Poncho.

Poncho, the Minister for the Food Crisis himself, stood at the distribution site,

personally handing out lily root dumpling soup to the people of Van. The food crisis

had affected Amidonia deeply, so the people of Van lined up with pots in hand to

take their soup ration home with them. In addition to the soup being distributed,

there was also some on hand for tasting, and he was serving it to the people who had

lined up for it.

"It really warms you up," said one woman. "This is better than I expected."

"The soup itself has a nice flavor to it," another agreed. "I think it was called miso,


"These dumplings, I bet they'd taste good fried, too, huh?" a third commented.

"I'd love to try cooking them myself."

As housewives of Van were talking, Poncho called out to them. "W-We have lily

root dumplings that you can take home here, too. I would very much like for you to

bring them back with you and let your family try them, yes."

When Poncho held up a bag filled with lily root dumplings, a gleam flashed

through housewives' eyes. Then, before he knew it, Poncho was surrounded by the


"My, how considerate," said one. "It's a big help, young man."

"You, you're one of that king's personal retainers, right?" another asked. "Do you

already have someone special to you?"

"Ah. No, I haven't even considered marriage..." The moment Poncho said that,

clearly flustered, there was a gleam in the housewives' eyes.

"Why, splendid! My daughter is a sweet girl, you know," said one woman. "Maybe

you'd like to take her off my hands?"

"Hey, no fair!" another protested. "If you take a wife, it should be my daughter!

She has good birthing hips, like me, so I can promise she'll give you a healthy baby!"

"If she went to live with a portly fellow like yourself, I wouldn't have to worry

about her going hungry," another added.

...And, before he knew it, they were already trying to set Poncho up with a wife.

When they heard all the noise, some of the young ladies even volunteered

themselves for the position.

"He's one of the king's favorites, isn't he?" a young woman asked. "Sounds like a

keeper to me."

"It's a chance to marry into money," another agreed. "Yes, yes! Sign me up for


The next thing he knew, Poncho was being swarmed by women young and old

alike. Souma had just recently shown them that it was okay to express themselves,

so the women were very forthright with their emotions. For Poncho, who was not

used to this sort of attention, he had no idea what to do and was standing there

nervously, when...

"What are you doing, Sir Poncho?"

...someone called out to him with a voice that wasn't loud, but which carried well.

When the many women looked towards the voice, they saw a beautiful woman in

a maid outfit with a ladle in her hand. Seeing the maid's stunning beauty, the women

gulped despite themselves.

Then, of all things, that maid walked over to Poncho, wrapping herself around his

thick arm. "I've come here at His Majesty's request to assist you with your work

because you're so shy, you know? Do you mean to slack off while I'm working for


The moment after she said that, Serina cast a glance at the crowd of women.

Serina wasn't glaring at them, precisely, but they felt intimidated by her beautiful


What's a beauty like her doing next to a tubby guy like him?! they thought.

They were even arm-in-arm. Could it be they were in a scandalous relationship?

Paying no mind to the women's feelings, Serina shot Poncho a meaningful glance.

"Do be sure that you make this up to me later. I won't be satisfied with doing it just

once tonight."

Whaa?! The ladies gasped at Serina's suggestive words.

By the way, the thing that Serina wasn't going to be satisfied only doing once that

night was taste-testing Poncho's experimental dishes. Serina had become

enraptured with the dishes Poncho made based on the B-grade cuisine from the

world Souma came from. In other words, she was saying she wouldn't be satisfied

taste-testing only one dish.

Poncho correctly understood what she meant, and he said, "Y-Yes! I will get right

back to work, yes!" and returned to his job distributing food.

Serina gave an indifferent shrug, then turned and gave the women an elegant

bow before following after Poncho.

The women could only watch as the two of them left, feeling like they had been

tricked somehow.

...Well, while there were some troubles, the lily root dumplings were delicious

both fried and boiled, which did a lot to calm and soothe the hearts of the occupied


The culture of eating lily roots spread to Van, and Poncho Ishizuka Panacotta,

who had distributed the dumplings to them personally, became respected almost in

a godlike way by the housewives of Van, who came to call him "Lord Ishizuka."

Perhaps, someday, he would have shrines built to worship him, like the Billiken.